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Shaking the dust off Toplef10Shaking the dust off 1zd3ho10

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Shaking the dust off I22gcj10Shaking the dust off 14dhcg10

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Shaking the dust off

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Shaking the dust off Empty Shaking the dust off

Post  bwaynef 6/1/2016, 9:34 am

After having a couple 4x4s lay fallow for a few years, I bothered to get some peppers, tomatoes, squash/zuke, and a cantaloupe and get them planted recently.  My family's grown to 4 kids, and the three youngest were interested in what was going on in the garden ...so I went to my long-since-bothered-with seed stash in the garage fridge and cleared the table.  I had a few spare squares so I made a plan.  I've likely over-planted, but the kids were pretty eager.  For the most part, I planted plants that grow up (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, okra, and bush beans) on the outside squares and the ones that grow everywhere (cucurbits, zukes, cantaloupe, watermelon) on the inside squares with the thinking that I'll let them run under the tall plants and out into the yard if necessary.  I also planted some carrots, radishes on the outside, but they SHOULD be out before the cucurbits really take off.

I didn't spend as much time planning this as I probably should have, but 3 of 4 kids were interested so it was a good way to spend a few hours of family time.Shaking the dust off Thumb?viewBox=1920

Posts : 128
Join date : 2012-03-18
Location : Clemson SC, zone 7b-8a

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Shaking the dust off Empty Re: Shaking the dust off

Post  sanderson 6/1/2016, 4:20 pm

Wayne, Good to see you. You are a great parent to seize the moment when the kids were interested.


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Shaking the dust off Empty Re: Shaking the dust off

Post  Kelejan 6/1/2016, 8:17 pm

"Carpe Diem".  I think it means Seize the Day. It is the motto of our local High School.

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Shaking the dust off Empty Re: Shaking the dust off

Post  Scorpio Rising 6/1/2016, 8:47 pm

Plan looks good and tasty! Your kids will love it! Your turnips might come on fast, but you may want to put in sone mild radishes (white icicle, sparkler) to keep the interest for a quick payoff? You can put 4 in the corners of your peppers. Smile
Scorpio Rising
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Shaking the dust off Empty Re: Shaking the dust off

Post  bwaynef 6/15/2016, 11:04 am

Well, some things didn't come up.  My dog keeps burying her bone in a couple spots on my sfg too which prevented other things from coming up, but I think she and I have come to an agreement.  Looks like I might be able to replant those spots now.  I'll let you know how it goes.  

(Also, amazon cloud doesn't seem to be a great photo host.  I'll have to look into that.)

Posts : 128
Join date : 2012-03-18
Location : Clemson SC, zone 7b-8a

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