Square Foot Gardening Forum
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Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a Toplef10Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a 1zd3ho10

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Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a I22gcj10Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a 14dhcg10


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Square Foot Gardening Forum
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Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a Toplef10Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a 1zd3ho10

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Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a I22gcj10Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a 14dhcg10

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Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a

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Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a Empty Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a

Post  mmathedrader 5/2/2012, 1:59 pm

Just built four raised beds (4'x2'x10"), and already had a 2'x8'x2' raised bed. Planted with square foot principal in the raised bed last year and other existing gardens, but didn't use Mel's mix... bought out all the Home Hardware and Home Depot vermiculite in my neighbourhood this year, and can't wait for things to grow! Topped up existing bed with Mel's mix, and won't be veggie gardening in non-Mel-gardens.
Have already planted lettuce, carrots, spinach, and strawberries (first time for strawberries, and cold snap right after planting has likely killed a few of them off... oh well - will leave more room to plant other things!). Indoor seedlings for tomatoes, hot peppers and leeks are doing well, and are ready to move into larger containers. Haven't had much success with herbs from seeds, so can't wait for a little warmer weather to add to my herb garden.
Also have planted potatoes in three containers with Mel's mix, up against the house. First time growing potatoes too, and found out after planting that it was a little early for the area... hopefully up against the house they have a fighting chance!
Installed rain barrels last years, and couldn't empty them quickly enough.

According to the literature, I am firmly in zone 5a, but am pretty sure that my front yard is a whole zone colder then my south facing back yard. Tulips come up at least two weeks earlier in the back yard!!

I would say that I have been gardening for three years, with limited success... but have improved each year. Sure to be true this year too!

Have seen some great topics on this forum... wish I'd seen it last year and can't wait to use the advice!!! flower

Female Posts : 27
Join date : 2012-04-15
Age : 50
Location : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a

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Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a Empty Re: Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a

Post  Kelejan 5/2/2012, 2:49 pm

Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a 396615 mmathedrader Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a 61949

It sounds as though you have everything under control.

I like your attitude.... "- , and cold snap after planting has likely killed a few of them off... oh well - will leave more room to plant other things)"

Female Posts : 6009
Join date : 2011-04-24
Age : 89
Location : Castlegar, British Columbia


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Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a Empty Re: Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a

Post  cheyannarach 5/2/2012, 3:16 pm

Welcome to the forum!!! I am also in zone 5A and my taters are planted as well, hope that make you feel better! We also have the same conditions in the front/back yard! Isnt that funny! All of my cool crops are doing well so far and have been for several weeks (I sometimes lack patience to wait)! Hope you have a great gardening season! Post pictures of your garden sometime, we would love to see it!Very Happy

Female Posts : 2035
Join date : 2012-03-21
Location : Custer, SD

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Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a Empty Re: Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a

Post  givvmistamps 5/2/2012, 5:52 pm

Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a 396615 Just wanted to say "Hi" and welcome you to the forum. There are lots of people here closer to your growing region than I am. Smile

Female Posts : 862
Join date : 2012-04-01
Age : 53
Location : Lake City, (NE) FL; USDA Hardiness Zone 8b, AHS Heat Zone 9, Sunset Zone 28

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Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a Empty here's how it's going...

Post  mmathedrader 5/24/2012, 11:26 am

mmathedrader wrote:First attempt at posting pics... we'll see how this goes!

built some raised SFG, since we are trying to make the permanent
gardens in our yard perenial low maintenance, for any future homeowners.
Just made them 2x4-foot, so that we can move them around if need be.

this garden I have malibar spinach from seed (third year trying, first
year in MM, first year getting past the 1 cm height), and cucumber and
strawberry plants (purchase

Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a Maliba11

I have beans and peas (not sure which is which, since I planted them
with the kids, got distracted, and forgot what was where), one
strawberry plant, and some fennel:

Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a Fennel10

empty squares - TBD. One green bell, one orange bell, one cayenne, and
one jalepeno pepper plants... purchased from the local farmer's market
(the ones I planted from seed did not grow - I hear they need heat,
which they will get next year!):

Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a Pepper10

Carrots at the far end, onions closer, and a couple of squares seeded with butternut squash:

Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a Carrot10

lettuce mostly from seed, with two transplants that were from re-seeds
in our mulch - the transplant looks a little rough, but they look like
they will survive (empty SFG below - have been using soil to top up my
potato bags):

Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a Lettuc10

with potatoes and two potato bags, freshly covered in MM, plus one pot
of MM with a bay plant and a strawberry plant (also can see garlic in
rows planted last fall):

Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a Nonsfg10

herb garden... not in MMs, and not in SFG... but so happy that so much
came back after the winter (oregano, marjoram, thyme, chives, coriander
reseeded itself!), plus added some new plants from our local greenhouse:
Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a Herb_g10

is my first year really doing SFG with MM. Everything (to me) is
looking like it will turn out great. Tomatoes and leeks planted from
seed will be planted sometime this weekend, after I've finished
hardening them off.

Female Posts : 27
Join date : 2012-04-15
Age : 50
Location : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a

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Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a Empty Re: Hello from Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario, Canada - Zone 5a

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