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My boxes are full of Japanese Beetle Larve Toplef10My boxes are full of Japanese Beetle Larve 1zd3ho10

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My boxes are full of Japanese Beetle Larve I22gcj10My boxes are full of Japanese Beetle Larve 14dhcg10

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My boxes are full of Japanese Beetle Larve

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My boxes are full of Japanese Beetle Larve Empty My boxes are full of Japanese Beetle Larve

Post  sharonrn 5/30/2011, 2:56 am

I have never seen anything so cruel. As a new SFG, I just got my boxes ready six weeks ago. Everything seemed to be doing well after planting. Then terror struck.
I'm gone one week and millions of aphids were in the snow peas. Got rid of them with insecticidal soap. Pulled up the peas and behold, every cup of soil must have 20 beetle larve. Checked the other boxes and they are full also. What to do? pale

Female Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-02-10
Age : 76
Location : Western NC zone 7a

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My boxes are full of Japanese Beetle Larve Empty Re: My boxes are full of Japanese Beetle Larve

Post  shannon1 5/30/2011, 3:49 am

you can use milky spore. It is a bacterium used as an organic control for grubs. Japanese beetles deposit babies into your lawn. You spread the milky spore (bacillus popillae). Grubs ingest it. Spores germinate inside the grub and multiply. The grub dies, and more spores go into your soil.

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My boxes are full of Japanese Beetle Larve Empty Milky Spore and Beneficial Nemotodes

Post  sharonrn 5/30/2011, 4:10 am

shannon1 wrote:you can use milky spore. It is a bacterium used as an organic control for grubs. Japanese beetles deposit babies into your lawn. You spread the milky spore (bacillus popillae). Grubs ingest it. Spores germinate inside the grub and multiply. The grub dies, and more spores go into your soil.
I know about this but it may take too long to show results. Beneficial nemotodes are faster acting but getting them cost lots of $$. Looking for a "fast kill" without rendering my soil useless for safe eating when I replant. Thanks for the reply. You can't sleep either, huh?

Female Posts : 14
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Location : Western NC zone 7a

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My boxes are full of Japanese Beetle Larve Empty Re: My boxes are full of Japanese Beetle Larve

Post  dizzygardener 5/30/2011, 4:29 am

If you are looking for something cheaper you can try neem based products. Safer makes one called Grub Killer. Bonide make one called Grub Beater.

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My boxes are full of Japanese Beetle Larve Empty Re: My boxes are full of Japanese Beetle Larve

Post  shannon1 5/30/2011, 4:33 am

sharonrn wrote:
shannon1 wrote:you can use milky spore. It is a bacterium used as an organic control for grubs. Japanese beetles deposit babies into your lawn. You spread the milky spore (bacillus popillae). Grubs ingest it. Spores germinate inside the grub and multiply. The grub dies, and more spores go into your soil.
I know about this but it may take too long to show results. Beneficial nemotodes are faster acting but getting them cost lots of $$. Looking for a "fast kill" without rendering my soil useless for safe eating when I replant. Thanks for the reply. You can't sleep either, huh?
I am always up at this time I'm a graveyard shift worker.

Posts : 1695
Join date : 2011-04-01
Location : zone 9a St.Johns county FL

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My boxes are full of Japanese Beetle Larve Empty Saw those online

Post  sharonrn 5/30/2011, 7:16 am

dizzygardener wrote:If you are looking for something cheaper you can try neem based products. Safer makes one called Grub Killer. Bonide make one called Grub Beater.
Have you used these on Japanese beetle larvae? I was reading the label online Grub Killer and it said it repelled these larvae but did not say it killed them. I live in an area where I will have to drive 2hrs to a garden supply, but I do shop on line. There are Lowes & Home Depots around. Thanks

Female Posts : 14
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My boxes are full of Japanese Beetle Larve Empty Re: My boxes are full of Japanese Beetle Larve

Post  walshevak 5/30/2011, 8:24 am

BT works on catapillers, does it work on grubs. In mean time, pick as many as you can out by hand. I had them in my flower pots once and it was not fun replanting that spring. Big fat white grubs. ugggg


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My boxes are full of Japanese Beetle Larve Empty Re: My boxes are full of Japanese Beetle Larve

Post  walshevak 5/30/2011, 9:00 am

Found this at Gardens Alive.



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My boxes are full of Japanese Beetle Larve Empty Re: My boxes are full of Japanese Beetle Larve

Post  dizzygardener 5/30/2011, 10:16 am

sharonrn wrote:
dizzygardener wrote:If you are looking for something cheaper you can try neem based products. Safer makes one called Grub Killer. Bonide make one called Grub Beater.
Have you used these on Japanese beetle larvae? I was reading the label online Grub Killer and it said it repelled these larvae but did not say it killed them. I live in an area where I will have to drive 2hrs to a garden supply, but I do shop on line. There are Lowes & Home Depots around. Thanks

No. I have not, but I have had some folks tell me that they worked pretty well on some grubs they had. I don't know if they were specifically the Japanese Beetles or not.

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