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Can Mexican oregano be propagated by cuttings? Toplef10Can Mexican oregano be propagated by cuttings? 1zd3ho10

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Can Mexican oregano be propagated by cuttings? I22gcj10Can Mexican oregano be propagated by cuttings? 14dhcg10


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Can Mexican oregano be propagated by cuttings? Toplef10Can Mexican oregano be propagated by cuttings? 1zd3ho10

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Can Mexican oregano be propagated by cuttings? I22gcj10Can Mexican oregano be propagated by cuttings? 14dhcg10

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Can Mexican oregano be propagated by cuttings?

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Can Mexican oregano be propagated by cuttings? Empty Can Mexican oregano be propagated by cuttings?

Post  iiiigardener 4/25/2013, 1:08 pm

My Mexican oregano (grown in a pot) overwintered as I kept it covered for frost but the wind got it two days ago an broke off the top two stems (each about 13 inches tall). I stripped the lower branches off and put it in water. Does anyone know if it might grow? If so, I'll do the experiment; otherwise, I'll probably strip the branches for various dishes over the next week or so. My plant is okay but really short. I think I read these plants can grow five feet tall (hence the potted version in my little yard.)

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Can Mexican oregano be propagated by cuttings? Empty Re: Can Mexican oregano be propagated by cuttings?

Post  Unmutual 4/26/2013, 12:14 pm

iiiigardener wrote:My Mexican oregano (grown in a pot) overwintered as I kept it covered for frost but the wind got it two days ago an broke off the top two stems (each about 13 inches tall). I stripped the lower branches off and put it in water. Does anyone know if it might grow? If so, I'll do the experiment; otherwise, I'll probably strip the branches for various dishes over the next week or so. My plant is okay but really short. I think I read these plants can grow five feet tall (hence the potted version in my little yard.)

First, let's make sure what you have. Mexican oregano(Lippia graveolens) is a shrub/small tree in the verbena family(Verbenaceae), and it is hardy to zone 9(I might have to try this!). It can be propagated by softwood cuttings. Softwood cuttings are new growth, and generally green. It was difficult to find anything specific(and trustworthy) about propagating this, so take this with a grain of salt. Cut off ~4" of softwood with at least one node and with some leaves. Remove all but the top 2 leaves. Cut the bottom in to a 45 degree angle. Stick the cutting in to some sterile potting mix, all the way up to just below the 2 leaves, and keep moist. Rooting hormone may be used, but I doubt it's necessary(you can also make your own 'willow water' if you have willow trees handy). It will probably take a while(months maybe), and you should probably keep the cutting in a shady place. Don't be tempted to pull the cutting out of the medium to check for roots, as these roots can be easily damaged when young. Use a clear plastic cup(or some such) if you want to be nosy(like I usually am).

If you have any unused vermiculite handy(yay SFG!), you can use that for the sterile medium.

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Can Mexican oregano be propagated by cuttings? Empty Re: Can Mexican oregano be propagated by cuttings?

Post  iiiigardener 4/26/2013, 2:27 pm

Yes, this is exactly the type of oregano that I am talking about. I also grow Greek and Italian oregano. Two stems around 13" tall of the Mexican oregano snapped off in the wind (leaving the plant around 3 inches tall.) It sounds as if I might want to use the lower portions and cut the top off to try to propagate it. I usually use the oregano fresh when I want it but I'll try freezing what I have to strip off. I absolutely have vermiculite so I will use that to grow them in.

Thanks for all the information!

Female Posts : 80
Join date : 2013-03-15
Location : McKinney, TX

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