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Are you computer challenged? If you are, I need your help.
5 posters
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Are you computer challenged? If you are, I need your help.
I'm learning how to make an instruction video. You can help me by trying it out, to see if I am talking gibberish or making sense.
The instructions are for putting a weather sticker in your signature. Even if you don't want one, you could try out my instructions and then delete the sticker. Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Go here to get started.
The instructions are for putting a weather sticker in your signature. Even if you don't want one, you could try out my instructions and then delete the sticker. Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Go here to get started.
Re: Are you computer challenged? If you are, I need your help.
I just had to see this video. I was actually expecting to see the actual you in the video. Your voice is not what I expected. When I see your avatar you remind me of a young version of actor Richard Farnsworth. I expected to hear a voice that sounded like Richard Farnsworth with a drawl.
Anyways, I watched the video and it made sense and seemed straight forward to me, however, I'm pretty computer savvy. One thing though...the volume was a bit low. I had to max out my sound and even then it was hard to hear since I have some background noise with the kids here. Good job on the video though.
Anyways, I watched the video and it made sense and seemed straight forward to me, however, I'm pretty computer savvy. One thing though...the volume was a bit low. I had to max out my sound and even then it was hard to hear since I have some background noise with the kids here. Good job on the video though.
AZDYJ2K- Posts : 169
Join date : 2010-05-28
Location : Chandler, AZ USDA Zone 9A
Re: Are you computer challenged? If you are, I need your help.
Ok I did it and if I can anyone can. I wish I could have turned up the volume on the video.
shannon1- Posts : 1695
Join date : 2011-04-01
Location : zone 9a St.Johns county FL
Re: Are you computer challenged? If you are, I need your help.
Did you have to work the casting couch to land this role?
jkahn2eb- Posts : 257
Join date : 2011-01-13
Location : Gilbert, AZ, Zone 9B
Re: Are you computer challenged? If you are, I need your help.
I'm computer challenged and couldn't even get the video on your instructional post so I went to the "Weather stickers in signature" post and checked the posts there. I realized I made 2 mistakes, one in Preferences where I had to click on 'Yes' to always showing signatures, and then across the top where there is a pink square at the end that I clicked on the change it to blue.
I went to the wundergroud site and clicked on adding a weather sticker, followed the steps and hilited the one I wanted then came back to my Profile and clicked on the pink thingy to change it to blue and pasted the HRL from wunderground. It worked.
Voila, now I can see what my temps are without having to check the weather gauges outside.
Sometimes I have to try several times to get something to work, but perseverance usually does the trick.
Thanks boffer.
I went to the wundergroud site and clicked on adding a weather sticker, followed the steps and hilited the one I wanted then came back to my Profile and clicked on the pink thingy to change it to blue and pasted the HRL from wunderground. It worked.
Voila, now I can see what my temps are without having to check the weather gauges outside.
Sometimes I have to try several times to get something to work, but perseverance usually does the trick.
Thanks boffer.
quiltbea- Posts : 4707
Join date : 2010-03-21
Age : 82
Location : Southwestern Maine Zone 5A
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