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Beets, how do you prepare them? Toplef10Beets, how do you prepare them? 1zd3ho10

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Beets, how do you prepare them? I22gcj10Beets, how do you prepare them? 14dhcg10

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Beets, how do you prepare them?

Marc Iverson
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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  camprn 1/15/2014, 9:13 pm

I like them roasted and pickled and boiled and souped but I have never had this.

How do you like your beets?

Last edited by camprn on 6/16/2014, 6:39 pm; edited 1 time in total


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Re: Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  sanderson 1/15/2014, 11:52 pm

Pickled, only. I almost lost it when I tried my roasted beets.

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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Re: Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  FamilyGardening 1/16/2014, 12:08 am

with more root then greens LOL   Beets, how do you prepare them? 1280598131 

im sure our new chickens  weeee will think differently

we are planting a few different types in hopes of being able to try beets fresh, as everyone in our family turns their noses up at the idea....

happy gardening

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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Re: Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  malefacter 1/16/2014, 2:56 am

i like the greens much better than the roots i guess im strange  cyclops

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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Re: Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  johnp 1/16/2014, 9:02 am

I grew golden beets last year for the first time and we loved them. I roasted them, boiled them and steamed them and all methods were good. When I went this fall to see our grand daughters I went to farmers market and got a bunch of goldens and cooked them for some very picky kids and they loved them too. Their mother was quite surprised. A definite for this year.

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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Re: Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  walshevak 1/16/2014, 4:24 pm

malefacter wrote:i like the greens much better than the roots i guess im strange  cyclops




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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Re: Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  camprn 1/16/2014, 5:04 pm

My favorite way to eat the greens is steamed with a dash of Newman's Family Italian dressing.


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Re: Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  cricket 1/16/2014, 5:24 pm

I especially like them roasted together in a hot oven flavored with olive oil, sea salt, and Italian seasoning, along with new potatoes, carrots, and onions.  I also like them cut into quarters, frozen and added to my morning smoothie.  The greens are delicious lightly steamed and served with butter and a dash of vinegar, but I like them fresh the best.

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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Re: Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  cheyannarach 1/17/2014, 12:37 am

PICKLED!!!  I like them roasted and in soups too but pickled is my fav!!!!

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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Re: Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  GWN 1/17/2014, 11:03 am

after we found this recipe, we love them on pizza roasted beet pizza

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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Re: Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  Nonna.PapaVino 1/17/2014, 11:30 am

I agree with johnp, golden beets are the best...and the juice won't stain as badly as red juice does.  Nonna

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Post  GWN 1/17/2014, 12:26 pm

nonna wrote: agree with johnp, golden beets are the best...and the juice won't stain as badly as red juice does.  Nonna

AND they are the very best ones on pizza

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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Re: Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  Marc Iverson 1/17/2014, 6:39 pm

Love them pickled. Never had yellow ones. Am not sure how much I like them cooked the regular way; sometimes they just taste like a mouthful of dirt like that.

Think I read somewhere that they give the most usable food per square foot of all the garden veggies(maybe counting the greens, to do it?), so I wish I liked them more.
Marc Iverson
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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Re: Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  Goosegirl 1/17/2014, 7:06 pm

sanderson wrote:Pickled, only.  I almost lost it when I tried my roasted beets.

I am the opposite - almost lost it the last time I was accidentally slipped a pickled beet (small cubes in a salad at a restaurant, no less! Didn't see it until it was too late...)  Roasted only, here.


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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Re: Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  Nonna.PapaVino 1/17/2014, 8:18 pm

Marc, do try the golden beets, they seem to do well here west of the mountains.  Sweet, so great roasted.  And, like I mentioned, no stains from the red juice.  Nonna

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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Re: Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  Marc Iverson 1/17/2014, 10:51 pm

I'll probably try everything eventually, and will keep golden beets in mind. Smile
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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Re: Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  camprn 6/16/2014, 6:37 pm


Once I make some more garden space I am going to sow more beets. I think it will be a good year!


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Re: Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  GWN 6/16/2014, 9:35 pm

I try to grow them every year and have NO LUCK in fact all I have going this year are the ones that went to seed last year.  Not sure what i do wrong

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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Re: Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  westie 6/17/2014, 3:21 am

It took a couple years of continually enriching my MM with home maid compost now my beets grow just fine. Steam them at golf ball size and they are so sweet and tasty then pickle several jars later for a fine winter treat.

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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Re: Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  AtlantaMarie 6/17/2014, 7:05 am

I find I like them raw in smoothies.

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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Re: Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  westie 6/17/2014, 3:09 pm

Yes Marie in smoothies or juiced with other veggies. I make beet kvass also and a roasted beet curry dish is real nice too. Looking for a fermented beet sauce or something fermented similar in texture to slaw.

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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Re: Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  landarch 6/17/2014, 3:26 pm

I love mine steamed with a little tiny bit of sea salt.  I also can them by pickling them with onions.

Here are a few I picked last week...my problem this year is that from the same square I have some really nicely formed beet root, and some that are basically all tops (not sure how much more time to give them before I rip the plants out).Beets, how do you prepare them? Beets11

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Beets, how do you prepare them? Empty Re: Beets, how do you prepare them?

Post  llama momma 6/17/2014, 6:09 pm

I grew up having beets only one way, boiled.  Since then I've had it steamed and roasted too.  Doesn't matter, it's all good.   Any roasted vegetable seems to take the flavor up a few notches and = terrific.
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