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Lavender Debs
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Post  SteveWiss 6/1/2010, 10:16 am

First year for SFG and want to do it right.
Is there a place where it tells how many seeds to plant per square foot?
brussel sprouts
bush beans
and other vegs

Steve Wissink

Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-06-01
Location : Illinois

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Post  Lavender Debs 6/1/2010, 10:32 am

Try this.


I got there by clicking in the upper left corner of the page on an orange icon that says "SFG.COM"
Then on another orange icon that says "Help F & Q's" which brought me to the above page. Choose the plant and click on it. Brussels Sprouts are not on that page but they get about a square and a half pre plant.

Hope that helps
Lavender Debs
Lavender Debs

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Post  Chopper 6/1/2010, 10:59 am

Somewhere in my original SFG research I got the following info. On my computer I keep an SFG file on the desktop and put all my info in there, including grids of what I have planted and recommended planting dates, etc.:

Here are examples of what can be planted in each square foot:
16 carrots or radishes, onion (or 9)
9 onions, beets, peas, garlic, spinach
4 lettuce, chard, marigolds, or kohlrabi, strawberries, bush beans,
1 tomato, pepper, eggplant, broccoli, cabbage, or corn, cabbage, celery, potato
1 squash, cucumber, or melon per 2 sq.ft. (or 3ft space – zucchini)

1 per square foot: plants that are thinned or planted 12 inches apart.

4 per square foot: plants that are thinned or planted 6 inches apart.

9 per square foot: plants that are thinned or planted 4 inches apart.

16 per square foot: plants that are thinned or planted 3 inches apart.

Female Posts : 2464
Join date : 2010-05-05
Age : 69
Location : Warner Springs, CA USDA Zone 8a, Sunset Zone 7 (I think)


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Post  SteveWiss 6/1/2010, 11:09 am

Thanks for the super fast replies!!!

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Location : Illinois

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Post  mckr3441 6/1/2010, 11:45 am

Welcome Steve to the SFG Forums. Another helpful suggestion for you is to check out the Mel's book All New Square Foot Gardening. You can get it at the library or most bookstores and on line at the Foundation's website mentioned above. The book has a wealth of information in it. You would love it!

I hope you will visit the Northern and Central Midwest Forum here, too -- if you haven't already. There are lots of folks from 5a and 5b Zones and lots of good chatter.

Again Plants per square foot 396615 ,

Claire Plants per square foot Icon_flower

Certified SFG Instructor

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Age : 84
Location : Cleveland Heights, Ohio (5b)

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Plants per square foot Empty THANK YOU Chopper!!

Post  wafraggle 4/9/2011, 12:57 am

Your list was EXACTLY what I was looking for and the initial reason I signed up for the forum. Plants per square foot 109486

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Post  boffer 4/9/2011, 1:03 am

Cool! Welcome to the forum. Have you had a chance to read the ALL NEW SFG book? There's all kinds of good info in it.

Are you getting a box going this year? It's not too late to start. It's nice to see another 'rusty' gardener on the forum!

Happy gardening

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Post  buttaflie143 4/9/2011, 1:04 am

Chopper wrote:1 squash, cucumber, or melon per 2 sq.ft. (or 3ft space – zucchini).

So do you leave an empty box between plants that need 2 - 3 ft of space? :scratch:

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Post  Chopper 4/9/2011, 1:56 am

buttaflie143 wrote:
Chopper wrote:1 squash, cucumber, or melon per 2 sq.ft. (or 3ft space – zucchini).

