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The SFG Journey:Vermicompost Garden Bucket(VGB): How fast do worms eat in a VGB experiment

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The SFG Journey:Vermicompost Garden Bucket(VGB): How fast do worms eat in a VGB experiment  - Page 2 Empty Re: The SFG Journey:Vermicompost Garden Bucket(VGB): How fast do worms eat in a VGB experiment

Post  has55 10/1/2018, 10:28 pm

I never completed the experiment. I have 3 partially empty ones I filled 2 days ago. I plan to try harder gathering the info.  Using pulp, vegetables, and fruit to fill them.

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The SFG Journey:Vermicompost Garden Bucket(VGB): How fast do worms eat in a VGB experiment  - Page 2 Img_0033

checking the temp

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Post  has55 10/5/2018, 5:13 pm

I filled several buckets on 9-1-18. here's update today on how fast the worms and microorganism work. temperature range 86F-90F

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The SFG Journey:Vermicompost Garden Bucket(VGB): How fast do worms eat in a VGB experiment  - Page 2 Img_0048

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Post  sanderson 10/6/2018, 12:46 am

Has, Do you have any problems with gnats or white flies?


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Post  has55 10/6/2018, 6:37 am

sanderson wrote:Has, Do you have any problems with gnats or white flies?

no, not at all. it performs like a worm tube.

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Post  sanderson 10/6/2018, 1:11 pm



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Post  has55 10/6/2018, 5:12 pm

I went outside to take some pictures for work and noticed gnats. They're not in great abundance to be annoying. I have seen them several times when I think about it, but again they've not been annoying. I don't see them in the morning or evening. It's 4 pm here in Denton, tx now.

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Post  has55 10/24/2018, 4:29 pm

these pictures where taken on 10/20/2018 about 10oo am. it shows empty to filling up again.

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Post  has55 7/6/2020, 7:25 pm

I took a couple of the old pictures for completing the experiment because I forgot to take pictures of the first week, but it almost the same material for completing the experiment.


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Post  sanderson 1/3/2023, 6:23 pm

Has, Happy New Gardening Year! I stole one of your photos for someone who wanted to vermicast in small buckets in their garden. Laughing


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