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My SFG from space!

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My SFG from space! Empty My SFG from space!

Post  gwennifer 2/25/2012, 11:47 am

Thank you to BillOCala and littlejo for the idea! Let's post pictures of our SFG's from outer space. Go to Google maps, type in your address and then select either satellite or earth view and see if you can zoom in far enough to spot your square foot garden(s)!

FYI, the satellite view provides a much better picture and you can zoom in to amazing detail. In my case, the satellite view was too outdated and my SFG didn't exist yet. So I had to use the google earth view which means I couldn't zoom in to just my house without it getting way too fuzzy. But I can still spot it! Look for the red arrow pointing to my white vinyl 4'x6' bed.

My SFG from space! Sfg_fr10

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Post  walshevak 2/25/2012, 12:11 pm

Neither view has my garden yet.



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Post  CindiLou 2/25/2012, 3:52 pm

Well Google had the right time just cant see my garden beds!

#1 is my original beds there are 2 4x4 and one 4x4 right about were the #1 is! The distortion right north of that shed is the rhubarb patch and the orchard are the little dots just north of that shed...
There is another bed on the east side of the shed with a new aspargus patch I started last year.
The south side of this shed is where hubby is making plans to add a lean-to greenhouse in the next couple of years.

#2 is my 4x6 garlic bed I put in last year. I am adding two 4x6 beds in this area this year and will eventually move the north beds here.

#3 Is my two 2x4 spring beds I put in last year.

#4 the straight part is my strawberry bed with the round part being part of the railroad addition. the trains will run throught the middle of the strawberries.

#5 Is the garden railroad lol...

Blue dot is my 16' pool lol...right by the gardens of course! so I get to hop out..tend to garden ..hop back in!

My SFG from space! My_yar10

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My SFG from space! Empty Re: My SFG from space!

Post  gwennifer 2/25/2012, 6:24 pm

Awww, no fun Kay. Maybe next year. littlejo said their garden wasn't there either. Personally I hope we finish our back yard before they update the satellite pics again. The current one is the second one since owning the home and it's kinda embarrassing just having dirt for seven years now.

CindiLou - wow! That looks like a great piece of property there. I LOVE the garden railroad! I'm trying to talk my husband into taking the kiddos to the model railroad show at the convention center tomorrow (while I'm attending the home and garden show at the expo center!).

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Post  littlesapphire 2/25/2012, 9:04 pm

Aww, how fun! Those look really good. I was really excited to go see what my garden looked like FROM SPACE, but unfortunately, Google took the shots at a crazy time. Like at 6:30 AM or so, when the whole yard is shaded by a huge oak and pine tree out back. So I circled where the gardens are!

My SFG from space! Google11

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Post  Goosegirl 2/25/2012, 9:32 pm

I am going to try MapQuest. Google Maps is using images from several years ago for my location! It has trees in lots around our neighborhood that were cut down several years ago (easy to see because Dutch Elm Disease required the removal of 100's of trees in town)


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Post  gwennifer 2/25/2012, 9:36 pm

Hi littlesapphire. Those are HUGE trees back there! Looks like you're lucky to get enough sun for a garden at all! Wouldn't it be nice if Google arranged a decent time with us to photograph our houses? *lol* Actually, we've been lucky. Our front lawn had just been mowed and all the vehicles were out of the driveway with the street view shots. Looked really nice. Our neighbors were out washing their cars though!

goosegirl, hope it works! For me, Google earth and Google satellite were taken in different years. Guess I got lucky that the earth one was taken just last fall.

