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Now we're growin'

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Now we're growin' Empty Now we're growin'

Post  dianamarie03 5/1/2011, 4:24 pm

I got a lot done in my garden this weekend. Haven't posted any pictures yet so I guess now is the time! Here is how the garden area looks, you can see the bare ground where my in-the-ground-couldn't-grow-anything-in-that-clay garden used to be Smile I kind of want to mulch around the beds but hubby wants to grow grass. He's been so helpful and patient with this whole endeavor, he will probably get his way on this one!
[img][/img]Now we're growin' 22251311

I had to replant this bed, it used to have broccoli and lettuce, but bunnies got the best of those plants. Finally replanted the broccoli and can't find any good leaf lettuce yet so I'm still looking to replace that. Luckily the onions were left alone. I put netting over the whole bed so hopefully that'll keep the rabbits out this time. I've also planted two squares of radishes, two squares of beans, and one square each of yellow squash and zucchini. Left a row for some bell peppers when it's warm enough to put those out in a few weeks.
Now we're growin' 22714010

This 2x7 bed so far has brussel sprouts, sugar snap peas, and some lettuce seeds planted. I rigged up the trellis for the peas since they looked just about ready to latch on to something. Also planning on planting some jalepenos in a few weeks and some sunflowers for the kids.
Now we're growin' 23106110

A few weeks ago I got my blueberry bushes potted up and they are flowering! The larger are a Legacy and a Toro, and the smaller plants are a Bluecrop and an Elliot. The leaves look a little red and I'm not sure why. I did a soil test and the ph is around 5. The plants seem healthy other than their color. Any suggestions why they might be red?
Now we're growin' 22508011

In pots I've got cilantro, lettuce from seed which is a bit sad looking, and mint.
Now we're growin' 22239010

We also built a new garden/kids toys shed today! I'm so happy to have my tools handy and out of the garage, I can't wait to get it all organized!
Now we're growin' 22330110

Side note, I discovered a birds nest on the electric meter box on the side of our house today, nothing too suprising....
Now we're growin' 22638410

But upon further inspection, these birds must be pretty well to do! Haha, if only they built it out of a $100 Smile
Now we're growin' 22411910

Last edited by dianamarie03 on 5/1/2011, 4:28 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : pictures in wrong places)

Female Posts : 96
Join date : 2011-03-20
Age : 39
Location : Delaware, Ohio

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Now we're growin' Empty Re: Now we're growin'

Post  spankyleatherlips 5/1/2011, 4:39 pm

your beds look great. I might try my hand at blueberries. I would have to have the dwarf type. I'm just not brave enough to try right now. I am also jealous of your money birds Smile

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Now we're growin' Empty Re: Now we're growin'

Post  BackyardBirdGardner 5/1/2011, 4:56 pm

Beautiful gardens! I love the dome with netting. Can't wait to see more updates as the season wears on.

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Now we're growin' Empty Re: Now we're growin'

Post  quiltbea 5/1/2011, 8:16 pm

Thanks for sharing some pix. Your beds are looking great.

On the zucchini, squash plants, are you putting in one per square? If so, you won't have room for them. Zucchini usually takes up 9 squares. They need lots of room. Unless they are vining varieties and will grow up a trellis.
Now we're growin' 07-16-11
In this photo, my zucchini is in the 9 corner squares. As you can see, its huge. This is a 4 by 4 ft bed.

As for the blueberries, don't worry about the red leaves. That's normal coloring in the early spring and fall for blueberry bushes.

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Post  staf74 5/1/2011, 9:04 pm

Great beds Very Happy

Can u send some close-up pics of your blueberries? I will do my best to help. I've researched for hours on end and met with my local extension office regarding my little mini orchard I purchased for this season. No expert for sure but hopefully can steer you right.

The first leaves can come out with a red tinge but also perhaps might indicate a nitrogen uptake issue or also a disease. Your pH is good but anything over 5 is actually working towards becoming slightly uncomfortable for Blues. Have you fertilized yet? They also like a specific type of Fertilizer.

This website is about as comprehensive as it gets for Blueberries. It is the Michigan state extension service. Pics for troubleshooting and a wealth of info.


Now we're growin' 100_2916

Could not resist sharing. This plant was diseased and struggling big time. Using info from that site, I nursed it back and it is now healthy and loaded with about 5 or 6 of these clusters.

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Now we're growin' Empty Update!

Post  dianamarie03 5/27/2011, 10:53 am

It's been about 4 weeks and I've seen tremendous growth!

In the back left, my tomatoes are reaching for the trellis, and two squares of cukes next to them are getting their first real leaves on them. Next row, my potatoes need topped up with more soil, and the carrots are looking good! In the front two rows, eggplants and red and green bell peppers are looking good. My yellow bush beans....not so much. Only had about 50% germinate, but I stuck a few more seeds in the missing spots this morning.
[img]Now we're growin' Img_0811[/img]

Back left, Kentucky Wonder pole beans are coming along nicely and will be guided to the trellis soon. Yellow squash (Burpee golden zucchini) is doing well, although I'm getting conflicting information as to weather this is a vining variety or not. The zucchini I am learning will not vine, so I will either move that one to another small box and let it do it's thing, or try to stake it as I've seen some youtube videos demonstrate. In front of the beans there are 3 jalepenos hiding, one got nibbled by rabbits, so hopefully he'll make a recovery. On the far right behind the onions are mustard greens which are just sprouting. I have no idea if it's too late for them but we will see! Far left front two squares are broccoli. There used to be four plants, but rabbits got to those too, so now I'm down to two. We'll see how they do. I also have a mini bell pepper, red and yellow onions, spinach that got pelted by rain the past few days (we'll see if it survives, I have faith!) and radishes that are about ready for harvest.

