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intro from California to Utah I22gcj10intro from California to Utah 14dhcg10


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Square Foot Gardening Forum
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intro from California to Utah Toplef10intro from California to Utah 1zd3ho10

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intro from California to Utah I22gcj10intro from California to Utah 14dhcg10

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intro from California to Utah

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intro from California to Utah Empty intro from California to Utah

Post  lawrence.h.jones 5/17/2011, 9:10 pm

Hi all
we just moved from California to Utah. We had a square foot garden in cali using the old book. It was on a table. We were not able to take it with us in the move. Now that we are in Utah, the family we are staying with as asked us to build a garden for them. They wonted a permanent garden so we stripped back the grass and started designing the garden( looking at bricking in the the space around the garden so we don't get muddy). Then I ran accross the new square foot gardening book yesterday . Realized we don't have to do so much with PH and so forth. then found this forum today. I was looking for where to find Vermiculite. I really like the forum!!! are garden will be about 20 feet x 5 feet. Ya I know its not a 4x4 but its for a family of 5., two adults and soon to be three kids.

Thanks again for this forum. now I'm off to find 5 types of manure to make the compost. Still working of them to use a compost. they think it will stink and don't wont one. I have used a worm farm before but never a compost pile. any ideas on how to keep it from stinking??

Thanks LJ

Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-05-17
Location : Lehi

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Post  donnainzone5 5/18/2011, 12:21 am

Please do not make your bed(s) more than 5 feet wide, unless you have VERY LONG ARMS. It can be quite difficult to reach with more than two feet on one side.

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Post  Furbalsmom 5/18/2011, 2:18 am

intro from California to Utah 654548 LJ intro from California to Utah 654548

Glad to have you join us. How marvelous that you found the ALL NEW SQUARE FOOT GARDENING book before you got too far along in the construction and filling of your bed.

I really think Donna meant to say "Don't make your bed over 4 feet wide" You may have very long arms, but what about other family members that would like or need to help in the garden. Kids love gardening. A 4 X 20 SFG bed will supply you with a good amount of vegetables for two adults and almost three kids.

I hope you are able to find five types of compost, including various manures.

Again, Welcome! And keep us posted on your progress. We I love you pictures.

Female Posts : 3138
Join date : 2010-06-10
Age : 77
Location : Coastal Oregon, Zone 9a, Heat Zone 2 :(

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intro from California to Utah Empty Re: into from Calif to Utah

Post  tabletopper 5/18/2011, 7:23 am

Welcome to the Forum......one of my daughters and familys live in Lehi.....My daughter is very excited about her new SFG and composting.....
As for the size of your garden....the width is very important.......4 foot wide is for adults....and 3 foot wide for children.....I teach a few young children from a preschool....and 3 foot is great.....I have Mel's..Teaching Children to Garden books and they are available to purchase at SFG web site.....
I would suggest one or two 3x3 boxes for children and 4'wide for adults....Happy Gardening in Lehi....

Female Posts : 235
Join date : 2011-02-19
Age : 100
Location : Chula Vista,Ca

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Post  tabletopper 5/18/2011, 10:25 am

P.S......another thought if you consider a couple of 3x3 boxes....would be to plant strawberrys in one......if you can still find them before the lst of June....the nurserys are running short of the favorites.....its so exciting for kids (and adults) to grow them and hopefullly some will reach the kitchen...
If I were you I would buy a few bags of Mel's mix to get started from Lowe's........
Strawberrys last 3 yrs I understand...
Cant work in my garden today......Its raining.....but we need it....we did good with the rain this year....Lucky Us....
Happy Gardening....Ruth

Female Posts : 235
Join date : 2011-02-19
Age : 100
Location : Chula Vista,Ca

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