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Who or what is killing my cucumbers and zucchini??? Toplef10Who or what is killing my cucumbers and zucchini??? 1zd3ho10

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Who or what is killing my cucumbers and zucchini??? I22gcj10Who or what is killing my cucumbers and zucchini??? 14dhcg10


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Who or what is killing my cucumbers and zucchini??? Toplef10Who or what is killing my cucumbers and zucchini??? 1zd3ho10

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Who or what is killing my cucumbers and zucchini??? I22gcj10Who or what is killing my cucumbers and zucchini??? 14dhcg10

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Who or what is killing my cucumbers and zucchini???

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Who or what is killing my cucumbers and zucchini??? Empty Who or what is killing my cucumbers and zucchini???

Post  Jody 5/15/2011, 10:01 pm

Soo.. everything was going so well.. My garden looked beautiful..Yellow blossoms were popping out all over.. my tomatoes started taking off.. I was making salads from my lovely lettuce...Suddenly, I started noticing yellow spots on my cucumber leaves.. then the zucchini..Pretty quickly, they started to turn brown and shrivel up. I turned the leaves over and notice some tiny little bugs or.. eggs. I have no idea what they are or if they cause the damage but it's spreading like crazy. I cut off a lot of the badly effected leaves and sprayed the rest with a dish soap, water and oil solution but I have no idea if that is right..


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Who or what is killing my cucumbers and zucchini??? Empty Re: Who or what is killing my cucumbers and zucchini???

Post  duhh 5/16/2011, 2:12 am

Any pics? What color were the eggs?

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Who or what is killing my cucumbers and zucchini??? Empty Re: Who or what is killing my cucumbers and zucchini???

Post  shannon1 5/16/2011, 2:45 am

Pics would help. Any chance it could be downey mildew?Who or what is killing my cucumbers and zucchini??? 1234166

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Who or what is killing my cucumbers and zucchini??? Empty Re: Who or what is killing my cucumbers and zucchini???

Post  FarmerValerie 5/16/2011, 9:08 am

Sounds like Squash Bug or Yellow Cucumber Beetle, or both. We battle them down here too. This year I am going out early in the AM with the hose on mist, spraying the center of the plant so the adults run to the top of the plant, and picking them off, dropping them in a bucket of hot soapy water (you can use water and turpintine if you have it, but soapy water works fine). I scrape the eggs off, or if it's the end of a leaf, just tear off that part, place it in the soapy water. I also am spraying with a mixture of 1 1/2 C water, 1/2 c alcohol (rubbing alcohol) and 1-2 Tbsp of dish soap, it works great, killing the bugs in under 1 minute.

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Who or what is killing my cucumbers and zucchini??? Empty Photo

Post  Jody 5/16/2011, 9:53 am

I have already snipped off most of the really bad ones. I seem to have gotten rid of most of the (eggs?) and I am unable to find any other insects. The problem continues though...

Who or what is killing my cucumbers and zucchini??? Dsc05114

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Location : Venice, florida

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