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Good looking table top

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Good looking table top Empty Good looking table top

Post  talentetta 5/12/2015, 12:00 pm

I got a lot of good ideas from the forum, and came up with what suits me in terms of aesthetics. Using cedar fencing where it shows, and PT wood for the legs and interior structure, plus HDPE tubs that can be rotated yearly, I am very pleased. Still deciding on a suitably attractive trellis. My favorite part is the hidden screws (all from the inside) and the notched 2x4's, instead of toe nailing. Will eventually stain the wood gray, I think. 

 Good looking table top Image13

Good looking table top Image15

Female Posts : 31
Join date : 2015-02-14
Location : Prince William County, VA Zone 7a

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Good looking table top Empty Re: Good looking table top

Post  talentetta 5/12/2015, 12:02 pm

Don't know why pics are sideways! First time posting pics from iPad.

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Good looking table top Empty Re: Good looking table top

Post  sanderson 5/12/2015, 12:27 pm

Beautiful set up!


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Good looking table top Empty Re: Good looking table top

Post  yolos 5/12/2015, 1:17 pm

I turned the pictures for you.  Look at all that lush green grass.
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Good looking table top Empty Re: Good looking table top

Post  talentetta 5/12/2015, 1:42 pm

Thanks, yolos. Much easier to view! Yeah, hubby thinks mowing is enough outside work for him! Good looking table top 1280598131

Last edited by talentetta on 5/12/2015, 1:44 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo)

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Good looking table top Empty Re: Good looking table top

Post  ralitaco 5/12/2015, 11:17 pm

talentetta wrote:I got a lot of good ideas from the forum, and came up with what suits me in terms of aesthetics. Using cedar fencing where it shows, and PT wood for the legs and interior structure, plus HDPE tubs that can be rotated yearly, I am very pleased. Still deciding on a suitably attractive trellis. My favorite part is the hidden screws (all from the inside) and the notched 2x4's, instead of toe nailing. Will eventually stain the wood gray, I think.
They are VERY nice. Coming up with what suits us best is part of what makes SFG so great. I really like the detail on the corner posts, really like them. I am going to have to look at how to do that.
I would like to see some close-ups with the tubs in place. 
Also, perhaps your hubby could start a thread here on how to grow such a great lawn  Very Happy

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Post  ralitaco 5/12/2015, 11:28 pm

talentetta wrote:Don't know why pics are sideways! First time posting pics from iPad.
There's a couple of reasons that it could be. Most likely, it's an Apple thing. They use a different file structure so even though you rotate them in Windows, they still show up sideways when you post them. To resolve this you need to use a 3rd party photo editting software and rotate the photos in that software, the 3rd party software will edit/alter the file structure and they will post properly. Personally, I use Windows Photo Gallery that came with my pc.

A second reason they may be rotated is because of the way you were holding the ipad when you took the photos. If you are holding the ipad in "landscape" mode, be sure that the volume buttons are on top. Also make sure the camera app rotated when you take the picture. If you have disabled the screen rotation, then the pictures will be sideways.

Hope that helps

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Good looking table top Empty TT detail photos

Post  talentetta 5/14/2015, 9:05 pm

Thanks for the pic posting tips, rali. I had more success with the laptop and your directions. I couldn't ever get the ipad to post them upright. BTW, that green expanse of lawn is all due to the rains we get in VA. Nothing else. We visited San Diego 2 weeks ago, and I was reminded of the dry, arid surroundings we left in Turlock 13 years ago, drought notwithstanding. We love the greenness of the East, but don't especially enjoy the humidity that goes with it! I have details for cutting the wood, if anyone wants me to post that. I used 2x3 tubs from MacCourt, thru Midland Hardware online. Shipping was a bear, but still cheaper than thru Ace Hardware. I wanted HDPE, not plastic that would be more prone to freeze/cracks. Each TT is 4 x 6, with the tops set higher than the top of the legs to maximize an 8' 4x4 cut in 1/3, and raising it for ease of use.
Good looking table top Tubs10
Good looking table top Table_10
Good looking table top Leg10
Good looking table top Inside10
Now, if I just knew how to get the photos to load fully, and delete the ones that didn't so I can try again!

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Good looking table top Empty Re: Good looking table top

Post  ralitaco 5/14/2015, 9:29 pm

Thanks for posting the pics of the tubs. How deep are they? I know lots of folks use the plastic cement mixing tubs but the ones I looked at were sloped on at least one end.

