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Can you tell me what did this to my plants? Toplef10Can you tell me what did this to my plants? 1zd3ho10

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Can you tell me what did this to my plants? I22gcj10Can you tell me what did this to my plants? 14dhcg10


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Can you tell me what did this to my plants? Toplef10Can you tell me what did this to my plants? 1zd3ho10

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Can you tell me what did this to my plants? I22gcj10Can you tell me what did this to my plants? 14dhcg10

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Can you tell me what did this to my plants?

Ole Joe Clark
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Can you tell me what did this to my plants? Empty Can you tell me what did this to my plants?

Post  BNC 3/9/2010, 9:01 pm

I am a very novice gardener (read: I have no idea what I am doing Can you tell me what did this to my plants? Icon_biggrin ). I did my first ever garden last year (SF!) and it went relatively well.

However, I noticed that a bunch of my plants got eaten by something...I dont know what it is or how to stop it!

Here is a pic of the damage. They were small and white (found a couple last year).

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

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Can you tell me what did this to my plants? Picture030

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Can you tell me what did this to my plants? Empty Re: Can you tell me what did this to my plants?

Post  rob.emenaker 3/9/2010, 9:11 pm

Stop you are scaring me! This is my first year gardening as well and I dread whatever is waiting out there to eat my babies Sad

I anxiously await to see what others say so I can ward off the demons.

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Can you tell me what did this to my plants? Empty Re: Can you tell me what did this to my plants?

Post  Ole Joe Clark 3/9/2010, 9:53 pm

Cabbage worms, if you see white "butterflys" in your garden you are gonna have cabbage worms shortly. Dust with bacillus thuringiensis or BT. It is not harmful to birds or other critters or humans.
Ole Joe Clark
Ole Joe Clark

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Can you tell me what did this to my plants? Empty Re: Can you tell me what did this to my plants?

Post  Lavender Debs 3/9/2010, 9:56 pm

Sort of looks like cabbage worm damage. The white spots are something else.
Lavender Debs
Lavender Debs

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Can you tell me what did this to my plants? Empty Re: Can you tell me what did this to my plants?

Post  boffer 3/9/2010, 10:22 pm


Ole Joe found his way to the new forum. There's some other folks down your way starting to show up, too. Welcome back!

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Can you tell me what did this to my plants? Empty Re: Can you tell me what did this to my plants?

Post  BNC 3/10/2010, 12:39 pm

Who is Ole Joe?

Thanks for the responses everyone! One more question - if I dont pant anything in the cabbage family this year, do I still have to worry about them? I wasnt planning on planting anything in the cabbage family this year anyways.

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Join date : 2010-03-09

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Can you tell me what did this to my plants? Empty Re: Can you tell me what did this to my plants?

Post  Lavender Debs 3/10/2010, 12:49 pm

The only time I see them is on cole crops.
Lavender Debs
Lavender Debs

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Can you tell me what did this to my plants? Empty Re: Can you tell me what did this to my plants?

Post  herbarium 3/10/2010, 1:17 pm

Do not plant all your cabbage family next to each other. Spread them out around your garden and plant some squares of garlic and/or onions nearby. Watch for white butterflies hanging around your plants. If you see any then spray your cabbage family plants with Neem oil or dust with diatomaceous earth (garden type only). Diatomaceous earth only works when it is dry so don't apply just before rain.
Out of all my cabbage family crops I only had two bothered by pests last year. Cabbage family includes cauliflower, kale, cabbage, collards, and bok choy.

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Post  Norm 3/24/2010, 4:07 pm

The eggs are easily rubbed off the undersides of the brassica leaves with your finger. Constant vigil by turning the leaves to view the undersides looking for a clutch of yellow eggs all stacked next to each other. If you miss a batch and they hatch, they spread all over the place and can quickly decimate a plant.

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