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Post  Goosegirl 2/25/2012, 10:03 pm

MapQuest and YahooMaps both have newer images of my area than GoogleMaps, but both of them have REALLY fuzzy pics when zoomed in enough to make out my yard. Altho' Hubby's red SUV is distinguishable - but only because of the color tongue


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Post  happycamper 2/25/2012, 10:49 pm

This was a great idea. Here is a picture the garden. I have mentioned before that I have an urban forest and that my yard is "sun challenged". I believe this photo reflects that statement. You can see nine of the SFG beds and there are two beds that are north of the top 4'x8' bed but are covered by the trees.
Believe it or not there is a full garage, shed, deck and two trailers in the picture that cannot be seen due to the trees.
This picture must have been taken in mid summer of 2010 as it is the only time the south beds get full sun and I don't see the swingset that was moved.
My SFG from space! Garden10

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Post  CindiLou 2/25/2012, 11:11 pm

Checked..mapquest and yahoo maps are both older ..dont show my garden...not even my swimming pool! So thats the best I can do lol

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My SFG from space! Empty Re: My SFG from space!

Post  Chopper 2/25/2012, 11:13 pm

I have been lucky with southern exposures.

This is where I started. I had to move from there in Dec:
My SFG from space! Garden16

And I have sized down to one 4X4 built in raised bed:
My SFG from space! Nowgar10

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Post  Windsor.Parker 2/25/2012, 11:32 pm

Love the idea, but even if any of the 3 "mappers" I looked at wasn't too fuzzy the tree and building shade hide my tiny garden. Sad

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Post  UnderTheBlackWalnut 2/26/2012, 12:48 am

Hey Windsor -

I, like you, have a big tree and the pictures predate my SFG's but I don't want to miss out on the fun of this thread, so here is my house and the big green pom-pom ball in the center (with the yellow arrow sticking out of it) is the black walnut of my forum name and you'll have to pretend the boxes are there Embarassed .

There is a teensy bit of space between it and the back fence (yellow arrow) where I'm going to try the boxes this year. Last year I tried to hit the space between the tree and the house and that was...ehhh... The red arrow is pointing at the small part of my front yard where I grew tomatoes in a 2X4 last summer and didn't get any complaints, so I'm going to try 2 2x4s this summer. It's really the only place out of the dripline of that black walnut tree....LOL Smile

My SFG from space! Ourhou10

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My SFG from space! Empty Re: My SFG from space!

Post  gwennifer 2/26/2012, 1:17 am

This is really fun! I didn't even know MapQuest and Yahoo maps had satellite views too (big brother is watching! *lol*). They are both older than Google Earth for me; odd how that's turning out to be different from person to person.

HappyCamper - urban forest indeed! That is so cool. Looks like such a great property!

Chopper - those are such clear pictures of both your current and last SFG's. Lucky! Funny seeing those two cypress trees you talked about earlier.

UndertheBlackWalnut - Love seeing the inspiration for your username! Looks like all your neighbors have nice mature trees. I had a neighbor at our last place that grew tomatoes in his front flower boxes every year. Had these awful handmade wooden box trellis things that made it look like his house was under construction half the summer. But hey, that's where the sun was!

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Post  Furbalsmom 2/26/2012, 2:30 am

Phooey, the latest Google satellite image is from 2007, two years before I moved here. The image on Yahoo looks just like the picture on Mapquest, as I see the same vehicle at the boat dock, but I can't find a date and I don't see my SFG Table Tops.

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My SFG from space! Empty Re: My SFG from space!

Post  Windsor.Parker 2/26/2012, 2:55 am

Windsor.Parker wrote:Love the idea, but even if any of the 3 "mappers" I looked at wasn't too fuzzy the tree and building shade hide my tiny garden. Sad
My SFG from space! 63597
Okay UnderTheBlackWalnut, you win! I'm in for the fun of it!
But I'm goin to sawing logs as soon as I get this right.
My SFG from space! Mysfgf10
1 - my home
2 - the back yard
3 - 10'x7' non-sfg raised bed
4 - 11'x5' non-sfg raised bed (w/b ANSFG this Spring)
5 - future 12'x24' ANSFG
6 - 1'x24' ANSFG raised bed (peas are planted, yay!!)
7 - future 20'x40' cool/green garage roof and ?'x?' ANSFG
8 - future ?'X?' cool/green apartment bldg roof and ?'x?' ANSFG

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My SFG from space! Empty Re: My SFG from space!