As far as the grass, um there's more to it than rain. We get plenty of rain and my yard is horrid. That may have more to do with me not fertilizing, weeding, etc. About all I do is cut it when I can't see the birdbath any more.


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Good looking table top Empty Re: Good looking table top

Post  talentetta 5/14/2015, 9:37 pm

The tubs are 8" deep, and they don't slope much. By the time the MM settles, or mulch is added, you can have 6-7 1/2" deep. I can try to post the photo that shows the TT with one missing, so you can see how the tubs look in place. Did the 2 middle pics stop loading? I only see the tops.

Honestly, we don't fertilize or weed, as you can see if you are here in person! We inherited the grass when we moved in, so I don't know what it is. I need to spend time on other things, so I call it my pasture look.

Female Posts : 31
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Location : Prince William County, VA Zone 7a

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Good looking table top Empty here we go again

Post  talentetta 5/14/2015, 9:44 pm

Good looking table top Table_12

Good looking table top Leg12

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Good looking table top Empty Maybe a way to get a discount?

Post  talentetta 5/14/2015, 9:55 pm

Here's a tip: I showed up at HD in a skirt, grabbed a lumber cart, and loaded the PT wood myself (wore gloves). The cashier was so impressed he gave me 10% off, to encourage the ladies to get out there and build something. I did take him up on having a loader put it in my Sequoia. Nice savings! He was pushing the online survey, put his name on the receipt, so maybe motivated to get a good review? Happy to oblige, although I didn't mention the free discount, since that may not be company policy? Hope to see him next time! bounce

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Good looking table top Empty Re: Good looking table top

Post  boffer 5/14/2015, 10:38 pm

Ralitaco, you be sure to take a picture when you show up at HD in your skirt! yahoo

Talentetta, very nice looking TTs, and the tubs are well supported.  I swear the tubs have gotten thinner since we started experimenting with them a couple years ago.  I tried hanging them without support, and the long sides started bowing in, and the corners starting cracking from supporting all the weight.  FAIL!

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Good looking table top Empty Re: Good looking table top

Post  ralitaco 5/14/2015, 11:07 pm

boffer wrote:Ralitaco, you be sure to take a picture when you show up at HD in your skirt! yahoo
Not sure I'd do it for only a 10% discount...now if it was 20% I'd show up in a tutu.

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Good looking table top Empty Re: Good looking table top

Post  sanderson 5/15/2015, 2:20 am



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Good looking table top Empty Re: Good looking table top

Post  Tilth 5/15/2015, 9:17 pm

talentetta, nice job on the table tops. They look terrific! Way to go getting the discount too. Wink 

 Question for you. Who mows your fields? lol! They look great.

boffer and ralitaco, you guys are too funny! Good looking table top 931411784
If Ralitaco lived closer, I'd pay the 20% just to watch!

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Good looking table top Empty Re: Good looking table top

Post  walshevak 5/16/2015, 6:53 am

He's less than an hour from me.   carrot  In fact I had to go to Jacksonville yesterday and right through Hampstead.  HD never offered me a discount for pulling my own lumber and I'm a senior citizen, but I take my son or DIL and they show their military id.  10% off. Son is retired Navy.

I really like the tubs for salad growing up close to the house. In the NC coastal heat lettuce and spinach  bolt quickly and the little tubs can be planted every 3 weeks and moved into the shade to keep a supply going long after the main full sun beds are bitter and gone.  



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Good looking table top Empty Re: Good looking table top

Post  talentetta 5/17/2015, 11:54 pm

Walshevak, any chance I could use the north side of my house for summer lettuce? I don't really have shade trees.

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Good looking table top Empty Re: Good looking table top

Post  walshevak 5/18/2015, 8:48 am

talentetta wrote:Walshevak, any chance I could use the north side of my house for summer lettuce? I don't really have shade trees.

Do you anything already successfully growing in the area?  But the answer is yes.   Try putting the tub, pot, tt or whatever you are planting in at the edge of the sun/shade line cast by the house.  If you can get any very early morning sun you will have better luck, but lettuce grows pretty good in shade.  The key is to keep planting every few weeks to outrun the heat and keep it well watered.  I misted mine every morning.  Only took a minute because I was only try to grow the little tubs.  I managed 3 plantings about 4 weeks apart and got lettuce until late July.  Then I started again in Sep. and started moving the tubs out into the sunshine bit by bit for the fall garden.



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