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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Toplef10After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 1zd3ho10

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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 I22gcj10After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 14dhcg10


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Square Foot Gardening Forum
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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Toplef10After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 1zd3ho10

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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 I22gcj10After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 14dhcg10

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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way.

llama momma
jimmy cee
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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Empty Re: After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way.

Post  jimmy cee 4/6/2021, 10:04 pm

What happened to being able to reply directly to one's message on a thread ? I'm not able to find it.

Or is it now required to use the quote mode ?
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Empty Re: After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way.

Post  jimmy cee 4/6/2021, 10:14 pm

sanderson wrote:Jimmy,  What ever SFG knowledge you can share with the community is a positive.  Last summer was a pure rush with new gardeners wanting food security (that and TP!).  Didn't you have a photo album you took with you?
I have a huge amount of photos, however They are not organized now because of changes in programs. It seems Ipad and Iphone will not accept folders. That means one must go through all folders, converting them into single images, select  all images and then send them . all I get is a bunch of photo's in no order...Maybe I'm not doing it right, I'll keep searching for info...
Right now I have over 1,000 photo's on my ipad and iphone way out of order.
I did pick up a flash drive that works between apple and a PC product. connection us USB to charging port on apple.
will continue learning ...
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Empty Re: After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way.

Post  jimmy cee 4/6/2021, 10:24 pm

Scorpio Rising wrote:Hey Jimmy!  So glad to see you back with us!  I can’t wait to hear your story and tales of your new adventures!  Missed you! After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 3085260134
Thank you SR for your kind thoughts..adventures over past few years are nothing to talk about. New adventures are just beginning, a new life is starting at 85...I can remember clearly the days when I considered 28 years old ancient...
I am now living in a highly populated area, just north of Philadelphia. Shopping centers here are like none I've ever seen...just 3 miles from me there is a home depot on one side of the road and a lowes across the street on the other side...I live next to a 5 lane highway that traffic never ceases except when a train crosses the road...LOL....Traffic can back up 5 miles from time to time.  Fortunately I live in a development hidden away from all of this. My hearing is such I do not even hear the roar of traffic anymore unless I turn up my hearing aids.
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Empty Re: After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way.

Post  jimmy cee 4/9/2021, 10:46 am

Two very basic screening sieves ready to use. I love fine neat Mels Mix. One enjoyment I get is looking at a neat bed, not filled with clumps of stuff. 
I have also discovered it is best to screen peat moss before adding as 3rd ingredient to Mels Mix. Maybe not necessary, I just like it. 
Two screens, one for regular compost with 1/2 inch squares, other for worm castings with 1/4 inch squares.
After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 9934f210
After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 0b06b010
After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 13e34c10
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Empty Re: After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way.

Post  Kelejan 4/11/2021, 12:39 pm

I have always screened the peat moss before mixing as it makes the mixing much easier. It does not take very long to do.

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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Empty Re: After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way.

Post  jimmy cee 4/11/2021, 12:54 pm

and mixes much nicer with other 3 ingredients.
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Empty Re: After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way.

Post  Scorpio Rising 4/12/2021, 7:57 pm

I have never done this.....
Scorpio Rising
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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Empty Re: After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way.

Post  jimmy cee 4/13/2021, 9:01 am

After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 6bf95f10
After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 935a8f10
After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Efce5c10

Really helps mix three ingredients of Mels Mix much better
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Empty Re: After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way.

Post  Kelejan 4/13/2021, 11:35 am

Ideal for small quantities.  I have something similar where I mix small quantities for potting etc.  Pity I will have leave all my stuff behind when I move. Sad

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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Empty Re: After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way.

Post  jimmy cee 4/13/2021, 11:39 pm

I had to dismantle this entire area, bring it back to grass in order to sell my home. so my realtor  stated..
Fortunately a friend of mine was able to help dismantle it and use everything including 240 cubic feet of Mels Mix., sheds and compost piles.

After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Saturd10
After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 110
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jimmy cee

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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Empty Re: After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way.