Post  gwennifer 2/26/2012, 12:39 pm

Wow Windsor.Parker, thanks for posting! What does cool/green mean? And what do you mean tiny garden! You've got me beat by a long shot. Jealous over #5.

Furbalsmom, Google has two different views you can select, did you try them both? Satellite was older than Earth view in my case. Earth view was less than one year old for me so maybe for you too since you're kinda close...?

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Post  Lindacol 2/26/2012, 12:45 pm

gwennifer wrote:Wow Windsor.Parker, thanks for posting! What does cool/green mean? And what do you mean tiny garden! You've got me beat by a long shot. Jealous over #5.

Furbalsmom, Google has two different views you can select, did you try them both? Satellite was older than Earth view in my case. Earth view was less than one year old for me so maybe for you too since you're kinda close...?

I must be doing something wrong as I can't get Google Earth view to work. All other views are at least 2 yrs old so do not show my garden.

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Post  gwennifer 2/26/2012, 2:43 pm

Lindacol, another strikeout. Sorry. This thread seems to be bringing out all the newbies!

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Post  Windsor.Parker 2/26/2012, 2:52 pm

gwennifer wrote:What does cool/green mean?
"The roof system of a building is an area where significant heat gain occurs, in particular on relatively flat exposures to the sun’s position during the warmest period of the day.
Dark colored roof surfaces can also contribute significantly to the urban heat island effect and smog formation, leading to increased air pollution.
Reflective, light colored “Cool” roofs can not only help reduce cooling costs, but can also have a positive environmental impact by reducing the urban heat island effect. Light colored roof materials and coatings are advantageous over dark colors because of their ability to reflect and radiate energy away from the roof." www.chicago-roofer.com
A "green" roof has plants growing on part or all of its surface. Of course I dream of many edible plants growing on my ideal green roof.

You might have a change of heart once you see #5 from here on the ground.
My SFG from space! 7412rb10
My SFG from space! 471599

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Post  Kate888 2/26/2012, 4:21 pm

How did you copy and save the image? I actually have wanted to copy the satellite of our house. I can tell within a couple of months when it was taken - which was the first spring we lived here, because our big white van is parked in the driveway but the garden we planted the first spring isn't there. That means it's just short of 7 years old.

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Post  gwennifer 2/26/2012, 11:35 pm

Hi kate888! So I just hit the print screen button on my keyboard (PrtScn). That takes an image of the whole screen and puts it on the clipboard. Then you can paste it (cTRL+vf) into photo editing software if you have any, or even microsoft word. Maybe there's a better way? That's how I did it. Smile

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My SFG from space! Empty Snip Tool

Post  tomperrin 2/26/2012, 11:52 pm

I use the snipping tool found on Windows 7. It's much simpler to use than PrtScrn.

Unfortunately, all of the satellite images of my house aren't high enough resolution to show much. But the latest one, found on Zillow, does show the blue tarps I used to prepare my MM.

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My SFG from space! Empty Re: My SFG from space!

Post  gwennifer 2/27/2012, 12:29 am

Whoa! I had no idea such a thing existed! SO COOL! Way easier. Thanks tomperrin! cheers

If anybody else didn't know, it's in the accessories: Start/All Programs/Accessories/Snipping Tool.

edited to add: c'mon now and show us your blue tarps Laughing

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Post  Kate888 2/27/2012, 12:40 am

gwennifer wrote:Hi kate888! So I just hit the print screen button on my keyboard (PrtScn). That takes an image of the whole screen and puts it on the clipboard. Then you can paste it (cTRL+vf) into photo editing software if you have any, or even microsoft word. Maybe there's a better way? That's how I did it. Smile

Thanks so much! I really had been wanting to do that for a long time! It's very small, but better than nothing and I can zoom in anyway. It's interesting to me but since you can't see my garden only where it will go, I won't post it. My SFG from space! 109486

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