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Stuff waiting for compost tumbler

Patty from Yorktown
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Stuff waiting for compost tumbler Empty Stuff waiting for compost tumbler

Post  Denese 6/2/2011, 5:42 pm

Okay. I'm new to the forums, but not new to SFG. I started back in 1991 when we bought our home in middle Georgia. I had a large piece of property and had plenty room for 3 open piles of compost (1 waiting, 1 composting, and 1 finished). Several years later we moved to Michigan. I now have a smaller lot and "picky" neighbors, so I purchased one of those big green compost tumblers. I also have a bin (hidden) for finished compost. I like my tumbler, but my problem is... what to do with the stuff I have waiting to compost. Once the tumbler is full, and I start the composting process, I don't know where to keep the stuff I want to compost. It takes about 2 to 3 weeks to finish the compost in the tumbler. I've tried putting it in a plastic trash can with a lid, but it REALLY starts to smell before the other compost is ready. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


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Stuff waiting for compost tumbler Empty Re: Stuff waiting for compost tumbler

Post  Patty from Yorktown 6/2/2011, 6:42 pm

What happens if you leave the lid off, so the can gets some air? You could take the same trash can and put holes in the side. It would still look tidy. Glad I do not have fussy neighbors. Good Luck.

Patty in Yorktown
Patty from Yorktown
Patty from Yorktown

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Stuff waiting for compost tumbler Empty Re: Stuff waiting for compost tumbler

Post  Denese 6/2/2011, 6:59 pm

Thanks, Patty. If I leave the lid off, I have problems with "critters". Rolling Eyes Hadn't thought about drilling holes. That might help. I'll give it a try. Smile


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Stuff waiting for compost tumbler Empty Re: Stuff waiting for compost tumbler

Post  MasonGarden 6/2/2011, 10:38 pm

I have a related question and would love to piggyback on this thread. I set up my SFG on April 30, and filled a 13 quart plastic container with my left over compost. I put the lid on it and put it in a shaded area next to the garage (no drilled holes - oops!). Is it ok to keep it in this container until I need compost to add to my squares after I begin to empty them, or should I get a composter, pour the compost in there and figure out how/what to add to it to keep it "fresh"? I hadn't thought about needing much compost for later, but I don't want what I have to go bad either. Thanks for your help.

Female Posts : 284
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Location : Mason, OH

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Stuff waiting for compost tumbler Empty Re: Stuff waiting for compost tumbler

Post  Old Hippie 6/3/2011, 12:06 am

Keeping it in a closed container will make for some really, really funky smelling stuff you will not likely want to get close to. If you chop that stuff up fairly small, you can actually just dig a hole in the garden somewhere and bury it. Worms will come for miles to get at that stuff and between the worm poop and biodegrading scraps, it will do your garden a whole lot of good right away.

Old Hippie
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Stuff waiting for compost tumbler Empty Re: Stuff waiting for compost tumbler

Post  MasonGarden 6/3/2011, 12:10 am

Yikes! affraid The container is pretty big, so I'm not sure I could chop it up small enough. I'll check it tomorrow and if it's really bad, I wonder if the garden center will let me exchange it for a fresh batch (they make mountains of their own).

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Stuff waiting for compost tumbler Empty Re: Stuff waiting for compost tumbler

Post  Old Hippie 6/3/2011, 12:59 am

I misunderstood you MasonGarden. I was under the impression you were talking about kitchen scraps etc. I went back and re-read your post. Doh! Embarassed

You are talking about stuff that is actually composted already right? If so, that will be fine. I keep my extra stuff in five gallon buckets with a lid on and it is perfectly fine.

Gwynn (who is feeling very silly, indeed!)
Old Hippie
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Stuff waiting for compost tumbler Empty Re: Stuff waiting for compost tumbler

Post  MasonGarden 6/3/2011, 1:11 am

Gwynn, that's a relief! Stuff waiting for compost tumbler 43549 I was really dreading opening up the container and being confronted by some "really, really funky smelling stuff"! I was thinking, well maybe I can wear a mask of some sort so I won't pass out. :drunken:

Yes, it is a mix of composted materials already (horse, steer, goat and llama poo, plus mushroom compost, leaves, and grass). So, I guess I'll keep it in the container and not worry about transferring it to a composter. Thanks!

