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how will it work? Toplef10how will it work? 1zd3ho10

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how will it work? Toplef10how will it work? 1zd3ho10

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how will it work? I22gcj10how will it work? 14dhcg10

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how will it work?

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Post  new2this 3/27/2010, 10:26 pm

Okay - I get the whole bed cover idea...but, in the book there is a picture of a very nice little bed with a great looking trellis and a pvc cover - how do you cover the bed with trellised veggies growing in there? Don't they get squished? Do you seasoned SFG'ers use those covers with your beds that have trellises? how will it work? Icon_redface I just don't get that.

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Post  timwardell 3/27/2010, 11:05 pm

The cover is only needed during the colder months to protect seedlings. It is removed as it gets warmer. Conversely, the plants only need the trellis during the warm months when they are growing and climbing all over it.
Many SFGers leave their trellis up year-round as they are a permanent part of their raised beds. The book was illustrating how to cover a bed that happened to have a trellis attached.

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Post  rds1955 3/28/2010, 8:25 pm

I have a similar question... In the book, mel has protective cages over the beds, ie a 4 x 4 bed has a 4 x 4 chicken wire or screen protective covering...My beds are 8' long x 4' deep...My back row will have trellised veggies in it.. how does one go about protecting the last 4 or 8 ft row in their bed while still protecting the 1st 3 ft deep rows with a cover designed like Mel has in his book?

Anyone have an engineering ideas out there?... I'm thinking of doing a 8 x 3 cage, and then using deer fencing for the back one ft and draping over the trellised areas...

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Post  chocolatepop 3/28/2010, 8:29 pm

depending on what animals youre protecting your crop from, I made an open top cage.

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Post  rds1955 3/28/2010, 9:05 pm

chocolatepop wrote:depending on what animals youre protecting your crop from, I made an open top cage.

Sometimes, I think I live in a handicapped zone in my region...Such a simple, crystal clear cut, concise answer that I feel utterly stupid for even posting my question.. But I know I'm not stupid, I am just stuck in "In the Box thinking mode"..

Thank you Chocopop for your answer and idea...so simple it's brilliant....

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Post  chocolatepop 3/29/2010, 12:20 am

haa haa haa, trust me we have all been there before. I actually started with the cage type and sat there for HOURS thinking, how the h*#l is this going to work. I came home and watched my daughter playing with it trying to get it off to get to some plants... duh...

how will it work? Tracto13

this is about 1/3 of the way through the season. I cable wrapped the back fencing back on and this whole area was engulfed, it was neat!
how will it work? 28_mon18

I also made a three sided version that backed up to a trellis. I used gradient (sp) or rabbit fencing because it is larger at the top and I can reach in if need be.

I may alter some of the plan though...

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