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Post  thomalm 3/24/2011, 11:37 pm

I think I have a plan but would love a critique.

North is the top row, the double wide box is to account for the suggested 1 per 2 square.

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Thank you!

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Post  Megan 3/24/2011, 11:52 pm

I think you are in for an "interesting" summer. Wink You gave some doublewides to the right-hand box, but that left box is jam-packed, too. (Also, I know next to nothing about okra, because I can't stand it, but I have heard of it growing really, really tall.)

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Post  dizzygardener 3/25/2011, 8:36 am

That okra is going to get very very tall. It is going to shade out the rest of your box. That is, unless you've come up some sort of bush okra...

You'll need to put your hot peppers somewhere else. I'd almost be tempted to switch it with the okra. You'll also have to be careful about the cucumbers in front of the tomatoes. What kind of tomatoes are you growing and how are you going to trellis the cucumbers and tomatoes?

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Post  thomalm 3/25/2011, 9:19 am

So I guess I need to remove half of the vine items from my plan or add another box? I have the upside down U trellis on the north side of both boxes. Should I make my 2 square per vine length wise not width?
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Post  FarmerValerie 3/25/2011, 9:28 am

I did my winter squash vines 1 per square last year, and they did okay. I just did not pay attention to the 2 square rule, I was in a hurry and missed that one (could someone explain why please?)! I may do the 2 square rule this year, but I'm running low on space, I do trelis them, and I do suppliment with fish emulsion, so they are getting extra, but many here have had fantastic results sticking with the book.

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Post  walshevak 3/25/2011, 10:17 am

Smile I like the idea of adding another box.


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Post  Megan 3/25/2011, 5:28 pm

Another box wouldn't be a bad idea. Something else you could try is planting some of your smaller (herbs) and/or fast growing plants (radish) around the okra.

Also, I don't know where Grand Prairie is, but here, my cukes, peppers, tomatoes and watermelon really didn't start growing until later in the spring. You can probably get several crops of radishes from those squares while the other plants are still small, especially if you are starting everything from seed. I had radishes all over the place -- in with the corn, in with the tomatoes, etc., as well as in a few squares of their own.

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Post  ander217 3/26/2011, 6:28 am

Welcome to the forum, Thomalm.

Which growing zone are you in? As Megan said, radishes are cool-loving crops and if you have hot summers, warm temps usually make them bolt (go to seed) really quickly and stop forming "bulbs". We plants our radishes very early in spring and again in fall using successive plantings, and when the weather turns hot we plant a summer crop in their place.

Dill can also grow very tall, depending on the variety. Your chives between your dill and zucchini may be shaded. You might switch places with the dill and chives.

Don't overstress about it. If something doesn't work well for you this year, figure out the problem and change it next season. That's how you become an experienced gardener - you make mistakes. As everyone here says, "They're only seeds."

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Post  Megan 3/26/2011, 9:13 am

I agree with Ander.

An alternative to a whole 'nother box might be to get containers for the oregano and chives. Both of these have the potential to be perennials and you may want to consider giving them a dedicated home of their own. This would free up some squares in your existing boxes. (Parsley might be another plant for a container. Unless you use a LOT of parsley, a full square may be more than you really need.)

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Post  FarmerValerie 3/26/2011, 9:32 am

I'm looking for containers or 1x3 boxes to put on the porch for my herbs, except my Rosemary, it's more of a bush, and I may need a new one. Herbs sometimes need to be cut back or pulled up and started over. My Parsley took over, and just was not looking like it should. I read on someones blog they pull theirs up every 3 years and start over. I will be doing that this year. My Rosemary is getting huge, so I'm not sure what I will do with it, I'm worried it may get a bit "woody" in it's taste, it already smells like an evergreen to me personally.

Not everything has to be in a box with MM & a grid. I'll be putting some things in containers and moving them around the garden this year, like sweet allisum to set next to the taters until they are pulled up, then a more shady spot for the heat of the summer. Think of it as you do when you rearrange your living room, just move a few containers around for a different look.

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