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New to SFG, Actually most gardening Toplef10New to SFG, Actually most gardening 1zd3ho10

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New to SFG, Actually most gardening

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New to SFG, Actually most gardening Empty New to SFG, Actually most gardening

Post  Patch 3/15/2011, 7:24 pm

Hey, My name is Patch and I started to beds this year. One for veggies and one for herbs. I also bought a compost bin and built a rolling bin. So far, I'm not doing well. Compost won't heat up and seeds are doing great in the seed starting tray. I forgot to add that I'm in central Oklahoma and I built raised bed because the soil here is red clay as hard as a rock. I put in Mel's mix and hope the growing season gets here soon, so I can if all I've read in Mel's book works out.

Male Posts : 21
Join date : 2011-03-15
Age : 77
Location : Oklahoma

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New to SFG, Actually most gardening Empty Re: New to SFG, Actually most gardening

Post  Furbalsmom 3/15/2011, 8:06 pm

New to SFG, Actually most gardening 396615 Patch

Glad to meet you.

That red clay can be a pain in the toosh. SFG is truly the answer, because we don't care what our soil is like, we don't use it. Mel's Mix is great stuff.

You said you compost isn't heating up? Is your compost bin for a pile or is it a tumbler type? Since I don't know how you built it and how you have filled it, perhaps the info in this thread will help.

Compost 101

In general, you want both green and brown compostables, a pile at least 3 ft X 3 ft and touching the ground so the beneficial microorganisms can join in the fun. The compost pile should be kept damp (not wet) and it will work faster if it is moved, turned, or whatever it takes to mix the ingredients every week or so.

To be honest, I have never used a rolling bin, so I don't know what it might need.

Your seed starting trays are doing great? That's wonderful. We have had some members with problems like leggy seedlings.

Please keep us updated on your progress and post pictures if you can. We really enjoy them.

Again, Welcome.

Female Posts : 3138
Join date : 2010-06-10
Age : 77
Location : Coastal Oregon, Zone 9a, Heat Zone 2 :(

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