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Eggplant Pollination by Hand??  I don't actually see any pollen.... Toplef10Eggplant Pollination by Hand??  I don't actually see any pollen.... 1zd3ho10

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Eggplant Pollination by Hand??  I don't actually see any pollen.... I22gcj10Eggplant Pollination by Hand??  I don't actually see any pollen.... 14dhcg10


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Eggplant Pollination by Hand??  I don't actually see any pollen.... Toplef10Eggplant Pollination by Hand??  I don't actually see any pollen.... 1zd3ho10

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Eggplant Pollination by Hand??  I don't actually see any pollen.... I22gcj10Eggplant Pollination by Hand??  I don't actually see any pollen.... 14dhcg10

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Eggplant Pollination by Hand?? I don't actually see any pollen....

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Eggplant Pollination by Hand??  I don't actually see any pollen.... Empty Eggplant Pollination by Hand?? I don't actually see any pollen....

Post  jymarino 7/7/2011, 11:27 am

I have hand pollinated my eggplant blossoms for the second day in a row. I swished the brush gently around the blossom multiple times but have yet to see anything resembling pollen come out. There are yellow "nodes" and a whitish "node" in the middle of them. Is eggplant pollen so small that the human eye can't see it? Any help is appreciated!

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Eggplant Pollination by Hand??  I don't actually see any pollen.... Empty Re: Eggplant Pollination by Hand?? I don't actually see any pollen....

Post  Nonna.PapaVino 7/7/2011, 12:41 pm

Being from the damp side of Oregon, I've not been that successful growing eggplants. However, this year I planted several "baby" eggplants, most in the south-facing raised bed against the house's foundation, and two in a large container on the deck, where it's quite warm from 11:00 am to dusk. (Varieties are: Japanese Dewako One Bite and Thai hybrid Tiger.) No attempts at hand pollinating, and I've not seen any insects messing about in the flowers, but an eggplant is forming on the container's Dewako; it's already showing a handsome deep purple color. Should we get a reasonable harvest, next year I shall expand my plantings on the deck to showcase these beautiful plants and their handsome lavender flowers. Suppose some Thai basil around the eggplants would be appropriate? Edible landscaping? Nonna

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Eggplant Pollination by Hand??  I don't actually see any pollen.... Empty Re: Eggplant Pollination by Hand?? I don't actually see any pollen....

Post  littlejo 7/7/2011, 8:46 pm

Most varieties of Eggplant have flowers that stay open for 24 hrs or longer.
Supposedly the flowers are made for easy pollination, anything that comes close will transfer the pollen. It may be too damp for the pollen to be dusty. I remember 'someone' telling how to dry it out?

I've seen a bee on my Ickaban eggplant, can anyone tell me, is this a bumble bee?
Eggplant Pollination by Hand??  I don't actually see any pollen.... Pic_0110

Eggplant Pollination by Hand??  I don't actually see any pollen.... Pic_0112
Thanks, Jo

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Eggplant Pollination by Hand??  I don't actually see any pollen.... Empty Re: Eggplant Pollination by Hand?? I don't actually see any pollen....

Post  camprn 7/7/2011, 10:33 pm

Yes that is a bumble bee and your eggplant is lookin' lovely! Very Happy

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