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September in So Cal: Transition Month Toplef10September in So Cal: Transition Month 1zd3ho10

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September in So Cal: Transition Month I22gcj10September in So Cal: Transition Month 14dhcg10


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September in So Cal: Transition Month Toplef10September in So Cal: Transition Month 1zd3ho10

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September in So Cal: Transition Month I22gcj10September in So Cal: Transition Month 14dhcg10

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September in So Cal: Transition Month

southern gardener
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September in So Cal: Transition Month Empty September in So Cal: Transition Month

Post  Chopper 9/2/2012, 9:23 pm

September begins the fall planting season in earnest. The heat can always defeat us this early, but I am hoping that after this crazy hot summer we can look forward to a nice cool autumn. No science to back that up, just hoping.

Best bets for the September garden planting:

Beans, Bush
Brussel Sprouts
Squash, summer

Summer squash is practically a weed so it is still sticking in there.

I am hoping to start planting myself soon. I got a few taters out of my tater box the other day and am a little afraid to do a full harvest because it may be disappointing this time around. Btw, there are worms in my potato box and I did not put them there. Must have been in the worm castings.

My landlady has two planting boxes approx. 3X5 or so that she has agreed to let me run with. My only limit is the expense of making the gd MM from scratch again. Once is not so bad if you stay in the same place but over and over it adds up too quickly for my limited coffers. But, not really willing to skimp either.

First bit of harvest:
September in So Cal: Transition Month Aug_2810


Female Posts : 2464
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Location : Warner Springs, CA USDA Zone 8a, Sunset Zone 7 (I think)


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September in So Cal: Transition Month Empty Re: September in So Cal: Transition Month

Post  southern gardener 9/3/2012, 3:31 am

camp...exactly what are summer squash? I'd like to try and plant some stuff again, but not sure what variety would be good? thanks for any info!
southern gardener
southern gardener

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September in So Cal: Transition Month Empty Re: September in So Cal: Transition Month

Post  walshevak 9/3/2012, 4:12 am


Any of these are summer squash



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September in So Cal: Transition Month Empty Re: September in So Cal: Transition Month

Post  southern gardener 9/3/2012, 12:32 pm

walshevak wrote:http://www.johnnyseeds.com/searchNxN.aspx?SearchTerm=summer+squash

Any of these are summer squash


OK...got it! tysm! I'm gonna plant more and see if we get some. All of our summer squash was a bust over the summer, so I'll try again.
southern gardener
southern gardener

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September in So Cal: Transition Month Empty Re: September in So Cal: Transition Month

Post  Chopper 9/3/2012, 3:34 pm

Make sure you plant some zucchini. Although suseptable to some baddies, it seems to be the weediest of them all.

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Location : Warner Springs, CA USDA Zone 8a, Sunset Zone 7 (I think)


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September in So Cal: Transition Month Empty Re: September in So Cal: Transition Month

Post  Chopper 9/3/2012, 3:47 pm

Btw, this month I really do have to step down as regional host for So Cal, but will still be around the forum. FYI. I have a copy of the veggie garden master plan for what vegetables to plant when if anyone wants a copy. It is a good starting point for any month in most areas with the possible exceptions of the deserts and above 3500 feet or so. Just PM or email me and I will send the copy.

Female Posts : 2464
Join date : 2010-05-05
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Location : Warner Springs, CA USDA Zone 8a, Sunset Zone 7 (I think)


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September in So Cal: Transition Month Empty Re: September in So Cal: Transition Month

Post  larry 9/3/2012, 6:42 pm

I'm sorry that Chopper has to step down as a regional host for So Cal Sad and am glad he will be around the forum still Smile

But in his post he makes mention of a ..... "veggie garden master plan for what vegetables to plant when" ...... I ask if that "master plan" would be good for my area and he maybe not Sad but that make me wonder thinking does someone have a master plan for Illinois Zone 5b drooling

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September in So Cal: Transition Month Empty Re: September in So Cal: Transition Month

Post  RoOsTeR 9/3/2012, 6:52 pm

Larry, I believe your region is here:
There should be lot's of information about your region there. Frost dates, planting times etc. Feel free to ask questions about your region in that forum. They will most likely get the most attention there.
(and hint, hint. Just under a persons avatar and right in front of their # of posts there is a little symbol. One indicates if a member is male and one indicates if a member is female...if they've allowed this information to be public in their profiles) Very Happy
Chopper has been and excellent host. I will miss HER representing So Cal.


September in So Cal: Transition Month Logo-111
I am my gardens worst enemy.

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September in So Cal: Transition Month Empty Re: September in So Cal: Transition Month

Post  larry 9/3/2012, 7:11 pm

silly me ooooops I am so Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed

Sorry pale Chopper

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September in So Cal: Transition Month Empty Re: September in So Cal: Transition Month

Post  Chopper 9/3/2012, 7:26 pm

Haha! I have been called worse. Laughing

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Location : Warner Springs, CA USDA Zone 8a, Sunset Zone 7 (I think)


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September in So Cal: Transition Month Empty Re: September in So Cal: Transition Month

Post  No_Such_Reality 9/4/2012, 4:30 pm

I may have to give a zucchini a try and maybe some beets and carrots.

I've got a major white fly invasion wiping out my cucumbers and did a number of the Collective Farm Woman melon. Looks like they'll do the damage on the Canary melon and the Ananas D'Amerique melon.

I didn't notice and suddenly half the plant was covered in that sooty mold like dying leaves. Saw the cloud of little white flys as I was clipping dead leaves yesterday.

Will lady-bugs do a job on them. I see wikipedia lists Lacewings as predators, but my local nursery has lady bugs.

T-30 days to sweet potato harvest.

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September in So Cal: Transition Month Empty Re: September in So Cal: Transition Month

Post  lonewolfrissy 9/11/2012, 12:23 pm

Pumpkin vines seem to get to a point now where they started browning and dying. Sad I have no idea what's going on.

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September in So Cal: Transition Month Empty Re: September in So Cal: Transition Month

Post  Chopper 9/11/2012, 2:29 pm

Do you have pumpkins? If you ever notice a commercial pumpkin field by October that is what their fields look like, brown vines dotted with orange pumpkins. That said, being a vine crop it could also be a virus/fungus/bacteria which does not necessarily mean you will not get healthy pumpkins from it.

How's that for clear as mud?

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Location : Warner Springs, CA USDA Zone 8a, Sunset Zone 7 (I think)


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September in So Cal: Transition Month Empty Re: September in So Cal: Transition Month

Post  lonewolfrissy 9/11/2012, 8:58 pm

lol well, the seeds came from last year's jack o lantern. So I assume it's a commercially grown one. And no pumpkins that I can see yet. But it does have it's flowers. Why does it dot up and brown up? o.o Is it dying? D=

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September in So Cal: Transition Month Empty Re: September in So Cal: Transition Month

Post  Chopper 9/12/2012, 4:52 pm

Do you have pictures? Too hard to tell from description.

Female Posts : 2464
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Location : Warner Springs, CA USDA Zone 8a, Sunset Zone 7 (I think)


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September in So Cal: Transition Month Empty Re: September in So Cal: Transition Month

Post  lonewolfrissy 9/12/2012, 6:13 pm

I'll get pics asap!

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September in So Cal: Transition Month Empty Re: September in So Cal: Transition Month

Post  lonewolfrissy 9/17/2012, 8:43 pm

orrr not... They all pretty much died.Buuut on a happy note, I have baby hot peppers and tomatoes! Very Happy

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