Square Foot Gardening Forum
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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Toplef10Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. 1zd3ho10

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. I22gcj10Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. 14dhcg10


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Square Foot Gardening Forum
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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Toplef10Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. 1zd3ho10

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. I22gcj10Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. 14dhcg10

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Scorpio Rising
jimmy cee
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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  jimmy cee 3/17/2016, 9:21 am

Just finished up this rough draft, didn't want to spend to much time on it, if it works that's a project for another day.
Hoping to bring plants out, maybe flowers soon also. If it works I'l be able to save money growing wife's flowers, if she'll allow that.. When warms up, I will just set up cattle panel for cukes and zucchini.Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Cover_12
Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Greenh10
Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Greenh11
Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Greenh12
Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Greenh15
Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Greenh13
Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Greenh14
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  AtlantaMarie 3/17/2016, 3:22 pm


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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  landarch 3/17/2016, 3:42 pm

Nice Jimmy...I thought about making small boxes like this to cover individual squares...plastic or fabric for frost and insect protection...wire mesh for critter protection.

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  Scorpio Rising 3/17/2016, 9:02 pm

Most excellent, Jimmy Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. 3170584802
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Scorpio Rising

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  sanderson 3/18/2016, 3:48 am

Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. 3170584802 What is that special plastic? Is it suppose to last longer?


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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  jimmy cee 3/18/2016, 6:34 am

sanderson wrote:Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. 3170584802   What is that special plastic?  Is it suppose to last longer?
Yes, reinforced with string, as they call it.
I went out on a limb and paid $100 for  100 foot roll. Wasn't able to get it by the piece, although I should have checked Joa-nn's.
Had it delivered from Home Depot's shipping dep't, best price I could find online.
The width is ? maybe 8 or 10 feet.
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  CapeCoddess 3/18/2016, 11:14 am

I need a Jimmy at my house....
Rolling Eyes

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  sanderson 3/18/2016, 12:48 pm

?? 12 ft. x 100 ft. 6-mil String Reinforced Polyethylene Construction Film


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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  Kelejan 3/18/2016, 1:08 pm

landarch wrote:Nice Jimmy...I thought about making small boxes like this to cover individual squares...plastic or fabric for frost and insect protection...wire mesh for critter protection.

Me as well, landarch.  What I like about small boxes is that that they would be easy to move around. I find it beyond me now to move heavy stuff around so I also try to do things in small pieces/quantities as well as time.

Edited to add: make them a standard size and they will be easier to store.

Also it is easy to make use of small pieces of wood, off cuts and such.

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  landarch 3/18/2016, 1:52 pm

Keljean, I agree.  I have problems with squirrels digging in my SFG...they disturb roots of plants I set out, as well as dig in squares I seed (lettuce, carrots, beets).

Right now I use a square wire mesh cage (open top), roughly 11" x 11" that slips into grid openings...but I don't have enough made.

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  jimmy cee 3/18/2016, 9:20 pm

CapeCoddess wrote:I need a Jimmy at my house....
Rolling Eyes

Jimmy's good at some things bad at others, haven't found the bad yet...
I'm thinking I may finally be finished constructing things, takes to much time away from enjoying my garden, however  that may change when everything is growing and I am sitting with coffee or a beer and thinking.
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  jimmy cee 3/18/2016, 9:21 pm

sanderson wrote:??   12 ft. x 100 ft. 6-mil String Reinforced Polyethylene Construction Film
Sounds about right, let me know if I should look it up..
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  AtlantaMarie 3/19/2016, 7:29 am

Well, Jimmy, if you get really bored, you could do the traveling garden bed set up routine! I'd love to have you come down here...

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  jimmy cee 3/19/2016, 6:07 pm

AtlantaMarie wrote:Well, Jimmy, if you get really bored, you could do the traveling garden bed set up routine!  I'd love to have you come down here...
Is there any bluegrass, or mountain music playing in your area ? That alone would draw me in, the rest..???Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Porch_11
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  AtlantaMarie 3/19/2016, 6:59 pm

You betcha! There's a great bluegrass store about 40 miles from the house! And I've got lots on my mp3 player, so we can blast away...!

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  sanderson 3/19/2016, 7:04 pm

I love bluegrass!


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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  AtlantaMarie 3/19/2016, 7:06 pm

Well, come on over, Sanderson! We'll just move the entire party to my house!! Everyone's welcome!!!

The neighbors are used to us having a full driveway & yard full of cars, so they probly won't even notice that 3000 of my closest gardening friends are here...

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  CapeCoddess 3/19/2016, 7:35 pm

A little bluegrass, a little zydeco... I'm there!

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  jimmy cee 3/19/2016, 7:52 pm

AtlantaMarie wrote:You betcha!  There's a great bluegrass store about 40 miles from the house!  And I've got lots on my mp3 player, so we can blast away...!
Sorry mamma dont low any MP3 players round here..
Only music I'll be close to and listen to any more is live, no amps, or mike's...all perfect acoustic.
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  sanderson 3/20/2016, 2:53 pm

AtlantaMarie wrote:Well, come on over, Sanderson!  We'll just move the entire party to my house!!  Everyone's welcome!!!

The neighbors are used to us having a full driveway & yard full of cars, so they probly won't even notice that 3000 of my closest gardening friends are here...
rofl smiles


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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  AtlantaMarie 3/20/2016, 4:10 pm

Oh, fine, Jimmy! I bet I have some friends & acquaintances who do bluegrass... I'll just have to make some calls...

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  jimmy cee 3/20/2016, 10:04 pm

AtlantaMarie wrote:Oh, fine, Jimmy!  I bet I have some friends & acquaintances who do bluegrass...  I'll just have to make some calls...
Did you get that Momma dont alow no MVP players round here ?
jimmy cee
jimmy cee

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  AtlantaMarie 3/21/2016, 8:28 am

Yes... So they'll just have to come over & we'll do a concert with no amps or mikes! Problem solved. :-)

So, when do my closest 3000 gardening friends want to meet at my house?

:-) (Dang, I wish my emoticons worked!)

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  CapeCoddess 3/21/2016, 10:58 am

AtlantaMarie wrote:
:-)  (Dang, I wish my emoticons worked!)

Try a different browser. I can't use them with Firefox on my Android tablet but can with Chrome. Same with posting photos.

Next time I drive to FL I'm stopping by, Marie!
Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. 3170584802
could be years though.

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Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house. Empty Re: Hot house..Square house.. or just a 4 X 4 house.

Post  sanderson 3/21/2016, 6:16 pm

I would love to do an I-95 / I-85 road trip.


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