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Using Mel's Mix for potting soil I22gcj10Using Mel's Mix for potting soil 14dhcg10


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Using Mel's Mix for potting soil Toplef10Using Mel's Mix for potting soil 1zd3ho10

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Using Mel's Mix for potting soil

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Using Mel's Mix for potting soil Empty Using Mel's Mix for potting soil

Post  cynthiajordan 4/12/2017, 1:27 pm

My kids and I have started our own backyard nursery, and we're getting ready to pot some seedlings.  I was going to buy some bulk potting soil in my area.  Would Mel's mix work for potting plants?  Want to be sure it's not too heavy for pots.

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Using Mel's Mix for potting soil Empty Re: Using Mel's Mix for potting soil

Post  Banned Member 4/12/2017, 2:10 pm

I have used it for some container gardening in the past.  I would recommend going with a high-grade potting mix that basically has the ingredients of Mel's Mix in the contents.

We purchased an organic potting mix that had peat moss, coconut coir, perlite*, and many different blends of compost, including quality worm castings.

I have seen elsewhere that if you go with 2/3 Mel's Mix and 1/3 quality compost, it does great with containers.  The key is to go with a large enough container for your chosen vegetable.  If you go with a tomato or squash, you really need to be liberal in your container size, especially if you have hot and dry summers.

* I have heard that a lot of the vermiculite in bagged forms actually contains quite a bit of asbestos, while perlite does not.  For this reason, we have stopped using vermiculite because it is too expensive to get an assay every time we buy vermiculite. 

Here is the potting mix we used before--we are not doing any containers this year.

Organic Potting Soil
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Using Mel's Mix for potting soil Empty Re: Using Mel's Mix for potting soil

Post  RoOsTeR 4/12/2017, 2:16 pm

I use Mel's Mix all the time for potted plants.


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Using Mel's Mix for potting soil Empty Re: Using Mel's Mix for potting soil

Post  BeetlesPerSqFt 4/12/2017, 3:11 pm

Welcome to the forum, Cynthia!

I've used MM in 5 and 7 gallon buckets. A potting MIX would also work fine, though I find that products labeled as potting SOIL tend to be heavy/goopy.

I completely agree with TNG's recommendation of going with larger containers for tomatoes and squash. In the summer I sometimes had to water those more than once a day to keep them from wilting.

Current vermiculite should not contain asbestos. The mine that had asbestos-contaminated vermiculite was shut down in 1990. Contaminated vermiculite purchased before/around then may still be out there inside the walls of homes (as insulation - so if anyone's got that, get it tested before doing those renovations, and don't just put it in your garden!), but shouldn't be on the shelves anymore.
Here's more detailed information: http://www.schundler.com/verm-asb.htm
(Mind you, I'm not suggesting breathing the dust -- I don't recommend breathing any solids except those prescribed to you by a doctor.)

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Using Mel's Mix for potting soil Empty Re: Using Mel's Mix for potting soil

Post  sanderson 4/12/2017, 5:23 pm

Hi Cynthia, Welcome to the Forum. I use Mel's Mix in every type and size container.


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Using Mel's Mix for potting soil Empty Re: Using Mel's Mix for potting soil

Post  CapeCoddess 4/12/2017, 7:39 pm

Not only do I use Mel's mix but I use '' used" Mel's mix. The seeds don't need the nutrients until their first true leaves show up at which time I bottom feed them with Neptune or up pot them into compost.

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Using Mel's Mix for potting soil Empty Re: Using Mel's Mix for potting soil

Post  bluelacedredhead 7/26/2018, 7:14 pm

I was looking at Mel's mix and wondering if I can do the following for container growing on a balcony? 

Instead of purchasing 3 different bags, two of them too large to store in an apartment, could I use a small bag of Vermiculite and mix it with a bag of Shrimp and Peat Moss compost that is double the amount of the vermiculite, thereby still having 1/3 portion of each? I know the recommended compost is blended. I could add some worm compost to that.

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Using Mel's Mix for potting soil Empty Re: Using Mel's Mix for potting soil

Post  sanderson 7/27/2018, 12:43 am

Absolutely! There after, top dress with with more plain compost if you can.


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Using Mel's Mix for potting soil Empty Re: Using Mel's Mix for potting soil

Post  bluelacedredhead 7/27/2018, 7:37 am

Will do, Thanks Sanderson.

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Using Mel's Mix for potting soil Empty Re: Using Mel's Mix for potting soil

Post  jimmy cee 7/28/2018, 11:00 pm

cynthiajordan wrote:My kids and I have started our own backyard nursery, and we're getting ready to pot some seedlings.  I was going to buy some bulk potting soil in my area.  Would Mel's mix work for potting plants?  Want to be sure it's not too heavy for pots.
I have used Mel's Mix in my raised beds, and same mix for starting seedlings. My seedling mix I strain out the larger pieces.Why ? it makes me feel good. may not need it. I use mainly a very diluted solution of fish emulsion 10%. when needed.When I do that is determined how my mix in cups look. Lighting is most important as seedlings need light in thier environment, not to need to go looking for it.
This is a photo of one of my plant trays using that mix.

Using Mel's Mix for potting soil Indoor12
Using Mel's Mix for potting soil Indoor13
Using Mel's Mix for potting soil Indoor14
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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Using Mel's Mix for potting soil Empty Re: Using Mel's Mix for potting soil

Post  bluelacedredhead 7/29/2018, 7:54 am

jimmy cee wrote:

 same mix for starting seedlings. My seedling mix I strain out the larger pieces.Why ? it makes me feel good. may not need it. I use mainly a very diluted solution of fish emulsion 10%. when needed..
This is a photo of one of my plant trays using that mix.

Using Mel's Mix for potting soil Indoor12
Using Mel's Mix for potting soil Indoor13
Using Mel's Mix for potting soil Indoor14
Great suggestions. Thanks Jimmy Cee! Beautiful plants.

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