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Warm enough to risk planting? Toplef10Warm enough to risk planting? 1zd3ho10

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Warm enough to risk planting? I22gcj10Warm enough to risk planting? 14dhcg10

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Warm enough to risk planting?

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Warm enough to risk planting? Empty Warm enough to risk planting?

Post  LauraG 2/28/2012, 3:44 pm

It's another 60-degree day here in D.C. region and I'm yearning to top up my SFG beds and put in some early veggies. What do you all think? Too risky? Can't recall when it's been so warm in February! The koi in the pond are basking in the sunlit water...

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Warm enough to risk planting? Empty Re: Warm enough to risk planting?

Post  SFGNewbie_21 2/28/2012, 3:54 pm

You're lucky to have that dilemma - I'm in Southern Ontario and we're suppose to get a storm tomorrow.Sad Won't be outside for a few months. But I did spend a beautiful US Thanksgiving in Virginia and was barefoot on the deck. Even took a picture of my toes Very Happy .

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Warm enough to risk planting? Empty Re: Warm enough to risk planting?

Post  brios86 2/28/2012, 4:03 pm

I live in loudoun county and the weather has been gorgeous. I'm going to try planting some broccoli, brussel sprouts and lettuce today. My beds look lonely.

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Warm enough to risk planting? Empty Re: Warm enough to risk planting?

Post  Furbalsmom 2/28/2012, 4:17 pm

Nice to see you again LauraG

How did your kiwi survive the winter?

Do you know your average last frost date, because there are some veggies that can go out weeks before that date. I checked a few in your area like Northern VA and Rockville, MD and found most were around mid April, which is 6 or 7 weeks away. Mel recommends 5 weeks before for setting out broccoli, cabbage and parsley transplants as well as peas and spinach seeds. As far as the seeds, they are cheap, so no real risk in my mind. For transplants, again I would do it, but be prepared with a bit of protection, like hoop covers or plant blankets, should the weather take a drastic change for the worse.

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Warm enough to risk planting? Empty Re: Warm enough to risk planting?

Post  Squat_Johnson 2/28/2012, 5:04 pm

I like this website to guestimate low temps. This is for my town, you will have to search for your own city...


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Warm enough to risk planting? Empty Re: Warm enough to risk planting?

Post  camprn 2/28/2012, 5:19 pm

LauraG wrote:It's another 60-degree day here in D.C. region and I'm yearning to top up my SFG beds and put in some early veggies. What do you all think? Too risky? Can't recall when it's been so warm in February! The koi in the pond are basking in the sunlit water...
you could do a cold frame and start you lettuces and some other cold tolerant things.

NOTE!!! you will need to open the cold frame to allow for ventilation!!!!

Check out the cold frame and hot beds thread. Very Happy


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


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Warm enough to risk planting? Empty Re: Warm enough to risk planting?

Post  plantoid 2/28/2012, 5:45 pm

Those little charts in the back of the All new Square foot gardening book 2006 edition are an absolute gift, because there is no guess work .

So long as you have an idea of your average last frost date you can simply work back to the days of planting the crops mentioned .

It's all on page 261 to page 266 .

Mel , if you ever read this post...

Thank you , for you have given me what I've been after for over 45 yrs of gardening ........ I'd never thought of actually researching the individual information & making a chart or two. Those times also seem to work well for the UK .

Regards David.

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Warm enough to risk planting? Empty Thanks You Guys

Post  LauraG 2/29/2012, 7:19 am

Great replies thank you, and an honorary Brrr to our Ontario SFG friend.

Last frost date in my neck of the woods is May 1, but given how warm this winter has been I can't help thinking I might nudge that forward some, and as pointed out, if I do get caught in a late freeze, well--I have lots more seeds to plant!

Re: cold frames, I have never built those but I see instructions in the book. I think a floating row cover is more my speed.

Oh, and thanks for asking about my kiwi vines! They did fine over the winter and I have planted them with climbing roses adjacent after reading that the two plants do well together. We'll see how they go in spring. I've been saving tea leaves and coffee grounds to mulch them with, like we saw in New Zealand. Vines grew about 25 feet last year and I had to continually cut them back, but they did not fruit--too new. Takes several years for them to fruit, so I'm told. Can't wait!

Any other kiwi growers? Love to hear your tips.

Good luck you garden hounds!!

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Warm enough to risk planting? Empty Re: Warm enough to risk planting?

Post  Lindacol 2/29/2012, 12:18 pm

Squat_Johnson wrote:I like this website to guestimate low temps. This is for my town, you will have to search for your own city...


This one works better for me:
Accuweather gives me nothing (zeros) for averages and recorded highs & lows.

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Warm enough to risk planting? Empty Re: Warm enough to risk planting?

Post  jercarol 3/1/2012, 10:48 am

I am putting in lettuce this weekend. It is only seed. I live in northeast MD. I fugure I can throw something over the box if the weather goes crazy. I like easy, hence SFG and my just "throw something" over it approach. LOL

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Warm enough to risk planting? Empty Horticulture head at Nat'l Arboretum says early crops might be OK to plant

Post  Erika 3/6/2012, 9:04 pm

NPR just checked into this question a few days ago. The gist of the answer:

"You could sow right now," he said. "[That would] be rolling the dice a
bit. But you could sow arugula, winter cress, and even give lettuce and
carrots a shot."

I'm not able to include a link to the article because I'm new here. It was published Feb. 28 in the NPR food blog (known as The Salt) and was called "Weird Winter Has Gardeners Itching To Plant, Despite The Risks."