So do you leave an empty box between plants that need 2 - 3 ft of space? :scratch:

I am not sure what you mean. Do you mean an empty square? The main thing is to adjust your spacing to the bushiness of the plant. So you might want to take the three squares in one corner for a 1 per 3 sf plant. But yes, the squares immediately adjacent to the plant that calls for more than one square would be left empty/

Female Posts : 2464
Join date : 2010-05-05
Age : 69
Location : Warner Springs, CA USDA Zone 8a, Sunset Zone 7 (I think)


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Post  shannon1 4/9/2011, 2:16 am

You can always plant those empty squares with a small fast growing veg like radishes or onion sets for green onions and you can then harvest them before the big squash or what ever needs the additional room. That way you increase your over all production. Plants per square foot 773650

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Post  wafraggle 4/9/2011, 2:24 am

boffer wrote:Cool! Welcome to the forum. Have you had a chance to read the ALL NEW SFG book? There's all kinds of good info in it.

Are you getting a box going this year? It's not too late to start. It's nice to see another 'rusty' gardener on the forum!

Happy gardening

We put together two cinder block boxes today. "Cool weather" veggie seeds going in tomorrow. Still a week to "frost date" but I'm anxious. Especially since this is our first try at SFG. Our last two years were traditional planting. First year - GREAT harvest. Last year, everything drowned.

I haven't read the book yet - too busy reading the website and dreaming of my garden. I actually just happened upon the SFG website last week and was able to convince hubby to go for it. I was hoping to find a used copy at Powell's but since it's new - no luck. I guess I'll suck it up and buy @ full-price (lol - I HATE paying full price for anything) but I REALLY want the book!

Fingers crossed that it will stop raining before 4th of July this year! One of my friends in So. Cal (near Palm Springs) had SNOW flurries on her drive home today!!!!! Weird weather everywhere so I'm not holding my breath for the rain to stop soon.

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Join date : 2011-04-09
Location : SW Washington

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Post  shannon1 4/9/2011, 3:31 am

Regarding plant spacing, look at the seed packet for where it says thin to. If thin to 12" then 1 per sf, if 6" 4per sf, if 4" 9per sf, if 3" 16per sf. hope that helps. From page 109 of "All New SFG". Plants per square foot 773650

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Location : zone 9a St.Johns county FL

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Post  Furbalsmom 4/9/2011, 4:15 am

wafraggle wrote:
boffer wrote:Cool! Welcome to the forum. Have you had a chance to read the ALL NEW SFG book? There's all kinds of good info in it.

Are you getting a box going this year? It's not too late to start. It's nice to see another 'rusty' gardener on the forum!

Happy gardening

We put together two cinder block boxes today. "Cool weather" veggie seeds going in tomorrow. Still a week to "frost date" but I'm anxious. Especially since this is our first try at SFG. Our last two years were traditional planting. First year - GREAT harvest. Last year, everything drowned.

I haven't read the book yet - too busy reading the website and dreaming of my garden. I actually just happened upon the SFG website last week and was able to convince hubby to go for it. I was hoping to find a used copy at Powell's but since it's new - no luck. I guess I'll suck it up and buy @ full-price (lol - I HATE paying full price for anything) but I REALLY want the book!

Fingers crossed that it will stop raining before 4th of July this year! One of my friends in So. Cal (near Palm Springs) had SNOW flurries on her drive home today!!!!! Weird weather everywhere so I'm not holding my breath for the rain to stop soon.

Plants per square foot 654548 wafraggle

Another new member from the PNW, glad to have you here.
Did you have any trouble finding all the ingredients for your Mel's Mix?
Plants per square foot 997193 using cinder blocks for your SFG bed. We have a couple of members that do that also.

Have fun in your garden, keep us updated and post pictures please!

Female Posts : 3138
Join date : 2010-06-10
Age : 77
Location : Coastal Oregon, Zone 9a, Heat Zone 2 :(

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Post  Cas 4/10/2011, 11:24 pm

The book is extremely helpful...unfortunately I've bought 3 of them and keep giving them away to friends!!! Was so glad to find this info after my computer crashed with all my spacing and grid info...thanks so much! Wink

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Post  shannon1 4/11/2011, 12:18 am

Cas I have an idea buy 2 more copies and donate one to the library so you can always have a copy for your self and one to loan out. Very Happy

Posts : 1695
Join date : 2011-04-01
Location : zone 9a St.Johns county FL

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