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First ever square foot garden. I22gcj10First ever square foot garden. 14dhcg10


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First ever square foot garden. Toplef10First ever square foot garden. 1zd3ho10

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First ever square foot garden. I22gcj10First ever square foot garden. 14dhcg10

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First ever square foot garden.

Lavender Debs
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First ever square foot garden. Empty First ever square foot garden.

Post  seb 3/30/2010, 2:44 am

Hi all,

This is my second year of gardening and my first year of square foot gardening. I have a tiny little garden space, so I'm hoping to make the most of it. I kind of had to cram the boxes closer than I'd like, but I think it'll be manageable. It's too late to figure out how to upload all these pictures, so take a look at them in my picasaweb album: Square Foot Garden Album

It's been a pretty fun project, I'm looking forward to a bountiful harvest! Thanks to everyone in these forums for posting their ideas and thoughts, they are really helpful for us newbies.


Male Posts : 9
Join date : 2010-03-07
Location : Layton, Davis County, UT

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First ever square foot garden. Empty Re: First ever square foot garden.

Post  Theresa 3/30/2010, 6:02 am

Your gardens look great! You look like a pro to me! And it's always great to see how a grid changes how everything looks, Very Nice!

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First ever square foot garden. Empty Re: First ever square foot garden.

Post  new2this 3/30/2010, 8:12 am

great pictures, thanks for sharing. I'm looking forward to seeing your bountiful harvest, too!
Good luck

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Age : 49
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First ever square foot garden. Empty Re: First ever square foot garden.

Post  Lavender Debs 3/30/2010, 9:28 am

Grow Steve Grow! It's cool that you have a year of gardening under your belt to start this new adventure. This is my first SFG too!

Deborah ....growing and learning with you
Lavender Debs
Lavender Debs

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First ever square foot garden. Empty Re: First ever square foot garden.

Post  zornitza 3/30/2010, 10:28 am

It looks great! Its my first year SFGing as well. What zone are you in and what are you planning to put under the plastic?

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First ever square foot garden. Empty Re: First ever square foot garden.

Post  nidiyao 3/30/2010, 10:52 am

Hey, did you purchase that window well covering? I've never seen anything like it, but then again, I haven't really looked. It's cool.

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First ever square foot garden. Empty Re: First ever square foot garden.

Post  seb 3/30/2010, 12:49 pm

Thanks, everybody, for the nice comments. To answer a few of your questions:

@nidiyao: Those window well covers were already here when we bought the house. The guy who owned the house before us was a contractor, he built the deck and fence himself, and I think he used leftover decking material to build the window well covers. They look really nice, but they are a menace! After 5 or so years of weather, they are starting to rot and are very unstable. This year I think I'll replace them with painted metal ones!

@zornita: I'm in zone 5b, I think. Most of the maps I have seen are not detailed enough for me to figure it out! As for the plastic cover, I planted some cool weather stuff: lettuce, spinach, radishes, peas, and swiss chard. The plastic is mostly just insurance, since overnight temperatures here in my neck of the woods are still pretty low. I'm hoping it will help things germinate just a bit quicker. It came in handy yesterday and today because the wind has been pretty fierce. I think it may have helped keep my seeds from blowing away. I only planted them Saturday, so I'm sure they are still sitting just under the surface.


Male Posts : 9
Join date : 2010-03-07
Location : Layton, Davis County, UT

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First ever square foot garden. Empty Re: First ever square foot garden.

Post  timwardell 3/30/2010, 2:24 pm

Looks like a great set up. Look forward to seeing pics of it planted.

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First ever square foot garden. Empty Re: First ever square foot garden.

Post  quiltbea 4/9/2010, 12:36 am

It looks like you've made a terrific start. I love your little greenhouses. Its good to be prepared for those cold nites in your zone. I'm in 5a so I know how cold those spring nites can get.
Good luck.

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