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What to plant after corn is finished? Toplef10What to plant after corn is finished? 1zd3ho10

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What to plant after corn is finished?

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What to plant after corn is finished? Empty What to plant after corn is finished?

Post  dixie 6/29/2010, 10:31 am

My first 4 x 4 of corn was pulled out last night - I pulled 35 ears last night, don't remember exactly how many we had already pulled to eat. That ain't bad for a 4 x 4 piece of ground. I planted mine 4 to a square. I would have had a few more ears if I had put wire around it BEFORE the wind blew it over. There were several stalks in the center that never would stand up as tall as the others & didn't get pollinated. (why does pollen have an E and pollinated have an I?)

I can't decide on what to plant next. In my area I have time for most anything to mature, except probably peppers from seed, but I want to try several fall crops. It's too early to plant the fall crops so I want to save enough space for them, but then again I hate to have any unplanted spots. I'm going to plant some carrots now & see how they do and I have several tomato suckers that are rooting in water & almost ready to go out. I am also going to do 2 verticals for delicata squash & take a chance on some melons.

Fall crops will be: Parsnips, rutabagas, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, snap peas, carrots & lots of lettuce.

Any suggestions for something that matures quickly & will grow in hot weather?

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What to plant after corn is finished? Empty Re: What to plant after corn is finished?

Post  chocolatepop 6/29/2010, 11:21 am

bush beans?
radish (a faster grower type suited for heat)
more onions

you said melon and squash.

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What to plant after corn is finished? Empty Re: What to plant after corn is finished?

Post  dhhatfield52 6/29/2010, 12:21 pm

any suggestions for which kinds of radishes do well in heat?

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What to plant after corn is finished? Empty Re: What to plant after corn is finished?

Post  kimbertangleknot 6/29/2010, 2:20 pm

Here is a paragraph that might help you with how to grow radishes in the summer.

Radishes prefer the cool temperatures and short days of spring and late summer. Long-rooted types can tolerate heat and long days better. Plant in cool to warm soil (50-80F), 1/2 inch deep in rows 8-12 inches apart. Thin to 2 inches once germinated. Radishes are best grown quickly with plenty of water, and harvested promptly when ready as they do not 'keep' well in soil. Fertile soil, cool temperatures, and consistent moisture will yield the best crops. Plant in succession for an extended harvest.

Here is a link to a seed place that has a decent variety of seeds. A lot of organic, sales, and what not. If you decide to order from them for anything, I found an online coupon TJGSI it's only for 5% off your order, but it's better than saving nothing.

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What to plant after corn is finished? Empty Re: What to plant after corn is finished?

Post  Megan 6/29/2010, 5:09 pm

kimbertangleknot wrote:
Radishes are best grown quickly with plenty of water, and harvested promptly when ready as they do not 'keep' well in soil.

Just a note about radishes "keeping" in soil: I have let a few of mine stay in ground as a trap crop. The one that got the most sun has sent up branches that are nearly shoulder-high (!!) and it is merrily blooming away, lots of flowers. Really pretty pink-purple flowers, too, on something that looks vaguely like a triffid. flower

And, @ Dixie, WOW. My corn is nowhere near producing yet, though it's a little ahead of the "knee high by 4th of July"! For fall I am planning on lettuce, parsnips (for overwintering), mustard, celery, pumpkins, cabbage, chard, kohlrabi, rapini, and more radishes. Probably more carrots, too... and plant some garlic if I can find sets.

(Hubby was bemused by my choice of pumpkins. "You want to plant ANOTHER monster vine?!")

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What to plant after corn is finished? Empty Re: What to plant after corn is finished?

Post  dixie 6/29/2010, 5:25 pm

Jaybird: I have had good luck with grocery store garlic. I've planted the elephant garlic and the white garlic (2 bulbs in a box) from the grocery section at Walmart. I bought some of the more expensive purple garlic ($3.58 a pound) this week. I just don't know when to plant it. I'mt too cheap to buy from the garden guys, but I'm sure it would do better. I'm going to grow parsnips this year for the first time - any words of wisdom about them?

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What to plant after corn is finished? Empty Re: What to plant after corn is finished?

Post  LaFee 6/29/2010, 5:40 pm

Never grown parsnips, Dixie, but oh, we love them here -- Roasted with carrots in the oven, or boiled and mashed with some potatoes. Yum.

They have a slightly sweet/peppery flavor that we just love.

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What to plant after corn is finished? Empty Re: What to plant after corn is finished?

Post  Megan 6/29/2010, 5:59 pm

My dad used to grow parsnips. They are delicious. Sweeter after frost, and you can leave them in the ground and dig as needed.

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What to plant after corn is finished? Empty Re: What to plant after corn is finished?

Post  Wyldflower 6/29/2010, 6:05 pm

Hmmmm.... I have one end of my 3x6 box empty, and I have the materials for a riser. I think I will do a riser for parsnips and carrots... it's probably too early to plant for fall and winter, though. (I think in my area, end of July is when to start the fall garden.)

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What to plant after corn is finished? Empty Re: What to plant after corn is finished?

Post  chocolatepop 6/29/2010, 8:16 pm

just remember parsnips take about 100days to mature....

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What to plant after corn is finished? Empty Re: What to plant after corn is finished?

Post  Megan 6/29/2010, 8:32 pm

100 days from today is October 7.... which is probably before frost before most people... and parsnips taste better after frost. So......???

(This website is my new friend: http://www.timeanddate.com/date/dateadd.html)

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What to plant after corn is finished? Empty Re: What to plant after corn is finished?

Post  Shoda 6/29/2010, 8:41 pm

How about some edamame? They get about 2-3 feet high and are great served green. Very good for you too!

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What to plant after corn is finished? Empty Re: What to plant after corn is finished?

Post  pattipan 6/29/2010, 10:03 pm

I'm going to try some baby broccoli from seed when I pull up the sugar snap peas.


And I know I said before that I didn't think the yield was worth it, but I'm also plant some edamame (also from Territorial Seed. Later on I'm going to plant some baby pak choi. Can't stand to see empty squares!


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What to plant after corn is finished? Empty Re: What to plant after corn is finished?

Post  dixie 6/29/2010, 11:14 pm

Problem solved - DH found some really nice, large bell pepper plants in individual pots at the hardware store. They were 2 buy one, get one free. There 2 plants in each pot & I was able to tear the peat pots apart & separate them without messing up the roots too much.

I thought I planted plenty of bell peppers, but I must have mislabeled because I have LOTS of hot pepper plants - Jalapeno, serrano, hot banana, hot hungarian, ancho, pepperoncini & cascabella (these little devils are very hot).

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