[img]Now we're growin' Img_0812[/img]

My sugar snaps are climbing nicely, hopefully I'll see some blossoms soon! I took this photo Tuesday and they are already almost a foot taller! Next to them my brussel sprouts are getting gigantic, I had no idea they'd get to large! I am staking them up so hopefully they won't take over too much. :?: At least the lettuce (which needs thinning) in front of the bs will have some shade as the weather gets warmer. In front of the peas, our pumpkin is just sprouting. We'll let him spill out of the bed and crawl all over the lawn (hubby isn't crazy about that idea haha). Sunflowers and empty boxes to the left of the bs waiting to be planted (if there is any room as the bs fill in!).
[img]Now we're growin' Brusse10[/img] [img][/img]

Sorry for the rotten through-the-window-didn't-even-take-out-the-screen photo, we'll just call this one a teaser! Wink Just wanted to show I built two smaller 2x4 table tops for some more vining crops and herbs. We are putting up a fence in a few weeks and I'm not sure how I'll want my garden layed out next year so rather than kill the grass under some beds that might be moved next season, we did tabletops so the only grass killed is under the legs. Anyhow, I have seeds in for cantaloupe and watermelon in one and acorn and butternut squash in the other. They'll both have trellises soon. In front of those crops I put in some chives, shallots (couldn't resist after last friday's rookie post!), and a few types of bush beans.
Now we're growin' Ariel_11

My blueberries are coming along very nicely. I dressed the tops of the pots with some peat moss and added a little more soil sulfer and the leaves are nice and green now and berries are getting plump. I have four pots, all different varieties that mature at different times. They all have nice clusters except for one which is just flowering now. I can't wait for them to turn blue, how long does that take? This is the only picture I got before it started to rain and I ran for cover.
[img]Now we're growin' Img_0813[/img]

And finally, I can't help but include a picture of my youngest assistant Smile
[img]Now we're growin' Img_0814[/img]

Sorry so long, I'm just so excited about things! I have lots of stuff in pots too, I'll update with photos when the sun comes out and things dry up!

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Now we're growin' Empty Re: Now we're growin'

Post  Furbalsmom 5/27/2011, 11:44 am


So much growth! And the blueberries look great with those clusters of berries. Your assistant looks like he is having a good time.

Are the rabbits getting thru the deer netting or was the damage before you put the deer netting on the domes?

Don't apologize for your enthusiasm, that's why we love this method of growing. It is easy and gets results.

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Location : Coastal Oregon, Zone 9a, Heat Zone 2 :(

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Now we're growin' Empty Re: Now we're growin'

Post  dianamarie03 5/27/2011, 12:14 pm

I had problems before I put the netting on with lettuce and broccoli plants being eaten. Then I put the netting on and one got in under the netting and ate my new broccoli plants and beans too. I put some thumbtacks on the side of my boxes that I've been pulling the netting tight down over and haven't had any more problems since then. Plus we're putting up a fence soon so I might even be able to take the netting off which would be nice. I'll just have to see if rabbits find their way through/under the fence, hopefully they won't Smile

I can't wait for the berries weeee

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Now we're growin' Empty Re: Now we're growin'

Post  Furbalsmom 5/27/2011, 12:28 pm

Sounds like you have it under control. Hope the fencing works. Don't forget to make a gate, or you will be climbing the fence when holding harvests (or a baby) and it could be a little tricky. Rolling Eyes

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Location : Coastal Oregon, Zone 9a, Heat Zone 2 :(

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Now we're growin' Empty Re: Now we're growin'

Post  dianamarie03 5/27/2011, 12:35 pm

Thanks, it's working well for now. We're fencing in our whole back yard so getting in and out shouldn't be a problem haha. Smile

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Now we're growin' Empty Re: Now we're growin'

Post  Lindacol 5/27/2011, 4:50 pm

dianamarie03 wrote:Thanks, it's working well for now. We're fencing in our whole back yard so getting in and out shouldn't be a problem haha. Smile

Just wondering what kind of fence you are putting up? I have a little bunny that gets into my garden area going THRU the chain link fence. I have seen it. So far the only damage I've seen that could have been caused by the rabbit is to my chard and kale - everything else looks fine.

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Now we're growin' Empty Re: Now we're growin'

Post  quiltbea 5/27/2011, 5:04 pm

That's great progress. Everything is looking delicious.
Keep up the good work and keep sharing pictures.

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Now we're growin' Empty Re: Now we're growin'

Post  dianamarie03 5/27/2011, 9:50 pm

Lindacol wrote:
dianamarie03 wrote:Thanks, it's working well for now. We're fencing in our whole back yard so getting in and out shouldn't be a problem haha. Smile

Just wondering what kind of fence you are putting up? I have a little bunny that gets into my garden area going THRU the chain link fence. I have seen it. So far the only damage I've seen that could have been caused by the rabbit is to my chard and kale - everything else looks fine.

We're doing a 6' wooden privacy fence like this so hopefully bunnies won't be a problem. I plan to put raised beds around the inside edges of most of the fence eventually, and the other areas should be pretty well sealed up around the bottom since we have a dog to keep in the yard. Now we're growin' 770049104730xl

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