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Rolly Pollys

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Rolly Pollys  - Page 2 Empty Re: Rolly Pollys

Post  trolleydriver 5/27/2017, 4:05 pm

CN do you have wood sides on your beds?  If so what is the condition of the wood? Or maybe you have rotting wood chips on top of the soil or MM. I expect damp rotting wood will attract these critters and result in a population explosion. Just thinking and I have nothing scientific to back up those thoughts.

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Rolly Pollys  - Page 2 Empty Re: Rolly Pollys

Post  CapeCoddess 5/27/2017, 7:07 pm

I have proof. I moved a damp piece of wood that was holding some netting down and there was a whole colony living on and under it.

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Rolly Pollys  - Page 2 Empty Re: Rolly Pollys

Post  countrynaturals 5/28/2017, 12:02 am

CapeCoddess wrote:I have proof.  I moved a damp piece of wood that was holding some netting down and there was a whole colony living on and under it.
Yup, I had wood chips on top of the soil. I just read that organic mulch will draw slugs to strawberry plants, so I figured that's what brought them. 

I just upped my game. Now I really load up on the rinds every night and water them down. Then I get up super early in the morning to get rid of them all. Since my beds are so far off the ground, there must be an end to it somewhere. They must have come in with some dirt or compost. I can't imagine they could find their way from the outside world to my beds that are 3' off the ground. Shocked I have already gotten rid of all organic matter and cut off all leaves that touched the ground. I'm re-using old peat pots to plant seeds I wanted to direct sow and I still haven't figured out what to do about my daikons. Sad

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Post  sanderson 5/28/2017, 3:40 am

They crawl up my 2' tall table tops. But I sprinkle Sluggo Plus when I set out the seedlings, or even just before I set them out. Wink


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Rolly Pollys  - Page 2 Empty Re: Rolly Pollys

Post  countrynaturals 5/25/2019, 11:53 am

countrynaturals wrote:
sanderson wrote:Shocked  Wow!  Do you pick the rind and critters up and throw away?
I throw it all into the compost for chickens to play with. Twisted Evil I thought it was all over, but Katie had some fresh melon rinds to get rid of, so I put them out last night. This morning they're loaded again. Sad I don't know how they ever found this waist-high bed and now I'm starting to believe there's a never-ending supply of these creeps. I WANT MY GARDEN BACK! WAAAAA!  Rolly Pollys  - Page 2 671790
Things are even worse this year. When I wrote this, I only saw them if I baited them or looked in the right place at the right time. Now, when I go into the Salad Bar anytime, they scatter like roaches in a tenement when you turn on the lights. It's time for drastic action. I'll get the Sluggo Plus this weekend and see if I can save my beautiful Salad Bar. Sad

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Rolly Pollys  - Page 2 Empty Re: Rolly Pollys

Post  donnainzone5 5/25/2019, 12:03 pm


I'm sure that Sluggo Plus will solve your problem, and it's certainly easy to apply.  It takes only a small amount, too!

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Rolly Pollys  - Page 2 Empty Re: Rolly Pollys

Post  countrynaturals 5/25/2019, 2:57 pm

donnainzone5 wrote:Suz,

I'm sure that Sluggo Plus will solve your problem, and it's certainly easy to apply.  It takes only a small amount, too!
YIKES! I think I may have almost made a fatal error!

There are a pair of small, tan lizards that make their home in the Salad Bar. They love to jump out and scare me when I garden, but I get the last laugh when I water. Twisted Evil  I realized during this morning's games that Sluggo might do something terrible to them, so I guess I'll just have to learn to live with rollies and slugs or go back to the melon trap semi-solution. Mad

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Post  donnainzone5 5/25/2019, 3:09 pm


This information may be helpful.  It does refer to salamanders, although apparently no testing on such creatures has been done.  However, at 1t. per square yard. it's hard for me to imagine that it would be harmful.


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Rolly Pollys  - Page 2 Empty Re: Rolly Pollys

Post  countrynaturals 5/25/2019, 5:55 pm

donnainzone5 wrote:Suz,

This information may be helpful.  It does refer to salamanders, although apparently no testing on such creatures has been done.  However, at 1t. per square yard. it's hard for me to imagine that it would be harmful.

Q: I had more California slender salamanders before I used Sluggo. Do you think it is killing them?
A: After iron phosphate (not with EDTA) proved "practically nontoxic" to birds and fish, tests on other nontargeted creatures were waived, so effects on amphibians were presumed minimal and not studied.
My lizards are a little different, but I'm not taking any chances. Thanks for the info, Donna.

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