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Fall Garden is in the forecast I22gcj10Fall Garden is in the forecast 14dhcg10


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Fall Garden is in the forecast Toplef10Fall Garden is in the forecast 1zd3ho10

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Fall Garden is in the forecast I22gcj10Fall Garden is in the forecast 14dhcg10

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Fall Garden is in the forecast

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Fall Garden is in the forecast Empty Fall Garden is in the forecast

Post  Jay Bird 8/29/2011, 2:38 pm

My fall planting date is Sept 10th, We plan on transplanting tom seedlings to the greenhouse Spt 3rd but the balance of the fall crop will go outside on the 10th ,, the weather has finally broken and looks like we wont get over 100 any more after this weekend,

Side note, Bobcat is killing chickens and Giuneas , we couldnt figure out what was getting them until this past Sunday when I witnessed the attack , the cat wasnt successful this time but I am sure it is the culprit, so now plastic chicken wire is going up outside the hot fence to keep the girls in and out of the woods and I wil be keeping a steady vigil in the dawn and dusk hours with my trusty .38 in hand.

Happy gardening!
Jay Bird
Jay Bird

Male Posts : 228
Join date : 2010-04-07
Age : 60
Location : Mount Vernon Texas

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Fall Garden is in the forecast Empty Re: Fall Garden is in the forecast

Post  FarmerValerie 8/29/2011, 2:47 pm

JayBird, did you get any rain this AM, it's still raining here in Texarkana, and the chickens are ALL OVER the yard, feasting on worms as they come to the surface.

Female Posts : 1611
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Location : NE Texas, 75501, Zone 8a


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Fall Garden is in the forecast Empty Re: Fall Garden is in the forecast

Post  AprilakaCCIL 8/31/2011, 11:15 pm

Something already happen to my lettuce (all leaves gone). Maybe it's too hot or a mighty bug got em'.

Dunno, but so far that's the happening's for my Fall garden so far. Fall Garden is in the forecast 950477

Female Posts : 219
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Fall Garden is in the forecast Empty Re: Fall Garden is in the forecast

Post  BackyardBirdGardner 9/1/2011, 8:43 am

I wish I could run around with a .38! I could solve some of the world's problems pretty quickly.....

I think I'd start with the squirrels. Then, I may have had so much fun I'd likely move onto the neighborhood sticklers. Twisted Evil

Male Posts : 2710
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Fall Garden is in the forecast Empty Re: Fall Garden is in the forecast

Post  AprilakaCCIL 9/1/2011, 10:52 am

BackyardBirdGardner wrote:I wish I could run around with a .38! I could solve some of the world's problems pretty quickly.....

I think I'd start with the squirrels. Then, I may have had so much fun I'd likely move onto the neighborhood sticklers. Twisted Evil

Your more then welcome to come on down with your happy self to my neighborhood. I need you to blast away some corn ear-worms and whatever else it is eating my veggies. Evil or Very Mad I promise loads of fun for you. Laughing

Female Posts : 219
Join date : 2011-06-30
Age : 50
Location : Zone 7b

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Fall Garden is in the forecast Empty solar night guards

Post  elwowee 9/5/2011, 1:27 am

Jay Bird wrote:My fall planting date is Sept 10th, We plan on transplanting tom seedlings to the greenhouse Spt 3rd but the balance of the fall crop will go outside on the 10th ,, the weather has finally broken and looks like we wont get over 100 any more after this weekend,

Side note, Bobcat is killing chickens and Giuneas , we couldnt figure out what was getting them until this past Sunday when I witnessed the attack , the cat wasnt successful this time but I am sure it is the culprit, so now plastic chicken wire is going up outside the hot fence to keep the girls in and out of the woods and I wil be keeping a steady vigil in the dawn and dusk hours with my trusty .38 in hand.

We had probs with fox, hawk, bob cat eating our chickens....so, we bought a dog and beefed up fencing...which helped...then bought four solar night guards...and pointed one in each direction at various heights. The units are solar powered, trouble free...and emit and interrupted red light...which so far, has kept ALL kinds of critters out of my back yard...and made the German Shepherd's job easier. Not losing chickens any longer. (fingers crossed.) I read up on the devices here: http://www.niteguard.com/
Shopped around and found a slightly better deal on amazon. good luck....elwo


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Location : Georgia

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