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Post  ralitaco 6/26/2016, 6:39 pm

I was wondering what "associating" my forum account with facebook does. I tried it but I get an error. I was also wondering what happens if I sign in with my fb account. I also saw the Like button for the various threads and clicked it. the counter increased but will that show up anywhere on FB?

I am not sure I want all of my SFG posts showing up on my FB feed.

Just wondering...

Here is the error I got when I tried to Associate my FB account in Profile>Preferences AND when I tried to Login with my FB

Associate your account with Facebook Fb_err10

Last edited by ralitaco on 6/26/2016, 6:45 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added photo)

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Post  Kelejan 6/26/2016, 6:51 pm

I belong to a Forum, The ElefanHerd, a support Forum for the "The Elephant Sanctuary" in Tennessee,  which is very much like this SFG Forum that supports SFG gardening.

It went well for about ten years, then along came FaceBook.  The EFH Forum has declined and stagnated with the few original members. With the Search feature one can read comments on that Forum as all the information is stored there, just like this SFG Forum.

I would hope that this Forum would not go the same way if involved with FaceBook.

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Post  sanderson 6/26/2016, 7:17 pm

The Forum is too neat of a place to let it fade. When there are question asked on the SFG Foundation FB site, and I reply, I still invite them to hop on over and join us on the Forum where there are active conversations and lots of photos about all kinds of gardening info.


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Post  countrynaturals 6/26/2016, 7:33 pm

Kelejan wrote:I belong to a Forum, The ElefanHerd, a support Forum for the "The Elephant Sanctuary" in Tennessee,  which is very much like this SFG Forum that supports SFG gardening.

It went well for about ten years, then along came FaceBook.  The EFH Forum has declined and stagnated with the few original members. With the Search feature one can read comments on that Forum as all the information is stored there, just like this SFG Forum.

I would hope that this Forum would not go the same way if involved with FaceBook.
I had the same experience with OnlineAuction.com. I had a lot of good friends over there and the forum was a lot of fun. Along came FB and now it's all gone. I HATE FACEBOOK!

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Post  trolleydriver 6/26/2016, 8:24 pm

I've never signed up for Facebook and I don't want to. Mrs TD has a FB account. I like this SFG forum as it is. 

Just in my humble opinion of course.

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Post  sanderson 6/27/2016, 3:27 am

Thanks for posting your opinions on this subject. Good to know how all of you feel.


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Post  BeetlesPerSqFt 6/27/2016, 8:27 am

Non-FB'er here, too. It's not the kind of thing that would be good for me, so I abstain. It frustrates my friends, but my REAL friends bear hug take the time to keep me in the loop even though I've made it inconvenient vs their cultural standard. And I'm always a bit puzzled when companies/causes do some sort of FB-only thing that I can't access w/o an account. I shrug and say "I guess they don't want my business/help" and the silver-lining is that I probably help more than is good for me anyhow and having some winnow themselves out keeps me sane.

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Post  countrynaturals 6/27/2016, 10:36 am

BeetlesPerSqFt wrote:Non-FB'er here, too. It's not the kind of thing that would be good for me, so I abstain. It frustrates my friends, but my REAL friends bear hug take the time to keep me in the loop even though I've made it inconvenient vs their cultural standard. And I'm always a bit puzzled when companies/causes do some sort of FB-only thing that I can't access w/o an account. I shrug and say "I guess they don't want my business/help" and the silver-lining is that I probably help more than is good for me anyhow and having some winnow themselves out keeps me sane.
I have to use the stupid thing for daughter's charity, but it is sooooo frustrating. There's one set of rules for people (which you have to be to start with), another set of rules for pages (which you have to have if you want to be effective), and yet a 3rd set of rules for groups (which brings in a lot more action.) Did I mention frustrating? bounce

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Post  bigdogrock 6/27/2016, 11:23 am

I have stayed up with technology, and understand the pros/cons of things in the cyberworld. I CHOOSE not to be involved in FB, to be honest, it just does not fit me. I am sure I could adjust and learn something new and become part of that kind of social media, but I am spending my time in other areas.
I like this site, it is the people that make it so pleasant, and the moderators that do such a great job, I am glad they are here.
I hope we never have to jump through any other hoops to get this site where it is, though I realize that sometimes changes are needed, I hope we never have to be part of something else to have the access here, like it is now.
This is my opinion, not trying to stir a pot, just telling everybody that I think what we have now is wonderful with out FB. Rock

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Post  sanderson 6/27/2016, 12:50 pm

I had to join FB because my kids stopped using email and I couldn't see photos of grand and great-grand kiddies. When I saw the Forum, I was amazed at how fast a reply would be sent and all the great photos. I read every single reply on this Forum.


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Post  CapeCoddess 6/27/2016, 5:29 pm

I've had a FB acct since it started, I think. But I think I don't understand the question. And I have no idea about all that stuff that Country mentioned.

I really only use the FB to see my closest pals & familys latest photos, along with posts from Dr Fuhrman, Wonderful Engineering and a few other interests. I wouldn't connect this forum to my FB, or what would be the use of coming here?


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Post  ralitaco 6/27/2016, 7:30 pm

Wow, there sure are lots of non-FB'ers out here.

My question was not whether or not to use FB, but what happened if I associated my forum account with FB AND what happens when I click the "Like" button at the top of each thread.

But since it doesn't work, I guess the question is moot

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Post  Kelejan 6/28/2016, 7:29 pm

sanderson wrote:I had to join FB because my kids stopped using email and I couldn't see photos of grand and great-grand kiddies.  When I saw the Forum, I was amazed at how fast a reply would be sent and all the great photos.  I read every single reply on this Forum.

Very Happy And I think you reply to 50% of them sanderson.  Thank you so much for all your efforts on this Forum.  clap

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Post  Scorpio Rising 6/28/2016, 10:38 pm

Interesting....just hijacked my iPad 3x before I could reply....this thing...?

Something with the banners? It really yanked me off here to a "won something or other" site...think it might be the banner ads, but I did not click it....

I am an employer, over 200 direct reports.  Never did Facebook, don't want to cramp anybody's off hours style. 

Son moves to different state, game changer!  He posts stuff there all the time.  I am on with a filter.

Last edited by Scorpio Rising on 6/28/2016, 10:55 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Typo!)
Scorpio Rising
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Post  trolleydriver 6/28/2016, 10:50 pm

Scorpio Rising wrote:Interesting....just hijacked my iPad 3x before I could reply....this thing...?
For a while my Windows 10 PC was getting hijacked when I was moving around on this forum. I installed a Google extension called AdBlock and have not had the problem since doing so.

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Post  Scorpio Rising 6/28/2016, 10:57 pm

Thanks, TD,
Scorpio Rising
Scorpio Rising

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