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Hello from Nowhere Nebraska Toplef10Hello from Nowhere Nebraska 1zd3ho10

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Hello from Nowhere Nebraska I22gcj10Hello from Nowhere Nebraska 14dhcg10


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Square Foot Gardening Forum
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Hello from Nowhere Nebraska Toplef10Hello from Nowhere Nebraska 1zd3ho10

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Hello from Nowhere Nebraska I22gcj10Hello from Nowhere Nebraska 14dhcg10

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Hello from Nowhere Nebraska

Odd Duck
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Hello from Nowhere Nebraska Empty Hello from Nowhere Nebraska

Post  poohac 2/25/2011, 5:33 pm

Have been reading the new square foot gardening book and once all the snow melts and the themometer gets above 32 I plan to start in on this. I also plan to have my 3 year old participate in it. I have tried very hard to "have a garden" since she was little but as Mel points out row gardening is very labor intensive and time consuming! With a small child and a full time job it has just not been anything but fustrating!
Anyway we are planning to learn together and have been looking through the seed catalogs as they come and praying for warmer weather! Very Happy

Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-02-25
Location : Nebraska

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Hello from Nowhere Nebraska Empty Re: Hello from Nowhere Nebraska

Post  Megan 2/25/2011, 5:42 pm

Welcome to the forum and to SFG, poohac! glad you\'re here

Square Foot Gardening is great for anyone, but "not a lot of time" and "small child" make it even better still. What wonderful memories you have ahead of you. You might want to make her a little 1x1 or 1x2 that can be hers to "Take Care Of". Smile

This forum is a great resource with many experienced gardeners happy to help. Please let us know about your plans and progress, and remember we just I love you pictures!

Happy gardening! (and stay warm!) flower

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Join date : 2010-04-27
Age : 57
Location : Manassas, VA - Zone 7a


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Hello from Nowhere Nebraska Empty Re: Hello from Nowhere Nebraska

Post  Furbalsmom 2/25/2011, 7:05 pm

Hello from Nowhere Nebraska 654548 Poohac Hello from Nowhere Nebraska 654548

Welcome and so glad you joined us. Like Megan said, this is a great place with lots of members will to share their experience.
You and your daughter have a lot to look forward to. Once you get your SFG's built and filled with Mel's Mix, you will have time to enjoy the garden and it will not be a big chore.

I moved to Oregon from Omaha. Needed to get away from the snow and bitter cold you have there, but gardening in Omaha was great.

Again, Welcome and keep us updated on your progress.

Female Posts : 3138
Join date : 2010-06-10
Age : 77
Location : Coastal Oregon, Zone 9a, Heat Zone 2 :(

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Hello from Nowhere Nebraska Empty Re: Hello from Nowhere Nebraska

Post  Odd Duck 2/25/2011, 8:18 pm

Welcome. I grew up in Nebraska. A little town called McCook. I'm sure you'll find lots of folks here ready to help.
Odd Duck

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Join date : 2010-03-08
Age : 62
Location : DFW, TX, Zone 7b/8a

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Hello from Nowhere Nebraska Empty Hello from Omaha!

Post  StellaBlueMama 2/9/2012, 9:42 pm

Hi poohac! I'm a Nebraska native myself, and wanted to say hello! Where are you located?
I've read the forums for a while now, but just recently joined as well! It is a wonderful group of people, and I truly learn something new every single day!
My daughter will be 16 in July. She says things like "mom, you and your hobby are just so cute" ...whatever that means. But, what do I expect when I come barreling through the living room exclaiming "guess what I just learned about turnips!?!" (okay, well I've never really said that...but you get the picture!) I love it when she helps in the garden. Great time together, and she's just growin' up so fast that mama wants every little second she can get! (Except those eye rolling, door slamming seconds. She can save those for dad's house or somethin! lol)
Glad you've joined, and I look forward to updates about your daughter & garden!

Posts : 11
Join date : 2012-01-30
Location : Omaha, NE

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Hello from Nowhere Nebraska Empty Re: Hello from Nowhere Nebraska

Post  sfg4uKim 2/9/2012, 10:11 pm

Hi poohac and Welcome to the Forum.

We were stationed at Offutt AFB where I had the very best mother's day of my life back in 1989. Hubby was in Korea and the boys (now 29 & 27) took me to MY favorite restaurant (McDonald's) and MY favorite place (the Strategic Air Command Museum a.k.a. the "airplane museum"):

Hello from Nowhere Nebraska Img_0013


I have seen women looking at jewelry ads with a misty eye and one hand resting on the heart, and I only know what they're feeling because that's how I read the seed catalogs in January - Barbara Kingsolver - Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

FB: Square Foot Gardening 4 U

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Hello from Nowhere Nebraska Empty Re: Hello from Nowhere Nebraska

Post  Smartchick 2/10/2012, 11:57 am

Welcome fellow Nebraskan! I have a three year old also and she is already asking when she gets to help me "poke holes" in the garden to plant seeds. Very Happy There is nothing more fun than watching your little one eat fresh veggies right out of the garden. This winter every so often when we were eating she would mention things like "we grow those in our garden, don't we mommy?" when we eat broccoli or peas or such. Welcome to the forum and if you ever need advice from a fellow Cornhusker, I'll be happy to help!

Posts : 105
Join date : 2011-02-18
Location : Omaha, NE, Zone 5

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Hello from Nowhere Nebraska Empty Re: Hello from Nowhere Nebraska

Post  quiltbea 2/10/2012, 12:05 pm

Welcome from Maine. I may not be from Nebraska but I've been watching "Postcards from Nebraska" on RFD-TV each week, does that count?

Letting your child have her own few blocks to grow something quick, like radishes and lettuce, will make her enjoy the gardening experience even more.

Good luck and enjoy.

Female Posts : 4707
Join date : 2010-03-21
Age : 82
Location : Southwestern Maine Zone 5A

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