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Soft water in the yard? (Smacking forhead) Toplef10Soft water in the yard? (Smacking forhead) 1zd3ho10

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Soft water in the yard? (Smacking forhead) I22gcj10Soft water in the yard? (Smacking forhead) 14dhcg10


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Square Foot Gardening Forum
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Soft water in the yard? (Smacking forhead) Toplef10Soft water in the yard? (Smacking forhead) 1zd3ho10

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Soft water in the yard? (Smacking forhead) I22gcj10Soft water in the yard? (Smacking forhead) 14dhcg10

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Soft water in the yard? (Smacking forhead)

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Soft water in the yard? (Smacking forhead) Empty Soft water in the yard? (Smacking forhead)

Post  jinx 6/21/2010, 1:46 pm

I discovered over the weekend that the water faucet in the back yard is hooked up through the main part of the house, which is soft water. I guess the last owner did that on purpose in order to have soft water to wash his car. I wish I had known that before, no wonder my poor garden seems to have been stunted. I now have a hose coming from the barn where we get secondary irrigation water and my garden already seems to be recovering.

As far as the fungus caused by 4 straight days of rain, I clipped all the affected leaves off and haven't seen any come back. I've also been really careful to not get to many leaves wet when possible while I water in hopes that it won't come back.

I did end up loosing one cucumber plant and one pepper to what I believe was ear wigs (crossing fingers and hissing) but hopefully I have that under control now as well.

Happy Summer Solstice everyone!

Female Posts : 99
Join date : 2010-03-02
Age : 51
Location : Northern Davis County, UT

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Soft water in the yard? (Smacking forhead) Empty Re: Soft water in the yard? (Smacking forhead)

Post  silverbug 6/21/2010, 6:08 pm

Yikes!!! That's SOOOO bad. I can't even imagine. I get upset by water softeners in general. I live in a VERY hard water state, and will never, ever get a water softener. I just can't even fathom it, and to hook up your OUTSIDE water to it? Are people really that crazy? I guess soooo....lololol. Wow. It's good you discovered that; I hope your garden recovers fully. My aunt killed her cat giving him softened water. Duh. Salt water...yah think that's safe over time? Hm....LOL. Sorry. I'm ranting.

Female Posts : 185
Join date : 2010-04-17
Age : 55
Location : Wauwatosa, WI (zone 5a)

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Soft water in the yard? (Smacking forhead) Empty Re: Soft water in the yard? (Smacking forhead)

Post  Shoda 6/21/2010, 10:39 pm

Soft water in the yard? (Smacking forhead) 926169

Sorry that happened but I am glad you discovered the problem before things got even worse.

Female Posts : 439
Join date : 2010-03-19


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Soft water in the yard? (Smacking forhead) Empty Who would've thunk?

Post  jinx 6/22/2010, 12:46 pm

We have had dry hot weather the last 4 days and it has been drying my garden out quickly so I've had to water every day. And it is unbelievable how quickly these little plants forgive. In four days with irrigation water I now have blossoms on my peas and peppers and my first little green tomatoes on both my tomato plants.

I've added updated pictures to the garden showcase and my photo album.

Female Posts : 99
Join date : 2010-03-02
Age : 51
Location : Northern Davis County, UT

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