Square Foot Gardening Forum
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Square Foot Gardening Forum
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Hello Guest!
Welcome to the official Square Foot Gardening Forum.
There's lots to learn here by reading as a guest. However, if you become a member (it's free, ad free and spam-free) you'll have access to our large vermiculite databases, our seed exchange spreadsheets, Mel's Mix calculator, and many more members' pictures in the Gallery. Enjoy.

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Post  ralitaco 3/27/2011, 6:29 pm

As I have been going through the forums looking for info on different plants: tomato, cukes, carrots, flowers, etc. I thought it might be a good idea to have a couple of forum categories devoted to the plants. You could subdivide it by Veggies, Flowers, Vining, Perennials (sp?) You could then sub divide the veggies by specific ones: Tomato, Carrot, etc.

What do you think?

Male Posts : 1303
Join date : 2010-04-04
Location : Southport , NC

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Post  boffer 3/27/2011, 6:44 pm

We've made a half dozen attempts in the past year to do just that. Forums just aren't set up to categorize and organize lots of data like that. Whatever system we came up with seemed like it would become a full time job keeping everything where it's supposed to be. We're all volunteers and want to keep time for our gardens too!

They have a lot of useful information on the SFG website; it's too bad it's so awkward to navigate.


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Post  ralitaco 3/28/2011, 12:28 pm

Thanks for the info.

Male Posts : 1303
Join date : 2010-04-04
Location : Southport , NC

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Post  westie42 3/28/2011, 1:17 pm

Good reply Boffer. That was a beautiful idea but so tough to manage. I have also wondered about having threads for canning, freezing, dehydrating and putting it up in general again tough to corral topics. I have no idea how big this forum is but it seems to be growing like a Kansas wheat burning in an Oklahoma wind. The topic bar at the left changes more often than some chat rooms do I would hate to be paying for all this bandwidth. Recently I became aware that YouTube has many paid regional monitors to keep the chaos there at a minimum. This forum looks to have untold prospects. Being new here It is like a candy store yet to me and still have not gotten very far at exploring all the organization does. It sounds like there is a significant global initiative in place to help with food production especially in deprived places. That is a world class effort deserving of much praise and support. Recently the thread "out of the box in Iowa" caught my Iowa Eyes attention and I replied because my xy works there as did our son. Dr Bourlag started the World Food Prize on a similar mission as this organization has and The World Food Prize is now a prestigious global organization. I think I can see a lot of similarity in goals with SFG and if not associated currently would be mutually benefited by one as you seem to share most interests and goals. I have been wondering just how close Mel or this organization mite be to meeting the criteria for becoming a World Food Prize Laureate recipient and the accompanying $250,000 given each year to the recipient. Just a thought but It does look hand in hand to me.

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Post  Glendale-gardener 3/28/2011, 1:27 pm

I lurk often on a forum called My Tractor Forum and they have so many categories, it's hard to figure out where to look first! Cool forum to browse through though! www.mytractorforum.com

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Post  Furbalsmom 3/28/2011, 2:50 pm

Westie42 wrote:I have also wondered about having threads for canning, freezing, dehydrating and putting it up in general again tough to corral topics
We have a forum Titled "Food and Recipes" with subsections for canning and preserving, bread, appetizers, vegetables and side dishes, as well as a few more. Check it out!

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Location : Coastal Oregon, Zone 9a, Heat Zone 2 :(

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Post  BackyardBirdGardner 3/28/2011, 3:07 pm

The "better" idea may be to get some members and/or mods to write some FAQ's over those topics that cover the questions that everyone asks in the beginning....and make it a sticky in the Welcome Mat.

I don't know which I despise more. Directing someone to a link so impersonally, or answering the same question for the 1000000000th time. :scratch:

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Post  middlemamma 3/28/2011, 7:55 pm

BackyardBirdGardner wrote:
I don't know which I despise more. Directing someone to a link so impersonally, or answering the same question for the 1000000000th time. :scratch:

We purposely have shied away from a FAQ section for that very reason, no matter the repetition, folks appreciate so much someone giving them the answer because for them, it's the first time. Smile

I have occasionally just said here is a link where we discussed that, and referenced a link, but I think we try really really hard not to and I LOVE that about us! ...it's kind of how we stay higher caliber here I think. Smile

And if you think about it eventually all the questions will be answered somewhere...I mean maybe a stray weird one here and there. But every time an "old" discussion comes back up it seems I learn something new from someone new that wasn't there to input the first, second, third or tenth time we talked about it. Smile


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