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Follow up on my SFG in England!! Toplef10Follow up on my SFG in England!! 1zd3ho10

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Follow up on my SFG in England!! I22gcj10Follow up on my SFG in England!! 14dhcg10


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Follow up on my SFG in England!! Toplef10Follow up on my SFG in England!! 1zd3ho10

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Follow up on my SFG in England!! I22gcj10Follow up on my SFG in England!! 14dhcg10

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Follow up on my SFG in England!!

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Follow up on my SFG in England!! Empty Follow up on my SFG in England!!

Post  guyl01 2/26/2011, 3:28 pm

Welcome to my new SFG thread.
I moved to this page as I realised that the Welcome mat was getting rather long, maybe too long for the Welcome thread.

Hello Furbalsmum,
Nice to hear from you!
We were pleased with the veg we grew on the SFG last year. Had a plentiful supply of salads - yummy!
We realised a few things last year, that we hope to improve on this year.
The base of the SFG is made of a piece of 'Garden Fleece', folded over to increase the thickness and strength of it. When we put our bamboo canes into the SFG to support the tomato plants and the beans we were very careful NOT TO piece the cloth base of the SFG with the canes, then one day I had an idea!
We have bottles of water and when empty the bottle is recycled and the screw top is usually thrown away.
Why not use these tops to fit onto the base of the bamboo canes! they could quite easily be attached and the wide flat top would sit safely in the compost or on the base of the SFG where the risk of going through the bottom is greatly reduced!!
Another thought we have had is to make up some brackets to act as supports for the top of the canes, holding the canes securely in an upright position.
We were so pleased with the net on the hoops that we discarded the idea of a wooden frame. Where the wooden frame would be angular / square the gentle curves of the SFG as it is are gentle on the eye and we like them, so they will be staying on the SFG.
The weather will be improving here in a few days time, Very Happy and I will be starting some seeds of in the garden room to then plant out the seedlings in the SFG and get the season off to a flying start Very Happy
Will try to remember to take more photos along the way.
Cant wait to get started!!
Wishing you all success with your SFG gardening this year,

Male Posts : 13
Join date : 2010-03-14
Age : 66
Location : Hampshire, England

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Follow up on my SFG in England!! Empty Photo of my SFG, ready for replanting!!

Post  guyl01 2/26/2011, 3:41 pm

Hi SFG gardeners!,
I have been out in the garden for a while today, tidied up the SFG plot ready for topping up and planting in the near future.
Soon be growing time folks!!

Follow up on my SFG in England!! S1050920

Male Posts : 13
Join date : 2010-03-14
Age : 66
Location : Hampshire, England

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Follow up on my SFG in England!! Empty Our wormery has arrived!

Post  guyl01 3/12/2011, 1:48 am

Our compost bin is getting quite full and with no more room in the garden for another we have bought a wormery into which we can put our kitchen waste.
The worms in the wormery will feed on the kitchen waste and within a relatively short time will break down all of the waste into usable compost for use on the garden.
How many SFG'rs use wormeries?
Have you found any pitfalls or can you share any experiences?
Take care!

Male Posts : 13
Join date : 2010-03-14
Age : 66
Location : Hampshire, England

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Follow up on my SFG in England!! Empty RE: Our wormery has arrived!

Post  Goosegirl 3/12/2011, 8:39 am

I would LOVE to have a worm farm in the house for winters, but Hubby would never allow it! No So, I will be content to set up worm tubes per Josh's instructions. For more info on them, search the forum for Worm Tube and you will find Josh's incredible tutorial!

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Follow up on my SFG in England!! Empty Re: Follow up on my SFG in England!!

Post  quiltbea 3/12/2011, 1:21 pm

Hey guy, love all things British. I'm an Anglophile.
Anyway, I have a worm condo. I call it a worm condo because there are three floors so it can be expanded quite a bit. Its called a Can-O-Worms and since I couldn't make one myself, I bought one and love it.

I started it nearly 2 years ago now and love the compost I get from it. In the summer its in my yard under the shade of trees and in fall it comes inside and stays in my bathroom thru the winter.

By the way Goosegirl, there's no odor with worms. And inside is a handy spot in the house to get rid of kitchen waste and put it to good use in my gardens.
Follow up on my SFG in England!! 12-01-12

Good luck guy.

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Follow up on my SFG in England!! Empty Re: Follow up on my SFG in England!!

Post  guyl01 3/13/2011, 3:24 am

Hello Quiltbee,
Love the photo of your Can=o-worms wormery condo!
I had to giggle when I saw the wormery in the bathroom. I guess you don't mind having the worms indoors. My lovely wife would not be pleased If I brought my wormery indoors, hope your worms realise how fortunate they are.
I guess the worms in your wormery are active all year round for you, being kept so warm. It is still quite chilly here at the moment and the worms are a bit slow at the moment, hopefully as the weather warms up, which it should do this week, the worms will find it more to their liking and willstsrt wriggling away.
The wormery we have is in a tiered system also.
The base containing a tap to drain the rich liquid feed off and the other sections are added as required to feed the worms and collect the compost (may not have explained it well, but you know what I mean).
I have no photos of our wormery as yet, but here is the one we have.
It is the small one for 1-2 people on the left of the picture on the link here.



Male Posts : 13
Join date : 2010-03-14
Age : 66
Location : Hampshire, England

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Follow up on my SFG in England!! Empty Warm weather at last!

Post  guyl01 4/4/2011, 11:55 am

Means that at long last we can start planting outside in our SFG!!
We have most of the usual salad crops (as we do enjoy our salads)
and we are trying growing some maincrop potato for use as Jacket Potatos, yummy!!
Our wormery is doing really well now, the worms are happily munching away through the food scraps we give them, and they must be happy the way they are breeding !!

Male Posts : 13
Join date : 2010-03-14
Age : 66
Location : Hampshire, England

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Follow up on my SFG in England!! Empty Re: Follow up on my SFG in England!!

Post  Barkie 4/4/2011, 1:35 pm

guyl01 wrote:Means that at long last we can start planting outside in our SFG!!
We have most of the usual salad crops (as we do enjoy our salads)
and we are trying growing some maincrop potato for use as Jacket Potatos, yummy!!
Our wormery is doing really well now, the worms are happily munching away through the food scraps we give them, and they must be happy the way they are breeding !!

Another from Uk here.

We had an unusual warm dry spell, I was out in a t shirt but we are having April showers now.

I'm not sure if I can find somehwere for a worm farm but I would like one. What maincrop spuds have you put in? I can't set up my beds yet so I've got salad pots in sacks and a half barrel and a few Desiree in open rows as edible groundcover this year.


Posts : 305
Join date : 2011-03-25
Location : Wales, Uk. Last frost May

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