Post  Kelejan 4/14/2021, 8:50 am

Lucky friend and you have the satisfaction that your labour will be well used and appreciated.  

I fully expect that any purchaser of my house would erase everything and have it professionally landscaped. There are not so many gardeners around nowadays.

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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Empty Re: After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way.

Post  jimmy cee 4/15/2021, 2:04 pm

Kelejan wrote:Lucky friend and you have the satisfaction that your labour will be well used and appreciated.  

I fully expect that any purchaser of my house would erase everything and have it professionally landscaped. There are not so many gardeners around nowadays.
It was quite a traumatic experience for me physically and emotionally. 
The first morning after I began destroying everything, I made a cup of coffee, then went out to sit close to my garden and think as I usually did.
When I saw the destruction, I was actually shocked beyond belief. Boards were ripped up, beds were uprooted, it was a mess and I did not remember doing it. I went in the house to notify police and hesitated because I wanted to find out who did this...it took a couple hours for me to realize that I was taking it all apart.
Talk about confusion, well I had it then like no other time in my life till then or since then.
Strange happening, the folks who purchased my house were very unhappy when the eventually saw my beds all taken down and grass added...it was exactly what they wanted..
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Empty Re: After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way.

Post  OhioGardener 4/15/2021, 2:20 pm

Jimmy, it is a shame the buyers did not tell the realtor they liked those garden beds before they were all destroyed. That would be very traumatic for me to have to destroy all of the very productive gardens we have.


"In short, the soil food web feeds everything you eat and helps keep your favorite planet from getting too hot. Be nice to it."  ~ Diane Miessler, "Grow Your Soil"

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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Empty Re: After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way.

Post  jimmy cee 4/15/2021, 10:28 pm

OhioGardener wrote:Jimmy, it is a shame the buyers did not tell the realtor they liked those garden beds before they were all destroyed. That would be very traumatic for me to have to destroy all of the very productive gardens we have.
I always thought the same, however I needed to sell, the area was very distressed financially, real estate was not selling, 4 pages of sheriff sales for not paying taxes, I was fortunate to sell even though I took a big hit.Homes in the area 4 years ago are still for sale now.
I was lucky to sell as I was moving out of the area....
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Empty Re: After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way.

Post  mollyhespra 4/16/2021, 1:53 pm

Jimmy! Welcome back!!! I'm totally late to the party, lol, but welcome back nonetheless!!!

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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Empty Re: After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way.

Post  jimmy cee 4/16/2021, 10:56 pm

mollyhespra wrote:Jimmy!  Welcome back!!!  I'm totally late to the party, lol, but welcome back nonetheless!!!
Thank you Molly, You"re not late, bell hasn't sounded yet...
jimmy cee
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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Empty Moved after 42 years.

Post  Hollysmac 4/17/2021, 12:58 am

I lived in my house in Amherst (Buffalo Ny) for 40 years and sold it in anticipation for my move to Georgia to be near my son.  I sold the house in 2016 after a shattered knee and lived in an apartment for 3 years. I retired summer 2019 at 76 and made the move to Georgia. My yard is not ideal but it I a one story house. The Atlanta market is tough so I was lucky too find a non HOA home that was acceptable and affordable. It's sad to see your garden go and not be able to move all the accumulations 15 hours away. Thank goodness for square foot gardening mindset. I had 20 bags for tomatoes at the apartment and watered them by hand from the kitchen sink. I never thought I'd be so excited to have access to hoses.  I do my garden here in 50 7gal grow bags that I made. I set up 2 open compost bins and one quick closed bin in the back yard to feet my bags that are placed in the side and front of the house. My plan this year is to start some drip irrigation. I'm going to start small and expand as I can afford it. I have been a widow since 1997 and my dear late husband would be amused but not surprise at the adaptations I have made to keep gardening.

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After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way. - Page 2 Empty Re: After 4 years I am getting back in the game on a tiny way.

Post  jimmy cee 4/17/2021, 10:23 pm

Hollysmac.  I've found that watering by hand brings me much closer to my plants.
They will enjoy that closeness and be happier for the efforts.
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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