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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Toplef10Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! 1zd3ho10

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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! I22gcj10Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! 14dhcg10


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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Toplef10Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! 1zd3ho10

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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! I22gcj10Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! 14dhcg10

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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah!

llama momma
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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Empty Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah!

Post  quill33 1/23/2012, 3:05 pm

picked up my new sugar snap peas this weekend when i was out doing errands.

planning on putting them in the ground first week in february if i can get to the boxes (never know with the wx lately here in central ohio).

every year, i'm usually HARVESTING peas the week of st. patty's day, whilst the neighbors are just putting their seeds in.

who else is planting soon? (sooner than the average 'regular' gardener.).

this is one of the many reasons i love sfg. the seed packet always says 'plant when the soil is thawed and workable'. well, my boxes are usually workable at least a solid 2 months before other folks around here.

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Post  prvrbs31gal 1/23/2012, 3:43 pm

It's been rainy and wet here or I'd have planted already. My soil never froze, so I'm chomping at the bit! We just moved here in August, so I've never planted in this zone before... most of the locals say they plant in mid-February but we've been having a warm winter so I'm going to go for it as soon as things dry out a little.

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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Empty Re: Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah!

Post  nancy 1/23/2012, 3:55 pm

I traditionally plant mine on Valentine's Day. I'm in Cincinnati, zone 6a. I'm getting excited! Last year we didn't really get any. We had some issues with rain and flooding and the peas were not survivors. I have high hopes for this year!

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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Empty Re: Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah!

Post  dixie 1/23/2012, 4:57 pm

I planted 4 squares a few minutes ago as a gamble since I've got plenty of seeds. Keeping my fingers crossed.

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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Empty Re: Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah!

Post  camprn 1/23/2012, 5:23 pm

I live in zone 5 A and if the weather pattern holds I may try to plant Sugar Ann peas on St. Patrick's day. The past two years there has been too much snow to even think about seeing the beds until April. Very Happy


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Empty Re: Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah!

Post  ashort 1/23/2012, 6:07 pm

seeds are cheap.... what's the worst than can happen? A freeze that kills your plants despite your best efforts at protection? If so, just reseed and go again....

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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Empty Re: Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah!

Post  jkahn2eb 1/23/2012, 6:14 pm

I'm harvesting mine right Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! 3170584802

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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Empty Love the sugar snaps!

Post  cjane 1/23/2012, 9:28 pm

I just planted sugar snaps on the 21st. Only a few to see how it works out..

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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Empty Re: Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah!

Post  Chopper 1/23/2012, 10:33 pm

I grew 4 squares. Two are the Oregon Sugar Pod II which remain like snow peas - flat - and two are the sugar snaps which fill out but are edible podded. One of the squares never sprouted. In my quest to be stupidly frugal instead of marking each square with the type I just did one marker in front of all four squares saying "peas". So naturally, I forgot who was in the one square. Oh well, I know now - just planted more sugar snaps.

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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Empty Re: Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah!

Post  EatYourVeggies 1/23/2012, 11:11 pm

Well, I haven't planted them yet, but plan to as soon as I can. Truth be known, its the simple things like Sugar Snap Peas that got me hooked on gardening in the first place. Nothing beats tending to your garden and snacking from it at the same time. Very Happy

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Post  quiltbea 1/23/2012, 11:14 pm

I'm in zone 5a and usually in Feb and March we are under a couple of feet of snow but after reading this thread, I put it in my garden notebook to sow some early sugar snaps in March if its clear and the ground workable. It won't hurt to give it a try. Thanks for the input.

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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Empty Re: Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah!

Post  llama momma 1/24/2012, 4:50 am

Have you visited the planting charts in Mel's book? He notes veggies, germination times, and their various soil temp requirements.

Take peas for example:
Takes 36 days to sprout at soil temp of 41 degrees.
14 days to sprout at 50 degrees.
6 to 9 days between 59 and 86 degrees.
This thread gave me a good idea. Suppose my compost thermometer can serve double duty as a soil thermometer too.
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Post  Squat_Johnson 1/24/2012, 11:15 am

I tried three varieties last year. I also sprang for the innoculant. My overwhelming favorite was Mammoth Melting Snow Peas. They made a lot of spring peas. I put a couple gallons in the freezer even after all the ones I ate in the garden.

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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Empty Re: Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah!

Post  quiltbea 1/24/2012, 11:59 am

Squat.....Can you eat those Mammoth peas right out in the garden like Snaps?

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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Empty Re: Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah!

Post  walshevak 1/24/2012, 1:51 pm

llama momma wrote:Have you visited the planting charts in Mel's book? He notes veggies, germination times, and their various soil temp requirements.

Take peas for example:
Takes 36 days to sprout at soil temp of 41 degrees.
14 days to sprout at 50 degrees.
6 to 9 days between 59 and 86 degrees.
This thread gave me a good idea. Suppose my compost thermometer can serve double duty as a soil thermometer too.

