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A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? Toplef10A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? 1zd3ho10

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A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? I22gcj10A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? 14dhcg10


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A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? Toplef10A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? 1zd3ho10

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A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? I22gcj10A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? 14dhcg10

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A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it?

Marc Iverson
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A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? Empty A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it?

Post  Windmere 8/6/2015, 2:56 pm

Can you, off hand, identify this wildflower?  This has suddenly appeared in our front yard, and I've never seen anything like it.  I figure someone here might be able to immediately recognize it.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? Aquari11

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A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? Empty Re: A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it?

Post  plantoid 8/6/2015, 6:05 pm

My guess , either columbine or periwinkle.. periwinkle if it has waxy leaves & is low to the ground , columbine if it is a climber.

 Edited a few min later : - neither No .. I've just looked at the Google Image for them .. they are totally different.

Last edited by plantoid on 8/6/2015, 6:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

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A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? Empty Re: A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it?

Post  Marc Iverson 8/6/2015, 6:05 pm

I think Georgia O'Keefe would have liked to paint that flower.
Marc Iverson
Marc Iverson

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A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? Empty Re: A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it?

Post  Windmere 8/6/2015, 6:24 pm

Marc Iverson wrote:I think Georgia O'Keefe would have liked to paint that flower.
Embarassed  I have to say, after I saw this photo posted... I thought the exact same thing.

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A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? Empty Re: A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it?

Post  CapeCoddess 8/6/2015, 6:28 pm

My first thought is some kind of legume.  How big is that flower. Can you pull back a bit so we can see the leaves?  Is it a vine?


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A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? Empty Re: A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it?

Post  Scorpio Rising 8/6/2015, 6:37 pm

Centrosema virginianum; spurred butterfly pea

Scorpio Rising
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A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? Empty Re: A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it?

Post  Windmere 8/6/2015, 6:50 pm

Scorpio Rising wrote:Centrosema virginianum; spurred butterfly pea

Ah, Scorpio, I think you almost got it  Evidently it is a type of butterfly pea.  Your suggestion lead me to something similar.  I guess Marc was on to something when he mentioned Georgia O'Keefe:

Clitoria Mariana

A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? Clitor10

Scorpio, I took the Centrosema Virginianum name and looked that up on Walter Reeves' website.  Someone thought a Centrosema specemin was actually a Clitoria Mariana.  In my case, that's exactly what it is.

Scorpio, wildflower.org even says that the two are often confused:


Ok folks, it's a family-oriented website...

Last edited by Windmere on 8/6/2015, 6:59 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added wildflower.com)

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A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? Empty Re: A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it?

Post  Scorpio Rising 8/6/2015, 7:04 pm

Windmere you are right!! And clever! LOL Yes, let's keep this site PG for heaven's sake! A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? 931411784
Scorpio Rising
Scorpio Rising

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A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? Empty wildflower

Post  kauairosina 8/6/2015, 8:24 pm

A bit off the subject but will you please let me know what kind of camera you have?  Even pictures that I was taking this morning appear blurry on the camera screen.  I have a point and shoot Panasonic DMC FH 27.  Doesn't seem to be doing the job.  I couldn't help but notice how clear your wildflower picture is.

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A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? Empty Re: A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it?

Post  sanderson 8/7/2015, 2:48 am

Beautiful flower.


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A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? Empty Re: A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it?

Post  Windmere 8/7/2015, 7:21 am

kauairosina wrote:A bit off the subject but will you please let me know what kind of camera you have?  Even pictures that I was taking this morning appear blurry on the camera screen.  I have a point and shoot Panasonic DMC FH 27.  Doesn't seem to be doing the job.  I couldn't help but notice how clear your wildflower picture is.
It's a Fujifilm Finepix water proof digital camera (ours is green).  Each picture is 3MB.  I only took the first picture, the second one is from a reference site.

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A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? Empty Re: A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it?

Post  AtlantaMarie 8/9/2015, 8:20 am

So, Windmere, what's the latest on this pretty flower?

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A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it? Empty Re: A sudden wildflower new to my garden... Can you ID it?

Post  Windmere 8/9/2015, 8:37 pm

AtlantaMarie wrote:So, Windmere, what's the latest on this pretty flower?
Well, I have not really been noticing these because they are in a remote space I don't pay much attention to.  I just stepped out to check and I saw that there are eight faded blossoms and one fully open one. 

My wife just mentioned to me that she has seen this flower twice in other parts of our area (over the last day or so).   Our vine is getting long and it has several tendrils.  I'm hoping we will see some more flowers in the near future.

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