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Zone 9

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Zone 9 Empty Zone 9

Post  annasmum 11/2/2011, 8:46 pm

I am just about to move (next week) and want to start my first SFG. cheers I have never gardened in Florida so this is all very new to me. Is it too late to plant tomatoes, cukes and seed beans, peas, radish, lettuce, onions (bunching and other), swiss chard, kale, beets, carrots, leek, spinach and chinese cabbage? Any info would be really great. Also it says in the book to put tomatoes into the center. I wanted to do 4x4 boxes so no center. Does it matter if the plants aren't in the center? So much to learn but can't wait to get started.

Posts : 10
Join date : 2011-10-24
Location : palm city, fl

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Zone 9 Empty Re: Zone 9

Post  duhh 11/3/2011, 12:14 am

I think it is a little late for tomatoes, peppers and other such warm loving plants. Save those for Feb/March. Lettuce, chard, kale beets, carrots, spinach and such should be fine. Can you call your county extension office and get a planting calendar, or look online. That is the best way to see when things can be planted in your area.

You want your taller plants to be in the middle. That way, if you need to put in a trellis it divides your box into Two 2x4's. If you plant your tall stuff on the outsides, you have to try and reach over it, and that can be hard. i like to plant my tomatoes in the "inside" squares and put lettuce, spinach, chard and kale on the outside squares.

I hope this helps an doesn't just confuse you. Welcome! I can't wait to see your garden!

Female Posts : 378
Join date : 2010-03-04
Age : 43
Location : Glendale,AZ


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Zone 9 Empty Re: Zone 9

Post  Cincinnati 11/3/2011, 1:23 am

You want your taller plants to be in the middle. That way, if you need to put in a trellis it divides your box into Two 2x4's. If you plant your tall stuff on the outsides, you have to try and reach over it, and that can be hard. i like to plant my tomatoes in the "inside" squares and put lettuce, spinach, chard and kale on the outside squares.

I didn't remember this from the book. I plant my taller plants on the north edges of the boxes so they don't shade the other plants. Although anything that doesn't like full sun would be fine otherwise. All my boxes are lined up east to west for this reason.

Posts : 181
Join date : 2011-06-26
Location : Alabama Gulf Coast

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Zone 9 Empty Re: Zone 9

Post  duhh 11/4/2011, 12:04 am

Embarassed You're right. It says differently in the book.. So have you read the all new Square Foot Garden book? Its a great place to start!

Female Posts : 378
Join date : 2010-03-04
Age : 43
Location : Glendale,AZ


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Zone 9 Empty Re: Zone 9

Post  ksbmom 11/5/2011, 8:38 pm

Hi annasmum! Where are you in Florida? I'm in the north Tampa area. I planted about 3 weeks ago or so and have broccoli, collards, a couple of tomatoes (but I think it was a bit too late for them as they are growing very slowly), a bunch of herbs and lettuce, onions, radishes and peas. Also some flowers. Good luck with your garden! Very Happy

Female Posts : 144
Join date : 2011-10-26
Location : Central Florida, zone 9a

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Zone 9 Empty Re: Zone 9

Post  chet 11/21/2011, 4:37 pm

ksbmom wrote:Hi annasmum! Where are you in Florida? I'm in the north Tampa area. I planted about 3 weeks ago or so and have broccoli, collards, a couple of tomatoes (but I think it was a bit too late for them as they are growing very slowly), a bunch of herbs and lettuce, onions, radishes and peas. Also some flowers. Good luck with your garden! Very Happy
Well i'm down here in the keys just mixed up my soil mel's by way planting starts tomorrow with onions,broccoli and bell peppers. wish me luck:cheers:

Posts : 9
Join date : 2011-11-07
Location : key largo,fl zone 10

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