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83 degrees in ATL today.... Toplef1083 degrees in ATL today.... 1zd3ho10

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83 degrees in ATL today.... I22gcj1083 degrees in ATL today.... 14dhcg10


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83 degrees in ATL today.... Toplef1083 degrees in ATL today.... 1zd3ho10

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83 degrees in ATL today.... I22gcj1083 degrees in ATL today.... 14dhcg10

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83 degrees in ATL today....

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83 degrees in ATL today.... Empty 83 degrees in ATL today....

Post  ATLRhonda 4/6/2020, 8:25 am

I have 3 squares of lettuce. Should I cover them for just today?  And if so, will an old kitchen towel work in lieu of cheesecloth?

Am hoping to build a lettuce table and place new lettuce in a shadier spot, but am waiting on lumber.

ETA: Also have spinach, carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, broccoli, celery, peas, and Swiss chard.

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Location : Metro Atlanta

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83 degrees in ATL today.... Empty Re: 83 degrees in ATL today....

Post  yolos 4/6/2020, 12:55 pm

I have a 4 x 4 bed of lettuce and spinach.  I cover one side of the bed with burlap.  It will get morning sun and afternoon filtered shade.  

I don"t think it will hurt it to cover for a day or two.  But if you do  not work (or are working from home) then just cover it during the heat of the day.  Lettuce does not need a full day of sun.

Female Posts : 4139
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Location : Brooks, Ga Zone 7B/8A

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83 degrees in ATL today.... Empty Re: 83 degrees in ATL today....

Post  yolos 4/6/2020, 1:39 pm

yolos wrote:I have a 4 x 4 bed of lettuce and spinach.  I cover one side of the bed with burlap.  It will get morning sun and afternoon filtered shade.  

I don"t think it will hurt it to cover for a day or two.  But if you do  not work (or are working from home) then just cover it during the heat of the day.  Lettuce does not need a full day of sun.
I forgot I also have a rolling lettuce bed that is located on my screened porch.  About 2 ft x 6 ft.  In the spring, it gets sun from 11 am to 7 pm.  So I let it sit by the screen during the cooler part of the day and roll it away from the sun in the hottest part of the day.  I can roll it under the ceiling fan and keep it a little cooler.  It was fairly expensive but since I am sitting at home not spending anything, I thought I would reward myself with this self watering bed.  I have wanted to put a planter on my porch for years.  Because this is self watering, water will not drain on the floor unless I over fill it (which I have not done yet).

83 degrees in ATL today.... Salad_10

It also has a metal frame on top of the bed which I can use to hang a shade cloth and it also came with plastic which I can put on in the early spring or late fall to help keep it from getting too cold.

Female Posts : 4139
Join date : 2011-11-20
Age : 74
Location : Brooks, Ga Zone 7B/8A

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83 degrees in ATL today.... Empty Re: 83 degrees in ATL today....

Post  ATLRhonda 4/6/2020, 7:53 pm

Is that the VegTrug?  The self-watering feature would be nice, as I am normally teaching during this part of the year.  

I rigged a sheet up today from 1 until they were naturally shaded and watered a little bit after lunch as one of the broccoli plants was droopy.  All seem to be doing well.  My husband was impressed!

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83 degrees in ATL today.... Empty Re: 83 degrees in ATL today....

Post  yolos 4/6/2020, 8:54 pm

ATLRhonda wrote:Is that the VegTrug?  The self-watering feature would be nice, as I am normally teaching during this part of the year.  

I rigged a sheet up today from 1 until they were naturally shaded and watered a little bit after lunch as one of the broccoli plants was droopy.  All seem to be doing well.  My husband was impressed!
This is the one I got. It is actually 21 x 47 inches.  As I said, the price is pretty high but it is exactly what I have been looking for over the past few years.   Apparently they are out of stock in this planter that comes with the cover and self watering.  Mine has the self watering feature and the cover.  Amazon also  sells it but is also out of stock.


Female Posts : 4139
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Age : 74
Location : Brooks, Ga Zone 7B/8A

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83 degrees in ATL today.... Empty Re: 83 degrees in ATL today....

Post  ATLRhonda 4/7/2020, 4:58 am

Yes, I think everything is out of stock at the moment.  Rolling Eyes

Thank you for the link.  I can be patient!

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83 degrees in ATL today.... Empty Re: 83 degrees in ATL today....

Post  sanderson 4/7/2020, 6:41 am

I just remembered that I got the idea for a rolling bed that used cement mixing pans as the beds from one of our members.  I remember that her kids got to choose a color and each paint the frames of one bed.  They were so pretty.  Until I can remember her name, here is a photo of the one my husband built for me based off her design.  He added wheels after the photos.

Edit:  I remembered her name the minute I hit Send.  Gwennifer.  Here is the link to her thread.  


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