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White "stuff" in my soil

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White "stuff" in my soil Empty White "stuff" in my soil

Post  Sunsanvil 4/30/2018, 8:43 am

While doing the spring turning of the soil yesterday, I noticed in one of the found there is some very very white "stuff", sort of web-like, specifically on anything wood. ie sticks, chips, and even a couple spots on the inside of the beds below the soil line.

A fungus, or type of mold maybe?

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White "stuff" in my soil Empty Re: White "stuff" in my soil

Post  No_Such_Reality 4/30/2018, 9:21 am

Sunsanvil wrote:While doing the spring turning of the soil yesterday, I noticed in one of the found there is some very very white "stuff", sort of web-like, specifically on anything wood. ie sticks, chips, and even a couple spots on the inside of the beds below the soil line.

A fungus, or type of mold maybe?

Mushroom fungus.  I used to have it all through my wood chips.

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White "stuff" in my soil Empty Re: White "stuff" in my soil

Post  BeetlesPerSqFt 4/30/2018, 9:23 am

I agree, sounds like fungi; see the photos here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mycelium
They are eating the wood and releasing nutrients into your soil/MM. Fungi are part of a healthy soil ecosystem.

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White "stuff" in my soil Empty Re: White "stuff" in my soil

Post  Sunsanvil 4/30/2018, 9:36 am

BeetlesPerSqFt wrote:see the photos here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mycelium

Looks exactly like the first photo on that page. Good to know. This might be a stupid question, but how much of my bed frames is it going to eat? Smile

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White "stuff" in my soil Empty Re: White "stuff" in my soil

Post  BeetlesPerSqFt 4/30/2018, 11:47 am

Sunsanvil wrote:
BeetlesPerSqFt wrote:see the photos here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mycelium

Looks exactly like the first photo on that page.  Good to know.  This might be a stupid question, but how much of my bed frames is it going to eat? Smile
Eventually - all of it. But how long it takes depends on the climate. My beds are just cheap pine, and the oldest will be three years old this May. I can see some grooves along the grain of the wood under the soil line, but I think they have several more years in them. I'm in central Pennsylvania, in a location that is fairly humid. Various pages online suggest they should last for a total of 5 to 6 to 10 years. I plan on moving in the next few years (to somewhere with more/better gardening space!), and I like having an excuse for resizing my beds now that I better understand what works for me, so I'm ok with the limited life-span.

Some people use rot-resistant wood, like cedar. Railroad ties aren't recommended for food gardens because of the creosote chemical(s) they are treated with. Old (pre-2003) pressure-treated wood is problematic due to arsenic leeching into the soil under certain conditions. Newer pressure-treated woods don't have arsenic, and may be safe to use for gardens - but plenty of us are still leery after the arsenic thing. After I move I'll probably see what the research is saying about the newer stuff and consider whether I want to use it for new beds or not.

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Join date : 2016-04-11
Location : Centre Hall, PA Zone 5b/6a LF:5/11-FF:10/10

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White "stuff" in my soil Empty Re: White "stuff" in my soil

Post  Sunsanvil 4/30/2018, 12:21 pm

BeetlesPerSqFt wrote:Some people use rot-resistant wood, like cedar.

Ours are made of white cedar, a full 2" thick so no panic but I'm curious how far the stuff will go. Smile

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White "stuff" in my soil Empty Re: White "stuff" in my soil

Post  SQWIB 4/30/2018, 2:33 pm

Yep, good stuff!

White "stuff" in my soil Ring_trapping-2
"Electron micrograph of a nematode being trapped by fungal rings."

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White "stuff" in my soil Empty Re: White "stuff" in my soil

Post  sanderson 4/30/2018, 7:05 pm

Good stuff!


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White "stuff" in my soil Empty Re: White "stuff" in my soil

Post  Scorpio Rising 4/30/2018, 9:53 pm

Yeah.  My first SFG (the original) used RR ties.  I was poor.  I ate well out of that baby for 4 years...who knew?

Now I use untreated wood.  The lumberyard is always so incredulous...yes, kids, untreated.  Un
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White "stuff" in my soil Empty Re: White "stuff" in my soil

Post  meatburner 4/30/2018, 10:32 pm

New RR ties are fine  No need to worry.

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White "stuff" in my soil Empty Re: White "stuff" in my soil

Post  jimmy cee 5/3/2018, 11:15 pm

Not to worry, be happy. Your fungi is growing and will in time become one with your plants root system ( rhizosphere)
Fungi develops symbiotic relationships with root systems, supplying nutrients that are otherwise in accessible . In turn the plants supply carbon that they so badly need to survive...Fungi is the oldest living material on planet earth.
There are 3 books that every one who is interested in gardening should read....
1st picture is flowers (mushrooms) being sent up from fungi below thanking me for helping them.
Rest are the books I am referring to...

White "stuff" in my soil Fungi_10
White "stuff" in my soil Fungi10
White "stuff" in my soil Microb11
White "stuff" in my soil Teamin12
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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White "stuff" in my soil Empty Re: White "stuff" in my soil

Post  sanderson 5/5/2018, 3:03 am

Yep. At least "Teaming with Microbes". I'm still amazed how Mel's All New SFG method is so compatible with microbes and worms.


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White "stuff" in my soil Empty Re: White "stuff" in my soil

Post  jimmy cee 5/5/2018, 11:10 pm

sanderson wrote:Yep.  At least "Teaming with Microbes".  I'm still amazed how Mel's All New SFG method is so compatible with microbes and worms.
I feel that they were made for each other.
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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