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Warm enough to risk planting? Empty Re: Warm enough to risk planting?

Post  LauraG 3/7/2012, 7:28 am

Thanks for the replies! I am going to go ahead and prepare my boxes and throw in some lettuces, arugula, etc. and see if they make it. It's going to be in the 60's today and tomorrow so the ground should be warm enough by tomorrow afternoon, I think.

Saw a very original greenhouse yesterday: guy took an old rowboat, arched some pvc pipes over it, and draped them with heavy-duty plastic; inside I could see he had lots of little pots and plants set up on cross-boards. Neat idea!! Wish I could have taken a picture but I was driving by and had people behind me, no time to stop.

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Warm enough to risk planting? Empty Re: Warm enough to risk planting?

Post  itsablondething 3/10/2012, 10:06 am

I'm right with you.. this weekend is going to be the weekend for peas, onions, parsnips, salsify, and carrots. Last year I did it on St Patties day while it was snowing on me. I don't think I will have to worry about that this year.

Crossing our fingers that we don't get another hard frost!

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Warm enough to risk planting? Empty Re: Warm enough to risk planting?

Post  moswell 3/11/2012, 9:52 am

itsablondething wrote:I'm right with you.. this weekend is going to be the weekend for peas, onions, parsnips, salsify, and carrots. Last year I did it on St Patties day while it was snowing on me. I don't think I will have to worry about that this year.

Crossing our fingers that we don't get another hard frost!

I just took a look at the 10-day forecast in my area, and it's 50s-70s ( Shocked ) the entire time. Plus my favorite weather blog, liveweatherblogs.com, is calling for an above normal month of March. So I'm thinking it's time to take a gamble. Smile

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Warm enough to risk planting? Empty Early spring planting

Post  tomperrin 3/14/2012, 7:13 pm

moswell wrote:
itsablondething wrote:I'm right with you.. this weekend is going to be the weekend for peas, onions, parsnips, salsify, and carrots. Last year I did it on St Patties day while it was snowing on me. I don't think I will have to worry about that this year.

Crossing our fingers that we don't get another hard frost!

I just took a look at the 10-day forecast in my area, and it's 50s-70s ( Shocked ) the entire time. Plus my favorite weather blog, liveweatherblogs.com, is calling for an above normal month of March. So I'm thinking it's time to take a gamble. Smile

I planted outdoors today 9 different varieties of tomatoes, all of them indeterminate and heirloom but for one hybrid. I saw the same forecast, and I figure I have nothing to lose except some seed.

I did place a plastic sheet over the square just in case there is a frost - it can get two degrees colder in the garden than the top of the hill a quarter mile away. But I took that same sheet off the garlic that I planted last December which is now thriving in the sunlight. So tomorrow I will do herbs and onions.
I should have done these earlier but I was busy making squares and MM.

I have a tiny snow pea leaf that just popped through to the top today. My supermarket potatoes have been in for awhile but have not popped up yet.

I'm ahead of where I was last year. I had thought I would have a full month of March to get ready for planting, but it looks like I'm being overtaken by the weather.

All that said, I'm expecting two feet of snow the last week of March. bounce bounce


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Warm enough to risk planting? Empty Re: Warm enough to risk planting?

Post  tomperrin 3/14/2012, 7:23 pm

Erika wrote:NPR just checked into this question a few days ago. The gist of the answer:

"You could sow right now," he said. "[That would] be rolling the dice a
bit. But you could sow arugula, winter cress, and even give lettuce and
carrots a shot."

I'm not able to include a link to the article because I'm new here. It was published Feb. 28 in the NPR food blog (known as The Salt) and was called "Weird Winter Has Gardeners Itching To Plant, Despite The Risks."

Here's the link:

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Warm enough to risk planting? Empty Re: Warm enough to risk planting?

Post  itsablondething 3/15/2012, 9:49 pm

I keep waiting for the blizzard. LOL.

In addition to what I've already planted, I now have some seed potatoes and a few more onions to go in the ground.. I go to my local garden supply store and count out the onion sets... so much more practical then buying a scoop full since I know exactely how many I need!

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Warm enough to risk planting? Empty Re: Warm enough to risk planting?

Post  DZ 3/26/2012, 7:08 am

Just a heads up - looks like its going to be getting a bit chilly tonight!

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Warm enough to risk planting? Empty Re: Warm enough to risk planting?

Post  moswell 3/26/2012, 8:55 am

DZ wrote:Just a heads up - looks like its going to be getting a bit chilly tonight!

Evil or Very Mad I know. I covered my beds last night so hopefully they'll hold enough heat in today to make it through the night without freezing. My area at least has a freeze warning in effect.

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Warm enough to risk planting? Empty Truck Bed

Post  Squat_Johnson 3/26/2012, 4:11 pm

I have some stuff in the ground, the rest is in the "truck bed". Here are my peppers and tomatoes without the double thickness of row cover. (BTW, the truck doesn't get out much). I'm still waiting for the normal in the ground date on these babies...

Warm enough to risk planting? Truck_10

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Warm enough to risk planting? Empty Re: Warm enough to risk planting?

Post  UnderTheBlackWalnut 3/26/2012, 4:15 pm

That's AWESOME! Our old truck actually had a topper on it...hmmm... I should've kept it and made it a big planter! Smile How cool would that be? Wink

I'm not sure if hubby would let me do that to his brand new Ram though. First brand new vehicle either of us has ever had, and purchased on a steal because it was a work truck at the end of the season (don'tcha just LOVE 8' beds!). Smile

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