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Mulches Empty Mulches

Post  Simso 3/7/2022, 7:45 am

What do people recommend for mulch to help keep soil temps down

I have not had any weed issues and have used no mulch yet, but i am finding my first inch of mels mix is around 35c degrees during the day, we have had lots of hot days, 2-3 inches down its more around 28c degrees

Posts : 123
Join date : 2021-11-18
Location : Australia - Perth

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Mulches Empty Re: Mulches

Post  Frost? 3/7/2022, 9:46 am

Simso wrote:What do people recommend for mulch to help keep soil temps down

I have not had any weed issues and have used no mulch yet, but i am finding my first inch of mels mix is around 35c degrees during the day, we have had lots of hot days, 2-3 inches down its more around 28c degrees

We have a local landscape company that sells bulk stone, gravel, sand, top soil, compost, mulch, etc., etc..
I buy their cypress mulch.  It is chipped pieces of cypress, NO DYES!, they average about 1/4" to 1/2" (6mm - 12mm?) in width, 2" to 3" long (2.5cm - 7.5cm?).  I put it around my active potted plants, and my latent SFG beds.  I really like the way it keeps my dormant beds until I'm ready to use them - and it definitely keeps my pots cooler and more moist.

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Mulches Empty Re: Mulches

Post  sanderson 3/7/2022, 3:40 pm

Simso wrote:What do people recommend for mulch to help keep soil temps down

I have not had any weed issues and have used no mulch yet, but i am finding my first inch of mels mix is around 35c degrees during the day, we have had lots of hot days, 2-3 inches down its more around 28c degrees
In the US, chopped bedding straw or ready chopped E-Z Straw is used.  Also, dry fall leaves and dry pine needles.  Anything that sits lightly on the Mel's Mix and can be easily removed for adding more compost for the next planting. Some use wood chips, but I found it was really hard to remove all of the chips by the end of the summer. I spent years getting stuck by the slowly decomposing wood slivers. What a Face

Regarding supplemental 5-gallon buckets or garden pots, wrapping the containers against sunlight also helps.  I use aluminum foil to wrap the containers when it gets warm.  Burlap, cardboard, anything to keep the MM and roots cool in hot regions can be used.


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Mulches Empty Re: Mulches

Post  Simso 3/8/2022, 5:21 am


Was after something that could be easily moved when needing to adjust the mels mix.

Will see what i can find locally regarding chopped up straw, did not really want to use a heavy mulch that could start mixing in by mistake


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Location : Australia - Perth

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Mulches Empty Re: Mulches

Post  sanderson 3/8/2022, 4:36 pm

I just checked the Search box and there are 75 threads on mulch. I forgot these: some have used bark (not wood chips) or really rough compost on top. The bark is easier to removed that impossible wood chips. The rough compost can be mixed in come fall and should be ready for spring planting.


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Age : 76
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