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Why is this happening to my squash plants?? Toplef10Why is this happening to my squash plants?? 1zd3ho10

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Why is this happening to my squash plants?? I22gcj10Why is this happening to my squash plants?? 14dhcg10


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Why is this happening to my squash plants?? Toplef10Why is this happening to my squash plants?? 1zd3ho10

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Why is this happening to my squash plants?? I22gcj10Why is this happening to my squash plants?? 14dhcg10

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Why is this happening to my squash plants??

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Why is this happening to my squash plants?? Empty Why is this happening to my squash plants??

Post  seppy13 5/24/2010, 4:39 pm

Does anyone know what might be causing the leaves on my butternut squash plants to shrivel up like this? The second picture is a zucchini plant that is turning yellow, not sure if it is related. All of my other plants are doing fine so far.

Why is this happening to my squash plants?? Img_1821
Why is this happening to my squash plants?? Img_1823

Male Posts : 7
Join date : 2010-04-19
Location : Northern New Jersey

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Why is this happening to my squash plants?? Empty Re: Why is this happening to my squash plants??

Post  camprn 5/24/2010, 5:44 pm

How often are you watering those babies?

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Why is this happening to my squash plants?? Empty Re: Why is this happening to my squash plants??

Post  seppy13 5/24/2010, 6:55 pm

Once a night if it doesn't rain. I dug down and the soil seems pretty moist, should I be watering them more often?

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Why is this happening to my squash plants?? Empty Re: Why is this happening to my squash plants??

Post  junequilt 5/24/2010, 6:59 pm

What is that mulch you're using?

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Why is this happening to my squash plants?? Empty Re: Why is this happening to my squash plants??

Post  camprn 5/24/2010, 7:02 pm

I was thinking, perhaps, maybe letting them go with out water for a day or 2, see how they fare... that's what my gut says anyway. Rolling Eyes

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Why is this happening to my squash plants?? Empty Re: Why is this happening to my squash plants??

Post  seppy13 5/24/2010, 7:08 pm

I hope that wasn't a huge mistake on my part...I was a little short on Mel's Mix, so I added some hardwood root mulch that I had left over from doing some beds. I started mixing in some dyed mulch untill I realized that that probably wasn't a good idea and then added some un-dyed that I also had. Do you think that is the issue? And if so, any way to fix it? Thanks for your help!!

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Why is this happening to my squash plants?? Empty Re: Why is this happening to my squash plants??

Post  Chopper 5/24/2010, 8:39 pm

It could be. Why don't you water really well to wash out any dye. Then pull back the mulch immediately around the base of the plants. Then add some reliable compost and follow up with a broad spectrum feed. A good organic product or even miracle grow for veggies. See if that doesn't brighten things up over the next week.

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Why is this happening to my squash plants?? Empty Re: Why is this happening to my squash plants??

Post  seppy13 5/25/2010, 9:55 am

Thanks for the advice, I will try that and see what happens.

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Location : Northern New Jersey

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