Female Posts : 284
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Stuff waiting for compost tumbler Empty Re: Stuff waiting for compost tumbler

Post  Old Hippie 6/3/2011, 1:17 am

When I screen my compost or buy it I like to keep the extra in a bucket or container so it is handy for various things. That way, if your plants are looking a bit tired, you can add a scoop now and then to give them a boost or if you harvest something you can add a scoop before you plant something new. It is also great to have to add to flower beds or pots. since it is already composted you don't have to RE- compost it.

Anyway.....so sorry for the confusion. I am still feeling silly about that. LOL! But I am blaming it on having to work so hard this week. Good excuse, right?

Old Hippie
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Stuff waiting for compost tumbler Empty Re: Stuff waiting for compost tumbler

Post  MasonGarden 6/3/2011, 1:24 am

Not to worry! If that is the silliest thing you've ever done, consider yourself lucky! You just need to get outside in the garden to "play" a little more. happy banana

Female Posts : 284
Join date : 2010-03-17
Location : Mason, OH

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Stuff waiting for compost tumbler Empty Re: Stuff waiting for compost tumbler

Post  Old Hippie 6/3/2011, 1:37 am

MasonGarden wrote:Not to worry! If that is the silliest thing you've ever done, consider yourself lucky! You just need to get outside in the garden to "play" a little more. Stuff waiting for compost tumbler 802240

Oh it is no where NEAR the silliest thing I have ever done. Trust me! However, we won't go into any of that. LOL!

And yes, I need to play in the garden more. I fully intended to today when I got home from work but I was too exhausted. I just crashed. This new Assistant Manager thing is not all it is cracked up to be for sure. In fact, working for a living SUCKS! It cuts into my play time. LOL!

Dang! I just realized we hijacked this thread. I am sooooo sorry.


Last edited by Old Hippie on 6/3/2011, 1:39 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : apologize)
Old Hippie
Old Hippie
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Stuff waiting for compost tumbler Empty Re: Stuff waiting for compost tumbler

Post  Furbalsmom 6/3/2011, 5:16 am

Stuff waiting for compost tumbler 654548 Denese

Glad to "meet" you and also glad there were some great solutions to your "waiting to compost" issues.

Please keep us updated on your gardening and composting progress, and share pictures (maybe not of your muckly compost Stuff waiting for compost tumbler 168939 )

Again, Welcome!

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Location : Coastal Oregon, Zone 9a, Heat Zone 2 :(

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Stuff waiting for compost tumbler Empty Re: Stuff waiting for compost tumbler

Post  Denese 6/3/2011, 7:33 am


You didn't hijack the thread. It still applied. Smile Thank you for the welcome. I'll post over in the welcome mat section and introduce myself further. Love this site! Very Happy


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Stuff waiting for compost tumbler Empty Re: Stuff waiting for compost tumbler

Post  Denese 6/3/2011, 9:02 am

Thank you Furbalsmom for the welcome, also!

Great to be here!


Female Posts : 324
Join date : 2011-05-31
Age : 70
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Stuff waiting for compost tumbler Empty Re: Stuff waiting for compost tumbler

Post  jtuck2 8/24/2011, 3:56 am

I realize I'm a little late (I've been so busy gardening), but maybe you're still watching. There's a wonderful compost tumbler that has two sides to it.

One can be composting while you are adding your stuff that used to be waiting for the compost tumbler to the other side. When you empty the first bin, then you can add new stuff to the empty side while the other finishes composting.

Tumblers also keep rodents and other animals away! So great! Here's where I got mine: Jora composter: it comes in two sizes.

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Stuff waiting for compost tumbler Empty Re: Stuff waiting for compost tumbler

Post  Denese 8/24/2011, 5:56 pm

jtuck2 wrote:

I realize I'm a little late (I've been so busy gardening), but maybe
you're still watching. There's a wonderful compost tumbler that has two
sides to it.

One can be composting while you are adding your
stuff that used to be waiting for the compost tumbler to the other side.
When you empty the first bin, then you can add new stuff to the empty
side while the other finishes composting.

Tumblers also keep rodents and other animals away! So great! Here's where I got mine: Jora composter: it comes in two sizes.

Thank you for your response, jtuck2. I received a flyer about the double tumbler with an order from Gardens Alive. I tucked it away, and hopefully will be able to purchase it sometime in the future. In the meantime, I'm using a plastic garbage can. Smile

Female Posts : 324
Join date : 2011-05-31
Age : 70
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