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It's March!!!! in the Lower South I22gcj10It's March!!!! in the Lower South 14dhcg10


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It's March!!!! in the Lower South Toplef10It's March!!!! in the Lower South 1zd3ho10

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It's March!!!! in the Lower South I22gcj10It's March!!!! in the Lower South 14dhcg10

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It's March!!!! in the Lower South

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It's March!!!! in the Lower South Empty It's March!!!! in the Lower South

Post  Ha-v-v 3/2/2012, 8:04 am

Can you believe time has flown by so fast!! I can't believe its March already. I have had some seeds, garlic in the ground since Dec. I am the one that likes to push limits sometimes. I was able to do that with hoops over a 4x8 bed. The Jericho Romaine lettuce has really taken off. I use it to feed the few worms and give some as a treat to the chickens as well. It makes a nice salad for us too. Kale is taking off finally. Garlic is doing well I am impressed. It is new to me so we will see come June or July Smile

I have lots of seeds just started and about 5 varieties of tomatoes sprouted and potted up waiting for their beds. I have that hoop house to go and get away to, to set up the seed trays (save some of my sanity) etc, living in such a small environment (30ft travel trailer with giants) there is no place for garden anything in here Smile
Potatoes are almost done being planted. I am a little behind there. I had 50lbs of reds I shared a couple pounds with family and friends and the rest went into compost only boxes. I have 6 varieties of potatoes left to plant, 3 of those are getting "potato boxes". Another guest has done them this year and I saw the plans last year as well. Just been waiting to try. I bought 1"x6"x6ft dog eared cedar for fences. We cut those into 2ft pieces and they are quite nice pieces. No need to cut off the dog eared portion at all.

March will mean more outside work for us in the south, at least it will be for me. I am still expanding the garden. The fence has been expanded, now we are still burning brush. I am trying to plan the set up, to me its like rearranging the living room and I don't know what to do. A load of cardboard is in the suburban, only place its not in is the front seat Smile It is free and the furniture store is the best because of the huge pieces. I will have cardboard walkways again.

Peas are ready for their beds too, 8 celery seeds are doing well, I didnt know how to start those until after starting them. I found the celery thread after Smile LOL

Take a look at your frost dates and see what needs to be planted or started. Do not ever feel like you are behind (even though I do all the time LOLOL ) because from experience with SFG I know it all comes in good time. I am still so new to gardening, and this year I have more done that the previous years, 3rd year into SFG and I am more encouraged than ever!! SFG allows us to be newbies and get success !

I am happy my muscles ache again!! It means spring is almost here Smile I will soon be sitting under an awning in the garden sipping ice water with some apple mint in it and watching my garden grow. I cannot wait!!!

Spring will be here before you know it!!

Female Posts : 1119
Join date : 2010-03-12
Age : 64
Location : Southwest Ms. Zone 8A (I like to think I get a little bit of Zone 9 too )

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It's March!!!! in the Lower South Empty Re: It's March!!!! in the Lower South

Post  LizShort 3/3/2012, 10:01 am

Ha-v-v wrote: Do not ever feel like you are behind (even though I do all the time LOLOL ) because from experience with SFG I know it all comes in good time. I am still so new to gardening, and this year I have more done that the previous years, 3rd year into SFG and I am more encouraged than ever!! SFG allows us to be newbies and get success !

Thank you for telling me not to feel like I"m behind.... because omg... I sure do after reading your post Razz

I'm just starting my tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers today. Just measured my bed behind my house that is going to be a SFG, I have about an acre that my landlord plows for me every year so that will be in traditional rows for my watermelon, cantaloupe and regular green beans (putting purple bush beans behind my house) corn and summer squash that will be sold at the farmer's market.

I'm a bit lost, but I'll get there Smile Just got the book at a used book store yesterday so I have some direction as to what to put where. Also have a companion planting guide for the best success with the least of the icky chemical stoof. I'm not totally organic yet, but I am 100% heirloom seed.

Okay, I'm rambling... of course I'm also new here so I don't know anyone yet so I'll just ramble away lol!

Posts : 3
Join date : 2012-03-03
Location : Morven

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It's March!!!! in the Lower South Empty Re: It's March!!!! in the Lower South

Post  RoOsTeR 3/3/2012, 10:53 am

Thanks for the great update Ha-v-v.
Hey, how's that hoop house going? I would love to see some updated pictures Very Happy


It's March!!!! in the Lower South Logo-111
I am my gardens worst enemy.

Male Posts : 4299
Join date : 2011-10-04
Location : Colorado Front Range

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It's March!!!! in the Lower South Empty Re: It's March!!!! in the Lower South

Post  Ha-v-v 3/3/2012, 12:01 pm

nKedrOoStEr wrote:Thanks for the great update Ha-v-v.
Hey, how's that hoop house going? I would love to see some updated pictures Very Happy

Thanks Rooster, I do have pics for my March updates to take, will get those in the next couple days. It is almost spring!!


Female Posts : 1119
Join date : 2010-03-12
Age : 64
Location : Southwest Ms. Zone 8A (I like to think I get a little bit of Zone 9 too )

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It's March!!!! in the Lower South Empty Re: It's March!!!! in the Lower South

Post  littlejo 3/3/2012, 12:27 pm

It's definitely spring! The pine trees are blooming now, right along with the pear, dogwood, red bud and azeala bushes. The allergies are in full swing.

I have an assortment of seedlings up, ready to plant. Peas are up, reaching for the trellis. It's raining so will have to wait to get pics, but maybe the rain will settle some of the pine dust, so can breath in the garden.

How warm does it have to be to plant w.melons and cantalope? It was 80 yesterday!

I'm afraid we may have a h. hot summer.


Female Posts : 1573
Join date : 2011-05-04
Age : 70
Location : Cottageville SC 8b

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