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Semi off topic but still gardening  Toplef10Semi off topic but still gardening  1zd3ho10

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Semi off topic but still gardening  I22gcj10Semi off topic but still gardening  14dhcg10

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Semi off topic but still gardening

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Semi off topic but still gardening  Empty Semi off topic but still gardening

Post  jhayford 6/18/2011, 6:59 pm

I have to large beds that have been let go by the previous owners and me lol. Anyway I started pulling all the weeds and found some gorgeous stuff underneath. My problem is how do I keep all that junk (for lack of a better word) from coming back seems to grow faster than I can pull it. I have poison ivy this is the 3rd week i've had the rash. Polk and volunteer thorn something or other. I really would rather not digg all the plants up and put in raised beds mostley because there are boulders bigger than me in the bed, good old wilson county tn nothing but rock. I thought about mulching and choking out the weeds with cover plants. Any other Ideas? Thanks in Adavance

Female Posts : 61
Join date : 2011-06-17
Age : 49
Location : Lenanon, Tn zone 6b

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Semi off topic but still gardening  Empty Re: Semi off topic but still gardening

Post  WardinWake 6/18/2011, 7:47 pm

jhayford wrote:I have to large beds that have been let go by the previous owners and me lol. Anyway I started pulling all the weeds and found some gorgeous stuff underneath. My problem is how do I keep all that junk (for lack of a better word) from coming back seems to grow faster than I can pull it. I have poison ivy this is the 3rd week i've had the rash. Polk and volunteer thorn something or other. I really would rather not digg all the plants up and put in raised beds mostley because there are boulders bigger than me in the bed, good old wilson county tn nothing but rock. I thought about mulching and choking out the weeds with cover plants. Any other Ideas? Thanks in Adavance


If you can, mulch with heavy black plastic. The plastic will trap the suns heat and should kill just about anything that grows. If you move the good plants into your SFG know that you will also bring weed seeds and plants along with the good.

God Bless, Ward and Mary.

Certified SFG Instructor

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Age : 74
Location : Wake, VA

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Post  littlejo 6/18/2011, 10:10 pm

The birds (I guess) have planted some polk in my bed with the carrots. My hubby is now going to make another bed for the polk. It can be transplanted after it dies down. He has to go polk hunting in the spring to find enough for himself to eat.

Black plastic works great.

Female Posts : 1573
Join date : 2011-05-04
Age : 71
Location : Cottageville SC 8b

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Semi off topic but still gardening  Empty Re: Semi off topic but still gardening

Post  jhayford 6/18/2011, 11:47 pm

You can eat polk? Send hubby here I have tons of it all over the place. Some of it gets 6 foot tall in the back. I thought that it was just a weed lol.

Last edited by jhayford on 6/18/2011, 11:48 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling)

Female Posts : 61
Join date : 2011-06-17
Age : 49
Location : Lenanon, Tn zone 6b

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Semi off topic but still gardening  Empty Semi off topic but still gardening

Post  sherryeo 6/18/2011, 11:59 pm

Never heard the song "Polk Salad Annie?" Elvis recorded it, too, I think.


Truth is, I've never eaten polk salad, either. But I've heard of it!

Female Posts : 848
Join date : 2011-04-03
Age : 72
Location : Mississippi Gulf Coast Zone 8B

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Semi off topic but still gardening  Empty polk can be poison

Post  littlejo 6/19/2011, 12:04 am

Polk is eaten like okra, fried. It is poison after it gets blooms on, and the berries are very poison. It can give some folks a rash like ivy.

Cut the plant when it is young, probably less than 2 ft tall. Skin the outer skin off(comes off easy) Rinse well.
Slice like okra, less than 1/2 in.
Dip in egg.
Roll in cornmeal.
Has a different taste than okra, and is not slimy like okra.

Female Posts : 1573
Join date : 2011-05-04
Age : 71
Location : Cottageville SC 8b

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