Can peas be sprouted in a baggie and the sprouts put into a cold bed? Or would they need to be kept inside until soils warm up. Peas are pretty frost resistant and I was just wondering if they can be speeded up when soil temp is that chilly 41 degrees? :scratch:


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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Empty Re: Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah!

Post  llama momma 1/24/2012, 2:10 pm

W - Can peas be sprouted in a baggie and the sprouts put into a cold bed? Or would they need to be kept inside until soils warm up. Peas are pretty frost resistant and I was just wondering if they can be speeded up when soil temp is that chilly 41 degrees? :scratch:

LM - I want to help and I will, and it sounds like you are very thoughful even passionate about gardening. You would totally enjoy the All New Square Foot Gardening book. I've owned mine for almost 2 years and still refer to it often. It looks like peas are one of those seeds that prefers to be directly sown into the garden according to Mel Bartholomew's book. It does not transplant well. Hope this helps!
llama momma
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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Empty Re: Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah!

Post  camprn 1/24/2012, 2:18 pm

Peas are notorious for poor germination. I soak the peas in a jar overnight then pour off the water in the morning. Rinse the seeds 2 x a day. They should sprout in a few days. My understanding is they will tolerate soil temps to about 40 F.There will still be cell division above 36F but growth will be slow as long as the soil temps remain below 50F.

Growing Peas Fact Sheet

Last edited by camprn on 1/24/2012, 4:44 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : correcting layout and removing a quotation)


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

There are certain pursuits which, if not wholly poetic and true, do at least suggest a nobler and finer relation to nature than we know. The keeping of bees, for instance. ~ Henry David Thoreau


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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Empty Re: Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah!

Post  Squat_Johnson 1/24/2012, 3:46 pm

Yes, you can eat the whole pod. They are best at about 4", but will grow to about 6" when you miss one.

I tried to keep seeds from mine, but didn't get them dry enough. They molded and spoiled.

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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Empty Re: Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah!

Post  quill33 1/24/2012, 6:50 pm

been interesting reading along everyone's reply!

i do as several others have posted - i plant early because if they don't sprout, i can always plant again later.

i do love having the first edible bits from the garden, though!

the entire plant is edible - flowers, leaves and pods/seeds. i harvest the tender baby flowers and leaves when the wx starts warming up and i've got lots of pods/seeds happening and add the flowers/leaves to my salad.

our resident degus also adores all the bits from the pea plant and starts squealing when i bring those into the house. yum!

i usually also plant 2 squares of spinach seeds when i put the peas out. but the spinach, i cover with milk jugs for a mini greenhouse to speed up germination on those.

the peas i just let happen naturally. and every year, they've always performed. some years, sooner than others - because of soil temp as was already noted.

the mammoth super snap peas are quite yummy too! those were the first variety i ever planted. my husband is the one who convinced me to plant them - as i never liked peas til i grew them myself in the garden. now i just adore them and understand what a 'good' pea tastes like. Smile

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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Empty Re: Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah!

Post  Nonna.PapaVino 1/25/2012, 1:59 pm

Y'all have given me courage. This year, I'm planting some snow peas third week in February. Last year we grew a variety called Opal Creek from Nichols Garden Nursery (https://www.nicholsgardennursery.com/store/product-info.php?pid1458.html ) which showered us with beautiful, tender and thin yellow pods. The vines were so tall (over 9'), I snipped some of the tops and added them to stir-fries. It'll be our first choice for planting again this year. Nonna

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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Empty Re: Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah!

Post  Luci Dawson 1/25/2012, 2:37 pm

I may be in the minority here, but I much prefer eating snow peas to sugar snaps, so that's what I'll be trying to grow in my first SFG this spring.
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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Empty Re: Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah!

Post  Nonna.PapaVino 1/25/2012, 2:46 pm

We grow both snow peas and sugar snaps. I've noted the grandkids are more likely to snack on the sugar snaps as they wander through the garden. Because they look more like the pre-packaged fresh "snaps" from the grocery store? Your guess good as mine. Nonna

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Post  martha 1/25/2012, 3:13 pm

[quote="Chopper"]In my quest to be stupidly frugal instead of marking each square with the type I just did one marker in front of all four squares saying "peas". /quote]

Chopper, we are two peas in a pod!

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Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah! Empty Re: Peas - sugar snap - oh, yeah!

Post  walshevak 1/25/2012, 4:13 pm

I couldn't take it any longer . Weather is sunny and 54. I planted 3 squares of super sugar snaps in the chair top garden. Since it is only 18" deep, I put a few buttercrunch lettuce seed in the extra 6" I didn't soak them as it is supposed to rain here for the next 2 days. Interesting note, there are 2 cilantro plants in the bed that must have self sowed from the summer pots. Also 1 cilantro in one of the tomato pots. Figures that I don't like cilantro.



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Post  Nonna.PapaVino 1/25/2012, 8:42 pm

to Walshevak: Hmmmm, would that mean (by your signature quote) that the cilantro is a weed? Actually, I'm envious, I use LOTS of cilantro in Mexican, Thai and Chinese recipies. Nonna

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