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Latex Paint - Yes or No? I22gcj10Latex Paint - Yes or No? 14dhcg10


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Latex Paint - Yes or No? Toplef10Latex Paint - Yes or No? 1zd3ho10

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Latex Paint - Yes or No? I22gcj10Latex Paint - Yes or No? 14dhcg10

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Latex Paint - Yes or No?

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Latex Paint - Yes or No? Empty Latex Paint - Yes or No?

Post  rabbithutch 3/11/2014, 3:15 pm

Having experienced numerous delays in getting my beds put together (including what might be rhadomyolosis  Evil or Very Mad  ),  I am at the point of assembly.  I ordered some raw linseed oil weeks back but they shipped boiled linseed oil, which I had to ship back.  I am supposed to receive my raw linseed oil next week.  I will use it to coat the inner sides of my TT beds, but 'er indoors likes to see things painted and neat.  I have some exterior latex paint left over from painting trim on the house.  It is green color that I thought might complement growing plants.

I have never read or heard of latex paint being harmful, nor do I think it would be if used on the sides of boards that do not contact the MM. 

Does anyone have any experience with painting their beds?  Any knowledge of the toxicity or non-toxicity of latex paint?

Keeping the spouse happy is very important, but I would hate to put all this time and effort into growing table veg only to discover I made a horrible mistake.


 Latex Paint - Yes or No? 3170584802

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Location : central TX USA Zone 8a

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Latex Paint - Yes or No? Empty Re: Latex Paint - Yes or No?

Post  meatburner 3/11/2014, 3:18 pm

Won't hurt a thing.  Take a pic when you're done.   Latex Paint - Yes or No? 3170584802

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Latex Paint - Yes or No? Empty Re: Latex Paint - Yes or No?

Post  sanderson 3/11/2014, 3:30 pm

Dear Rabbit, Yes, you can paint the outsides and top rims with latex paint. However, to save a marriage, please check with 'er indoors regarding the green paint. Make sure she agrees! I use teal blue and purple for tables and benches in the back yard. My boxes' exteriors and top rims are clear sealed with an oil-based (toxic) stain that makes the pine look like cedar and redwood to match the fence and lattice work.

Check out the colors that Jennifer's kids picked out:


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Latex Paint - Yes or No? Empty Re: Latex Paint - Yes or No?

Post  rabbithutch 3/11/2014, 3:44 pm

sanderson wrote:Dear Rabbit,  Yes, you can paint the outsides and top rims with latex paint.  However, to save a marriage, please check with 'er indoors regarding the green paint.  Make sure she agrees!  I use teal blue and purple for tables and benches in the back yard.  My boxes' exteriors and top rims are clear sealed with an oil-based (toxic) stain that makes the pine look like cedar and redwood to match the fence and lattice work.

Check out the colors that Jennifer's kids picked out:


The color choice was MLW's.  LOL

I loved the colors the kids chose but Mom ain't gonna go for it.

Thanks for the suggestion.  I hadn't thought of using a stain sealer.  Will have to look into that.

Male Posts : 293
Join date : 2014-02-08
Location : central TX USA Zone 8a

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Latex Paint - Yes or No? Empty Re: Latex Paint - Yes or No?

Post  sanderson 3/11/2014, 8:00 pm

I wasn't suggesting you stain them!  Very Happy 

My stain is from OSH: Superdeck Transparent stain, #1910 Natural. It gives a pale golden-red cast, like raw cedar and redwood.

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Latex Paint - Yes or No? Empty Re: Latex Paint - Yes or No?

Post  camprn 3/12/2014, 7:17 am

A few years ago this question came up and there was a member here who knew how to use paint She said make sure it was an exterior paint and to paint all surfaces, inside and out.


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


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