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Lower South April 2017

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Post  walshevak 4/3/2017, 4:49 pm

Sad Sad.  Doctor has put me on a low carb diet which means limited veggies and even less fruit.  Somehow, growing much in the way of veggies just isn't in me right now.  I have some super hot peppers and lots of tomato plants started so I will plant them outside, but I just can't get up enough enthusiasm to do any more since I can't eat much.   So this year will be a time to redo the rotting boards of my existing beds and build up the compost pile.  If this works to correct some problems, then a fall garden may be in my plans.
What's going on in the rest of the region?


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Post  CapeCoddess 4/3/2017, 5:05 pm

Oh no! I didn't realize low carb meant less veggies (thinking of my beloved leafy greens, brassicas and salads). I thought it was about limiting grains.
That's just sad. Sad Is your health OK?

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Post  walshevak 4/3/2017, 6:05 pm

already have some herbs in pots including oregano and have basil and dill started.  I'm on a temporary 15 carb per day trying to jump start the situation.  Very close to diabetes and my cholesterol is high and I can't take any of the statins.  on red rice yeast and coq10 as well.  did you know most leafy greens are about 3 carbs per 1/2 cup cooked.  Me either and it is killing me.  Lettuce and celery are about the only thing I can enjoy a good sized portion.  BUT he did say this is just a temporary try and in May he will do more blood tests and see what's what.

He is hoping this next 2 months will allow me to go back to a much higher carb count.  

My beds need revamping anyway, so this is a good time to work on that.



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Post  sanderson 4/4/2017, 2:05 pm

I also didn't realize how many carbs were in greens. Shocked I just bought a used copy on eBay.


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Post  ralitaco 4/5/2017, 12:22 am

Wow Kay, That is a really low amount of carbs. I am a type 2 diabetic and they recommend I consume no more that 45 carbs per day. Of course, don't be like me; actually do what the doctor says and you will probably be better off.

Here is a website I just found where you click on the veggie and it opens a page with the nutritional info. https://www.verywell.com/low-carb-vegetables-list-2242530

Now with all this said, if it is only for the next 2 months, you could plant some things that have a longer grow time. I know I find myself trying to plant the seeds that go to harvest the quickest.
Of course, taking time to redo the beds is a great use of the time too.

As for what I'm doing, I'm trying to make/find the time to prep the beds for spring seed plantings. I have nowhere to start seeds indoors so I have to sow them directly. I have my seeds from praxxus (sp?), the guy on you tube that gives away seeds. I have poblano peppers, Rapunzel cherry toms, and buttercrunch lettuce seeds from him.

I have to add some compost to the beds. Finish sifting my cold pile #1, turn what has become my cold pile #2 which I will probably add leaves, decide what I want to plant and where. Plus I have some artichoke seeds but realized they are bushes so I need to find somewhere for them too.

Then there are the stumps I want to remove, the fence I want to build, the greenhouse I want to erect and the glasshouse my DW wants.

Oh I almost forgot, I have to help my mother with her beds.
So if anyone gets bored, come on over.

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Post  sanderson 4/5/2017, 3:16 pm

RT, Thanks for that link. I bookmarked it.


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Post  mschaef 4/8/2017, 7:46 am

Hello Kay! Sorry to hear that your health isn't that great. My doctors are in debate whether to put me on low carbs, gluten free, dairy free or just fruit and veggieis as my stomach muscle keeps freezing. I just ignore them all and eat mostly fruits and veggies and when my stomach starts to freeze go to liquids for a few days to get it working again.

Enough with the wonderful health that we are dealt and on with the gardening. Last weekend my hubby and oldest son build me a 3x10 foot box and filled it for me. While I got my seeds started indoor. I know I'm a bit late to be starting seeds but with my growing season so long I figured it will all even out in the end. I also have started some heirloom tomatoes and peppers seeds for my hubby's boss. Just about all have sprouted and its only been a week. My plan is to plant out the beginning of May with my plant. Hope that they will be strong enough to combat the many squirrels, birds, and chipmunks in our backyard.
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Post  walshevak 4/8/2017, 5:03 pm

Talked to the doc and he said 3 weeks at 10 carbs should have given everything a a boost and to raise the carbs to 20 until he does the tests in May.  Yes, a few more veggies.



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Post  walshevak 5/30/2017, 8:20 am

Up date on the carb issue.  Blood tests came back with encouraging results.  Sugar levels are down and cholesterol dropped by over 50 points.  And I lost 10 lbs.  Doc upped carbs to 25 a day unless I stop losing weight, then it's back down to 20 which is the Atkins diet levels.  He wants a some more weight to come off to see if the blood pressure will sustain without pills.  He already told me to cut to 1/2 dose on days I'll be working outside in the heat/humidity.  I still am aiming for another 21 years.    I think 95 will be a good age if I can stay mobile.



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Post  CapeCoddess 5/30/2017, 1:23 pm

Well done, Kay! 95 and a good quality of life sounds great to me. Personally I'm looking at 104 like my Grandma.
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Post  Scorpio Rising 5/30/2017, 8:52 pm

walshevak wrote:Up date on the carb issue.  Blood tests came back with encouraging results.  Sugar levels are down and cholesterol dropped by over 50 points.  And I lost 10 lbs.  Doc upped carbs to 25 a day unless I stop losing weight, then it's back down to 20 which is the Atkins diet levels.  He wants a some more weight to come off to see if the blood pressure will sustain without pills.  He already told me to cut to 1/2 dose on days I'll be working outside in the heat/humidity.  I still am aiming for another 21 years.    I think 95 will be a good age if I can stay mobile.

you rock That is great news!  Keep up the good work!
Scorpio Rising
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Post  BeetlesPerSqFt 5/30/2017, 9:14 pm

walshevak wrote:Up date on the carb issue.  Blood tests came back with encouraging results.  Sugar levels are down and cholesterol dropped by over 50 points.  And I lost 10 lbs.  Doc upped carbs to 25 a day unless I stop losing weight, then it's back down to 20 which is the Atkins diet levels.  He wants a some more weight to come off to see if the blood pressure will sustain without pills.  He already told me to cut to 1/2 dose on days I'll be working outside in the heat/humidity.  I still am aiming for another 21 years.    I think 95 will be a good age if I can stay mobile.

Thanks for sharing your success! We're rooting for you (and they're low carb roots)!

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Post  sanderson 5/31/2017, 4:07 pm

Wonderful news, Kay.  Lower South April 2017 3170584802 (no carb beer!)


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Post  newbeone 6/2/2017, 12:52 pm

Great News Kay! Keep it up must be all that hard work reworking your beds.

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