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First year SFG progress pics! I22gcj10First year SFG progress pics! 14dhcg10


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First year SFG progress pics! I22gcj10First year SFG progress pics! 14dhcg10

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First year SFG progress pics!

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First year SFG progress pics! Empty First year SFG progress pics!

Post  fustian 5/26/2011, 11:48 pm

This is my first year doing any sort of gardening, and although I've had some problems with my soil nitrogen being very low, I'm happy with what I've got so far.

Our frost date was May 15th, so most of my plants are still pretty small, but I'm excited to share!

Garden overview:
First year SFG progress pics! G910

Garlic (with some tomatoes at the back):
First year SFG progress pics! G211

Leaf lettuce and arugula (which has been sadly decimated by flea beetles) with cucumbers and zucchini at the back (which will be trellised, just not yet). I'm successively planting quite a few crops, so you can see the lettuce is in several different stages of development.

First year SFG progress pics! G310

Big leafy broccoli, some pepper transplants I bought today, onions, and some tomatoes.
I grew most of the tomatoes and all of the broccoli from seed.

First year SFG progress pics! G410

Onions, carrots, broccoli and tomatoes.
First year SFG progress pics! G510

More broccoli, pepper plants, herbs and tomatoes.
First year SFG progress pics! G610

Herbs (basil, tarragon, and oregano) tomatoes, and onions.
First year SFG progress pics! G7110

Peas and beans (again, succession planting beans here)
First year SFG progress pics! G810

I've also got one more box with carrots, basil, and tomatoes in it, but I forgot to take a picture.

Anyhow, I'm very happy that things seem to be progressing. I'm looking forward to some great produce later this summer cheers

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Age : 49
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Post  squaredeal 5/26/2011, 11:58 pm

Very impressive! Love those healthy tomatoes...you'll have them before I will!

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Post  Furbalsmom 5/27/2011, 12:15 am

WOW, and this is your first year gardening of any type?

It just goes to show you, this is a simple method that can be amazingly successful for anyone that is willing to follow the basics: grids, location, spacing and the most important thing, Mel's Mix. I know you originally had trouble with your Mel's Mix due to a lack of variety in your compost and nitrogen depletion, but you have taken steps to correct that issue and it shows.

Here's to a bountiful harvest. cheers

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First year SFG progress pics! Empty Re: First year SFG progress pics!

Post  NHGardener 5/27/2011, 8:28 am

What?! You're in Canada and you're already that far along?

I am very impressed.

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Post  Tril 5/27/2011, 8:49 am


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Post  BackyardBirdGardner 5/27/2011, 8:52 am

Looks great!! Thanks for sharing. And, no worries about the nitrogen...that's the beauty of SFG. The Mel's Mix dropped on top of your existing soil took care of ANY deficiencies your dirt had.

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Post  Uprooted 5/27/2011, 10:02 am

I am very impressed -- I'm proud of my one little box I'm doing for my first year! :-)

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Post  boffer 5/27/2011, 10:24 am

Looks wonderful. You obviously worked hard to stay on top of your planting dates.

But I think you must have skipped the page where Mel suggests starting small! Wink

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First year SFG progress pics! Empty Re: First year SFG progress pics!

Post  fustian 5/27/2011, 11:52 am

Thanks for the kind words everyone!

Furbalsmom: I consider myself lucky to have caught my compost problems in time. I amended my soil with blood meal and have treated twice so far with fish emulsion. I'm so pleased I haven't had to pull out chemical fertilizers yet!

boffer: I did actually read that page, but then I thought: "Once our second baby is born in January, I'll be on maternity leave for a year (you get that in Canada), so now's my chance to really get the garden going!" Clearly I wasn't thinking properly, as being home with a three year old and a new born does not equal lots of spare time. It's a testament to the SFG method that I've been able to get so much done in the garden. I just wouldn't have had the time to do all of the weeding etc. for a traditional row garden.

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Post  shannon1 5/28/2011, 2:33 am

fustian wrote:Thanks for the kind words everyone!

Furbalsmom: I consider myself lucky to have caught my compost problems in time. I amended my soil with blood meal and have treated twice so far with fish emulsion. I'm so pleased I haven't had to pull out chemical fertilizers yet!

boffer: I did actually read that page, but then I thought: "Once our second baby is born in January, I'll be on maternity leave for a year (you get that in Canada), so now's my chance to really get the garden going!" Clearly I wasn't thinking properly, as being home with a three year old and a new born does not equal lots of spare time. It's a testament to the SFG method that I've been able to get so much done in the garden. I just wouldn't have had the time to do all of the weeding etc. for a traditional row garden.
What a fantastic garden. Heres to never having to pull out the chemical fertilizers First year SFG progress pics! 433311

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