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why does our tomato taste watery?

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why does our tomato taste watery? Empty why does our tomato taste watery?

Post  FamilyGardening 8/5/2011, 12:37 pm

I really dont want to complain....and hate posting this question.....yet...i want to learn more about the tomato so here it goes....

We are so thrilled to have eaten our very first ripe tomato from our garden....it was very pretty, large (11 oz) with no flaws at all....i was amazed at how pretty and meaty it was on the inside....i dont think i have ever had a meaty tomato before....

why does our tomato taste watery? 08_04_15

the taste though was really watered down.....not to much sweetness to it....we picked it yesterday after noon and ate it right away.....could that be the problem?...should we have waited and picked it in the morning?

why does our tomato taste watery? 08_04_16

we bought the tomato as a little seedling from our childrens school plant sale so all we know is it was labled Rainbow.....the plant is small yet has about 12 different size fruits on it....i did have to cut off some leaves yesterday that were looking a bit bad...other then that...its grown well...and then kinda stop growing in height and just kept putting on fruit....

why does our tomato taste watery? 08_04_17

we are saving the seeds....not sure if it was a hybred or not...the seeds are really tiny and there didnt seem to be very many.....



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why does our tomato taste watery? Empty Re: why does our tomato taste watery?

Post  jcpen 8/5/2011, 12:39 pm

to much water before harvest

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why does our tomato taste watery? Empty Re: why does our tomato taste watery?

Post  FamilyGardening 8/5/2011, 1:01 pm

oh...good to know...the plant is in a self water container...but...i did the night before give it a top drink....



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why does our tomato taste watery? Empty Re: why does our tomato taste watery?

Post  camprn 8/5/2011, 1:06 pm

To me this tomato looks under ripe. Let the next one get really red and see if there is difference. Just my$0.02. By the way, Congratulations on your tomatoes! Very Happy


43 years a gardener and going strong with SFG.

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why does our tomato taste watery? Empty Re: why does our tomato taste watery?

Post  BackyardBirdGardner 8/5/2011, 1:09 pm

I have also read that applying a tablespoon of Epsom Salt around the base of the plant, just as the first flowers show, will improve the taste of the fruits. Somehow, it's supposed to sweeten them up.

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why does our tomato taste watery? Empty Re: why does our tomato taste watery?

Post  Squat_Johnson 8/5/2011, 4:31 pm

They are very similar to peaches and nectarines, in that a bit too early, and not so much flavor. Some of the tastiest ones are actually over-ripe (or rotten on one end). I cut them in half standing in the garden, eat a bite of the good half. I have started picking earlier, and ripening on a shelf. Let them get soft to the touch. Not like anything you buy at the store. Those are bred to have thick skins and are yuck.

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why does our tomato taste watery? Empty Re: why does our tomato taste watery?

Post  shannon1 8/6/2011, 3:28 am

It is most likely just the variety. I will be interested how the others taste if the same then it's the variety for sure. I grew 4 different ones this year and they all tasted different.

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