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Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans Toplef10Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans 1zd3ho10

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Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans

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Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans Empty Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans

Post  Blackrose 6/19/2010, 9:16 pm

And something's eating my beets!

The bottom leaves on my eggplant, broccoli and bush beans are turning yellow. We have had a lot of rain here lately and I haven't had to water my garden for 2 weeks because of it. I have been a tad worried that the garden has been getting too much water. Could that be the problem??

Also, something has been nibbling on my beets. There are holes in all of the leaves. I found what looked like a little teeny tiny white caterpillar on one of the leaves tonight. I promptly squished it. Does anyone have any idea what it could be and how can I stop it from eating my beets before I get a chance to?

Here are some pics of my poor plants in case that helps anyone with a diagnosis:

Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans Img00313

Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans Img00314

Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans Img00315

Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans Img00316

Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans Img00310

And the beets:

Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans Img00311

Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans Img00312

Please help! Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans Icon_cry

Female Posts : 709
Join date : 2010-03-21
Age : 51
Location : Aurora, Ontario, Zone 5a

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Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans Empty Re: Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans

Post  camprn 6/19/2010, 11:10 pm

Egglant & others, lower leaves normal, snip them off. If you think you are watering too much, you probably are, so cut back a bit. This time of year the beet greens really start looking rough with slug holes and whatnot. If it was me I would plant more beets now. I love beets! Very Happy

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Female Posts : 14129
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Age : 62
Location : Keene, NH, USA ~ Zone 5a


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Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans Empty Re: Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans

Post  Chopper 6/20/2010, 2:34 am

I noticed you had one leaf that was yellow with green veins. I remembered it when I was reading this:

Iron (Fe)Helps in formation of chlorophyllYellow leaves; veins remain greenIron sulfate, iron chelate
I got this from: http://www.cheapvegetablegardener.com/2009/02/chemistry-of-gardening-what-nutrients.html

Female Posts : 2464
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Age : 69
Location : Warner Springs, CA USDA Zone 8a, Sunset Zone 7 (I think)


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Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans Empty Re: Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans

Post  Blackrose 6/20/2010, 7:57 am

Thank you for the responses!

Camprn: So, it is possible that the issue could be too much water? I haven't watered the garden in over 2 weeks because we've been getting a lot of rain. The soil has been really wet. My tabletop SFG has all the drainage holes that were recommended by Mel. Maybe I need more in mine with all the rain we've been having. Also, I was under the impression that you can't overwater Mel's Mix. Hmmm....

As for the beets, I don't think I have slugs. I have a tabletop SFG and I'm not sure they can climb up that high. I could be wrong. Do you think the beet roots are ok with the leaves being so destroyed?

Chopper: Thank you for the information about iron deficiencies. The plant with the yellow leaf and dark green veins is my bush bean. I did some more research based on your recommendation and found that the leaves usually start turning yellow from the top of the plant down with an iron deficiency. Maybe my plants are backwards. Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans Icon_wink

Does anyone else have any suggestions? Maybe someone else with more experience with tabletop SFG's than I do has some ideas for me. Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans 601593

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Female Posts : 709
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Location : Aurora, Ontario, Zone 5a

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Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans Empty Re: Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans

Post  camprn 6/20/2010, 8:07 am

I think that most of that yellowing at the base of your plants is probably due to leaves having exhausted themselves and are no longer making food for the plant. Good tip about the iron deficiency symptoms! Sorry about all your rain, there's not a lot you can do about it and it sounds like drainage is not the issues, which is good. No need to water if the rain is already falling from the heavens. As to the 'you cant water too much' it mostly works for the MM, but too much water can flush out nutrients from the mix. Too much water can be as bad for plants as not enough water, just my personal experience.

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Age : 62
Location : Keene, NH, USA ~ Zone 5a


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Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans Empty Re: Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans

Post  Blackrose 6/20/2010, 8:37 am

I'll be heading out to the garden to snip off those yellowing leaves as soon as I can get these kiddos dressed and fed. Leaves turning yellow on eggplant, broccoli and bush beans Icon_biggrin

My DH did some research last night and was worried about the abundance of rain draining the nutrients out the soil. So, he went out and side dressed the squares with some extra compost. Even if that's not the problem, I'm sure it won't hurt to add a little extra compost. Especially for the eggplant which is starting to bloom and hopefully bear some fruit.

Female Posts : 709
Join date : 2010-03-21
Age : 51
Location : Aurora, Ontario, Zone 5a

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