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Can you believe it....another new member?
11 posters
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Can you believe it....another new member?
Hello fellow gardeners. I picked up my first copy of SFG back in 2004 and then a couple of years later, the all New SFG book came out. What a life saver, huh? At that time I was in Tucson Arizona and started my first garden utilizing Mel's tecniques. Since then, I was in Salt Lake City Utah staying with a friend and set up her garden, and now I'm back in Vancouver Washington where I live, planning for this year. So, enough about me for now. I'll be checking out the forum, old threads and posts and getting a feel for it. Bye for now....Dave
EatYourVeggies- Posts : 153
Join date : 2012-01-10
Age : 63
Location : Vancouver WA Zone 8a
Re: Can you believe it....another new member?
Welcome to the forums!
Certified SFG Instructor- Posts : 391
Join date : 2011-04-23
Age : 52
Location : Greater New Orleans Area Westbank(Zone 9b)
Re: Can you believe it....another new member?
Welcome Dave. You will find tons of great information here, and lot's of really helpful people! And you've read and used the book! What a bonus
I am my gardens worst enemy.
RoOsTeR- Posts : 4299
Join date : 2011-10-04
Location : Colorado Front Range
Re: Can you believe it....another new member?
Welcome aboard!
Red-Leg- Posts : 77
Join date : 2011-12-15
Location : Southwest Ohio, Zone 6
Re: Can you believe it....another new member?
Welcome, Dave! Hope to see more of you in the coming months. Fire off any questions you have while cruising the forum. And, don't forget to check out the chatboxes when you want a live question answered. Lately, there have been several of us in there just hanging out.
BackyardBirdGardner- Posts : 2710
Join date : 2010-12-25
Age : 50
Location : St. Louis, MO
Re: Can you believe it....another new member?
Welcome Dave!
I have seen women looking at jewelry ads with a misty eye and one hand resting on the heart, and I only know what they're feeling because that's how I read the seed catalogs in January - Barbara Kingsolver - Animal, Vegetable, Miracle
FB: Square Foot Gardening 4 U
FB: Square Foot Gardening 4 U
Re: Can you believe it....another new member?
Hidey-ho! Welcome to the virtual neighborhood! Lots of good stuff here and some humor too.. Take a look around and ask questions - I am sure that you have a lot to contribute from your time doing SFG...
ashort- Posts : 518
Join date : 2011-02-17
Age : 56
Location : Frisco, TX zone 8a
Re: Can you believe it....another new member?
Welcome Dave !
Sounds like you're already off to a flying start . Hope to see you around here more often. We love pics so don't be shy about sharing !!!
Sounds like you're already off to a flying start . Hope to see you around here more often. We love pics so don't be shy about sharing !!!
staf74- Posts : 544
Join date : 2010-11-24
Age : 50
Location : York, SC
Re: Can you believe it....another new member?
Welcome to the forum Dave!
Glendale-gardener- Posts : 293
Join date : 2011-03-10
Age : 49
Location : Cincinnati Zone 6A
Re: Can you believe it....another new member?
Welcome Dave! A newbie myself so I'm sure you've got some good info on the SFG method from doing it.
Rhianna78- Posts : 45
Join date : 2012-01-08
Location : Poquoson, VA
Re: Can you believe it....another new member?
Welcome Dave.
Like you I read the first book and had it around for years before I started SFGing. Luckily for me, I searched the Internet the day before I actually started work and found that Mel had had a more recent and updated book book published. So by just one day, I saved myself a ton of work as I did not have to dig into the ground like the first book said.
Like you I read the first book and had it around for years before I started SFGing. Luckily for me, I searched the Internet the day before I actually started work and found that Mel had had a more recent and updated book book published. So by just one day, I saved myself a ton of work as I did not have to dig into the ground like the first book said.
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