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Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma Toplef10Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma 1zd3ho10

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Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma I22gcj10Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma 14dhcg10


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Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma Toplef10Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma 1zd3ho10

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Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma I22gcj10Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma 14dhcg10

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Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma

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Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma Empty Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma

Post  okmedic07 3/23/2011, 12:41 am

Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma Dscn2711So here it is....My first SFG. Now i'm sure I broke every rule and yes my boyfriend painted part of the inside of the box but hey he wanted it to match the house....Yeah and waiting for seeds, not gonna happen....Oh and btw I found premade mix at a local nursery....See the facebook page for details....So I've decided to track my garden using a grid system....We have rows A&E (corny yes but our names are Adrian and Ernie) with A being towards the back of the picture and E being in the forground , then we have colums 1-4. So here is the break down

A-1 Sun Sugar Tomatos
A-2 Grape Tomatos
A-3 Roma Tomatos
A-4 Brussell Sprouts

E-1 Tomatillos
E-2 Jalepenos
E-3 Poblano Peppers
E-4 Everbearing Strawberreis
E-4.1 June Bearing Strawberries

So here goes nothing (and yes I now know Brussell Sprouts need more room....we'll see how they do)....

BTW....HELP ME PLEASE....Did I mention I have no idea what I'm doing....LOL Very Happy

Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-03-21
Location : 6B - Coweta, OK

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Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma Empty Re: Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma

Post  laurieann 3/23/2011, 12:59 am

Oooo...tomatillos...I want to give those a try this year.

Very nice job on the raised bed. Hope you'll post progress pics.

Female Posts : 18
Join date : 2011-03-21
Location : Crescent City, CA Zone 8


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Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma Empty Temps?

Post  ander217 3/23/2011, 9:47 am

Your box looks great. But...is it warm enough in your area to be planting peppers and tomatoes in the open? What is your last average frost date?

Unless you're certain all danger of frost is past, I'd have some protection handy in case they issue any frost warnings. Peppers are especially tender.

I'm a little worried about your babies. affraid (But then, I'm a natural worrier.)

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Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma Empty Re: Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma

Post  FarmerValerie 3/23/2011, 10:05 am


I'm a zone behind you, and although we usually have things like peppers and tomatoes out there by now, I just have this sick feeling in my bones that we have one more cold snap comming. We here in NE TX are supposed to get down in the lower 40's this weekend with storms. I too would consider having protection on hand just in case. I'll be out there in full force the first week of April, sticking corn and all kinds of seeds in the ground, then a week later beans. If you take any stock in old farmer's tales, look around for some Pecan trees, if they are starting to bud and bloom, plant, if not wait just a bit.

If you need any tips on cover and protection, holler, we'll point you in the right direction.

Female Posts : 1611
Join date : 2011-01-29
Age : 57
Location : NE Texas, 75501, Zone 8a


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Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma Empty Re: Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma

Post  miinva 3/23/2011, 12:14 pm

Welcome to the forum Smile Your garden looks great! If you're like us you'll add a few more each year.

A note about growing tomatillos: We grew them last year and the year before. The first year they didn't do very well and we didn't get any tomatillos, so the guy I bought the plants from gave me two last year for free. We actually got a decent harvest from just two plants, but I want to warn you that they acted like a trap plant. Each day when I went out to hand-pick pests I went to the tomatillos first because the pests LOVED them. I don't know if that's always the case, but it sure was for us! There were days there wasn't a single cucumber beetle on the cucumbers because they were too busy devouring the tomatillos! It was a good thing, though, because I knew where to start Smile The plants looked pretty sorry a couple of times, especially if I missed a day or two of hand-picking, but we still got a pretty good harvest. I'm not trying to discourage anyone, our tomatillos were delicious, I just wanted to give a heads up.

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Join date : 2010-04-29
Age : 55
Location : Central Virginia, 7A as far as I can tell


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Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma Empty Re: Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma

Post  FarmerValerie 3/23/2011, 12:20 pm

Sounds like I need to get a couple of those, and plant them a few yards away to set on fire and kill bugs!!!

Female Posts : 1611
Join date : 2011-01-29
Age : 57
Location : NE Texas, 75501, Zone 8a


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Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma Empty Thank you for the input.....suggestions noted

Post  okmedic07 3/24/2011, 6:06 pm

So day three and we have a blanket on the little babies. Loose frame with chicken wire covered with clear plastic and some mulch around all the plants (except the brussel sprouts cause i was told they like the cold)
Adrian and Ernie's little patch of veggies in Oklahoma Day_213

Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-03-21
Location : 6B - Coweta, OK

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