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Invasive Species!
Marc Iverson
Cajun Cappy
8 posters
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Invasive Species!
usually every year something volunteers to grow in one of our gardens Well here's a bunch of pictures showing this years surprise.
cappy's garden
Lucky you guys. We have volunteers also. I'll send you a picture some time (Sandersen will)... Tasteless, huge hummers that some locals like. Used to have some Kombocha volunteers which are more tasty but no longer. Gotta get more of the right kind.
kauairosina- Posts : 656
Join date : 2014-01-16
Age : 89
Location : Lawai, Hawaii, 96765
Re: Invasive Species!
Nice turn of events!
Marc Iverson- Posts : 3637
Join date : 2013-07-05
Age : 63
Location : SW Oregon
Re: Invasive Species!
our ill kept pile of stuff we refer to as compost is a valuable yard corner we never stir it or work it put big branches and stuff on one side where they dry and are stripped of leaves and burned in or fire pit. leaves and every thing else goes on top on the other side and it never gets turned over. from the bottom we get garden soil, worms, and the occasional volunteer.
Re: Invasive Species!
Don't you just love when your plans get squashed in such a good way?! I always have some sort of volunteer and I LOVE them! I am slowly getting my raised brick bed that the neighborhood alley cat turned into his litterbox changed into a volunteer Sunflower Forest. My volunteer cilantro has now started invading my grass which makes it smell absolutely HEAVENLY when I mow. I actually planted butternut squash about 3 weeks ago and they are just getting true leaves right now. I hope in a month or so they will be spilling out of the box like your mystery plant did.
Goosegirl- Posts : 3424
Join date : 2011-02-16
Age : 59
Location : Zone 4A - NE SD
Re: Invasive Species!
That's adorable, Cappy! I'm trying to grow butternut for the 3rd time. I'm beginning to wonder if the more you coddle them the slower they grow.
CapeCoddess- Posts : 6811
Join date : 2012-05-20
Age : 68
Location : elbow of the Cape, MA, Zone 6b/7a
Re: Invasive Species!
This is actually the second time butter nuts have volunteered. The first time it vined over our arbor back in the jungle.
And yall thought you guys were messy wild gardeners
And yall thought you guys were messy wild gardeners
Re: Invasive Species!
Good heavens, Cappy! Is that a banana tree behind you?
You look like you're about to be swallowed up by your garden! (Kinda like kudzu here...)
You look like you're about to be swallowed up by your garden! (Kinda like kudzu here...)
Re: Invasive Species!
LOL yea we have banana palms and pecan trees I refer to them as peggy's nanner nut bread no da hoof.
Re: Invasive Species!
Oh pecan trees, how I miss those. I used to live in Mobile, AL.Cajun Cappy wrote:LOL yea we have banana palms and pecan trees I refer to them as peggy's nanner nut bread no da hoof.
FeedMeSeeMore- Posts : 143
Join date : 2014-05-06
Location : Georgia
Re: Invasive Species!
here's a lil video I dug outa our old home movies for ya AuderyII(yea i got it) it's a good example of how we roll
Re: Invasive Species!
Pecan pickin, dogs and beer. Don't get no better'n that.Cajun Cappy wrote:here's a lil video I dug outa our old home movies for ya AuderyII(yea i got it) it's a good example of how we roll
FeedMeSeeMore- Posts : 143
Join date : 2014-05-06
Location : Georgia
cappy's garden
Great pecans! Wish we could grow them. Also great dogs. Many mahalos for the video.
kauairosina- Posts : 656
Join date : 2014-01-16
Age : 89
Location : Lawai, Hawaii, 96765
Re: Invasive Species!
Cajun Cappy wrote:LOL yea we have banana palms and pecan trees I refer to them as peggy's nanner nut bread no da hoof.
LOL! sounds good to me!
We have a pecan tree in the back yard.
But we get very few nuts. The chipmunks (and now the squirrels) get to them before I do...
Re: Invasive Species!
Yes, it is!
Ya know, Cappy, there is this instrument called a "nut picker" that will allow you to pick up the nuts without crawling on the ground... You can get them at Lowe's, HD, etc.
(For those shooters/hunters in the group, it's also great for picking up shot cartridges.)
But probly the dogs wouldn't have as much fun with you if you did it that way...
Ya know, Cappy, there is this instrument called a "nut picker" that will allow you to pick up the nuts without crawling on the ground... You can get them at Lowe's, HD, etc.
(For those shooters/hunters in the group, it's also great for picking up shot cartridges.)
But probly the dogs wouldn't have as much fun with you if you did it that way...
Re: Invasive Species!
LoL down here in pecan country thise nut picker things are a sign of old age. pecan pickers go from duck walking and bending over when young to crawling around when older. We are trying hard to avoid the walking cane/nut picker things for a few more years. Also the doggy wrestling and now kitty pawing added to the mix is lots of fun.
Re: Invasive Species!
LOL! Thanks a LOT, Cappy... This was only the 26th anniversary of my 26th birthday this year.
It's just easier on my back and a whole lot faster for me.
But I must confess that if I had critters, I'd think twice... I always enjoyed wresting w/ my 4-legged boys.
It's just easier on my back and a whole lot faster for me.
But I must confess that if I had critters, I'd think twice... I always enjoyed wresting w/ my 4-legged boys.
Re: Invasive Species!
Well marie I have a few "anniversaries" of that day on ya. I still though older and fatter refuse to get a walking stick that picks pecans Clinging to my contrary ways I must admit though, it's getting harder and harder to get up from crawling around when ya done and I now hafta rely on the buckets assistance to do so. I am sure the pecan picking stick aint far off.
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